"is it?"

Ye Shenyue nodded and said slightly seriously:

"Then, fortunately, please take care of me in the future!"

Hearing Ye Shenyue's sincere words, fortunately took a deep breath and said with a smile like spring:


After visiting the quiet campus, Yeshenyue went back to the room by herself to clean up. Although Xiaoling was very helpful, Yeshenyue still didn't want the little girl to work too hard. I went to take a bath, washed away my exhaustion, and got up on time at six o'clock the next morning.

After a simple exercise, Ye Shenyue ate breakfast, packed her things, opened the door with her schoolbag and prepared to go out!


A red-haired girl appeared in front of Ye Shenyue's eyes. When her eyes met, Ye Shenyue's whole body tensed as if she had been injected with needles, and the red-haired girl fell directly to the ground in surprise!

In the blink of an eye, Yeshenyue had already recognized someone, and that was her girlfriend—Zhou Fangtianyin!

"It's okay!"

Just when Tian Yin was about to fall to the ground, Ye Shenyue grabbed her weak arm and pulled her body up!

"Night God Moon!"

Looking at Ye Shenyue incredulously, the book in Tian Yin's hand fell on the ground.

"I'll help you pick it up!"

Suppressing her curiosity, Ye Shenyue picked up Tian Yin's book, handed it to her, and said:

"When did you come to this school? Why didn't I get the news?"

"Ah, you ask this!"

Determined to be Ye Shenyue, not someone who looks alike, Tian Yin's mood suddenly relaxed, sitting on the sofa, calmly receiving:

"I don't know. Anyway, my father suddenly received a notice that there was a particularly good opportunity waiting for me, so he hurriedly asked me to transfer schools here. It's only been a month since I came here, why? You're here too. ?"


Ye Shenyue nodded, guessing about seven or eight points in her heart, and said:

"It's a mission, but it's also an experience of life. After all, I also have to have a complete life history. Otherwise, wouldn't it be embarrassing to go out and say that I didn't graduate from elementary school?"

Ye Shenyue put her schoolbag on the coffee table, sat next to Tian Yin, nodded and said:

"Did a mysterious letter find your father, and then you came here?"

"Yeah, how do you know? Are you too?"

Tianyin nodded silently and looked at Ye Shenyue with a look of joy. In just a few years, Ye Shenyue had completely grown into a man. Looking at that golden ratio body and firm eyes, Tianyin silently said in the bottom of her heart. happy.

"Forget it, in short, we can live together in the future, aren't you very happy?"

Yeshenyue smiled, took Tianyin's hand, and the two walked to the teaching building together. As soon as they reached the corner of the third floor, Yeshenyue felt a gust of wind rushing in front of her!


Ye Shenyue hurriedly hugged Tian Yin's waist, the two of them turned to their sides, watching a brown-haired girl covering her head and rushing over!


Ye Shenyue stretched out her hand, grabbed the little girl who almost fell down the stairs, glanced silently, and asked Tianyin:

"Who is this fiery girl?"

"It's... the nesting dill..."

Tianyin looked at Shicai in the nest with an embarrassed tone, and seemed very dissatisfied.

"Uh, I'm Luchao Shicai, hello..."

She stretched out her hand timidly, and Shi Cai didn't even have the courage to look at Ye Shenyue when she entered the nest.

"Hello, my name is Fengjian Yeshenyue, please take care of me!"

Ye Shenyue looked at Shi Cai with playful eyes, pointed to her hair and said:

"Why are you covering your head and not looking at the road?"

"It's nothing, I just don't want to comb my hair..."

In the nest, Mica timidly explained, and there was a maid with a sly smile around the corner...

Chapter [-] Lively Students

"Haha, I got you!"

Xiaoling Xing was wearing a maid's uniform, with a comb in his hand, he rushed to the front of Ye Shenyue with a stride, then grabbed the weed in the nest, and said with the comb:

"Zicai, today I'm going to meet a new student, and it's the big brother, so I must comb my hair!"

"No, it hurts, people don't..."

In the nest, Shicai struggled and looked at Ye Shenyue with tears in her eyes, looking very pitiful.

"Uh, she seems to have seen the new born, so she doesn't need to comb her hair..."

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