
Song Heman jumped up as soon as Yumiko left, and said excitedly:

"Sure enough, there are so many people and so much power. Let's work together to finally give Yeyue Shenjun and Yumiko a chance to get along alone!"

"You seem very happy that the two of them are together!"

Tianyin's slightly jealous voice came from the door, everyone was stunned, pretended not to hear, and began to discuss learning in the classroom!

"Tianyin, Yeyue Shenjun's mission also needs your support!"

Walking past Tianyin, Tachibana Qianhe reminded in a low voice, and then left the classroom under Tianyin's suspicious eyes.

Xiao Lingyuki's efficiency is always very good. I just discussed this matter with Yumiko, and I soon informed Yeyueshen. Yeyueshen, who had not driven for a long time, heard it and smiled slightly, and took over the garage from Tachibana Qianhe. the key, and drove a pickup to the door to meet Yumiko, who had already changed her clothes!

"It's all your plan!"

Yumiko looked at Yeyueshen with dissatisfaction, muttered a few words, opened the car door, and sat behind Yeyueshen!

"How can you see it?"

Ye Yueshen looked at Yumiko curiously, turned the steering wheel, and drove the pickup out of the school gate!

"Do you still need to watch it? Since you came to this school, you have isolated me and wanted to approach me without restriction. Of course, this is a premeditated thing!"

"You have a lot of ideas..."

Ye Yueshen smiled, pressed the hidden button in the car, and a pistol automatically popped up from the radio:

"Have you seen it? Everything in this school is equipped with self-defense devices. It can be seen that it is not safe here. My arrival has made everyone feel safe. It is normal for everyone to be close to me. To assassinate me by various means, it should be normal to be isolated!"

"I can't tell. You are good at skills and eloquence. You won't stutter when you see girls. It shows that you must have received professional training!"

Yumiko nodded, took out a computer from her schoolbag, opened it, turned it over and said to Ye Yueshen:

"I searched for your information using any channels I could get, but all I got were fake news and some directly blocked links. I doubt your identity. Don't think that the girls in this school are so innocent. I don't seem to know. Will be dealing with someone who doesn't know his true identity!"

"Does it mean that you never deal with strangers?"

While driving the car, Ye Yueshen put the pistol in his hand and said with a smile:

"Unless you already have enough information about the other party, otherwise, you will never contact them rashly. If you encounter someone you can't grasp, you will directly attack and use irritating means to enrich the other party's information base. Is this way? The family tradition of the consortium family?"


Unexpectedly, Yeyueshen directly stated her most taboo fact, Yumiko subconsciously wanted to draw a knife, and then she remembered that she could not hurt Yeyueshen's fur at all!

"Okay, let's stop fighting and take out that thick purchase order, plan our purchasing process, and always doubt each other, isn't it tiring?"

Ye Yueshen smiled, pointed to the upper peak in the distance and said:

"I'm judging by my cryptic source of experience, this place is very suitable for attacking us, so please wear your seat belts!"

"You don't need to remind me!"

Yumiko waited for Ye Yueshen and took out a bag of white transparent powder from her bag:

"I'll make them regret it!"

Chapter [-] Pickup Crisis

"I know that some people are born to like to play tricks!"

Passing through the mountain pass that Yeyueshen specially reminded, Yumiko put down the white powder bag in her hand and looked at Yeyueshen in front of her with disdain.

"Whether it's a trick or not, we'll know when the time comes!"

Ye Luna stretched out his hand to look at his watch and said:

"When we come back, this place should have deployed personnel to attack you, which is the same as the mold on your head!"

"A misjudgment is a misjudgment. Why say these useless words, who has bad luck? How can I not see it myself! Only you can see it? I think you just want to put yourself in a god-like position, Let those little girls who don't have much heart be afraid of their guts, and then rely on you!"

"When I come back, I will go around this place, and you will know when the time comes!"

Yeyueshen responded silently. When he heard the word "God", Yeyueshen almost laughed out loud, but Yumiko sat directly behind Yeyueshen and didn't see the changes in Yeyueshen's expression at all!

"Okay, let's go to the nearest large supermarket first, buy these food, and then divide it into two ways. I will buy things for girls, and you will buy consumables for school. That's it!"

Did Yumiko classify the purchase order in her hand and hand it to Ye Yueshen!

"Be careful!"

Ye Yueshen handed a keychain-like thing to Yumiko and said:

"As long as you are in danger, this thing will remind me. Although I have good intentions, if you think this is a tracker or monitor, I have nothing to say... because it has such a function!"


Yumiko gave Yeyueshen an unhappy look, and after thinking about it, she still took the keychain from Yeyueshen's hand, put it in her bag, and said:

"I have a lot to buy. You have to pick me up in your car before I sell out."

"That's natural!"

Ye Yueshen nodded, stepped on the accelerator, and the whole pickup flew to the nearest city. After playing a treasure hunt in the supermarket, Ye Yueshen sent Yumiko to a very luxurious looking In the cosmetics mall, I drove to the nearest mobile warehouse by myself, bought the consumables that Tachibana Chizuru needed and some school facilities, and then returned to the entrance of the cosmetics mall.

"Looks like I'm here early..."

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