Looking at Moon God in surprise, Yumiko discovered for the first time that someone could prop up a car with her hands!

"What are you still doing? Hurry up and hide! Don't show your face!"

Ye Yueshen glanced at Yumiko speechlessly, asked her to hide in the car, then turned her back to the pickup to change the bullets, and rushed out in a single stride!


Before he knew it, the enemy had already killed him. Yeyueshen killed a few with bullets, pulled out a sharp sword from the leggings, and fought directly with the strong men in black who rushed up!

"It's them!"

Yumiko was lying under the car, watching the battle in front of her in horror. A lot of strong men had already surrounded Yeyueshen, but Yeyueshen didn't move a step here, so as not to expose Yumiko's location!


With one kick on the chest of a strong man, Ye Yueshen used his strength to do a backflip and clamped the neck of the strong man behind him with his feet, followed by a scissor foot to solve it on the spot!


The strong man who rushed up punched Ye Yueshen on the back of the head, but before he could hit him, Ye Yueshen grabbed his wrist with his backhand, fell directly to the ground, and executed him directly with his elbow!


Seeing that the last strong man was knocked to the ground by Yeyueshen, Yumiko, who had been lying in the car for a long time, crawled out happily. As soon as she stood up, she saw Yeyueshen looking at her in horror!

"what happened?"

Yumiko looked at Ye Yueshen curiously, and when she turned around, she only saw a black hole aimed at her head!


The gunshots sounded, and Yumiko didn't even realize what was going on, she felt like her spine was being pushed!

"Go to hell!"

With a roar, Ye Yueshen directly punched the strong man with the black gun to the ground, and then ended his life with a dagger!

"Did you hit?"

At the same time, on the distant mountain ridge, a group of people quietly watched the fight in front of them with binoculars, as if all this had nothing to do with them!

"It should have hit, so who can dodge at such a close distance? The girl is already dead, and we can almost return to our lives. Soon, the number one seat of Japan's No. [-] mysterious consortium may have to change his surname! "

An old man said gloomily, and quietly left with the people around him!

"do not move!"

Ye Yueshen stepped on Yumiko's body and said in a low voice:

"The group is gone, but the drone is still there. You have to play a show with me, or we won't be able to go back to school at all!"


Ye Yueshen suppressed his body, Yumiko couldn't move even if she wanted to, so she could only bow her head helplessly. When the drone hovering in the sky disappeared, Ye Yueshen helped the frightened Yumiko up!

"How did you do it just now? I thought I was dead?"

Yumiko wiped the grit from her face, and looked at Ye Yueshen with admiration.

"You're dead now! I'm going to be very sad!"

Ye Yueshen smiled, and before Yumiko could react, she picked her up and put it into the back seat of the pickup truck that had been supported!


Being hugged by Yeyueshen like this, Yumiko's pale face suddenly turned blush. She hadn't been touched by any other man since she was a child. This time she was really stunned!

"Do you want to escape the endless strife?"

Ye Yueshen said calmly while launching the pickup:

"It's fine to lie down, you don't need to get up, you don't need to sit up to speak"

"Of course I thought..."

Nodding silently, although Yumiko didn't know what Yeyueshen seemed to think, her intuition told her that this person could be trusted!

"I have an idea that might get you out of this, would you like it?"

Ye Yueshen said with a smile, his eyes full of confidence!

"tell me the story?"

Yumiko tilted her head and looked at Ye Yueshen with a curious expression on her face.

"It's very simple, just pretend to die, so that you can disappear from this world, and then freedom is in the distance, as long as you want, I can help you!"

"You seem to be very experienced!"

Yumiko looked at Ye Yueshen meaningfully, and the corner of her mouth showed a smile that grabbed the small handle of others!

"Whatever you think, that's what I said. If you agree, we'll implement it. If you don't agree, just pretend you haven't heard of it!"

"There's no risk anyway, so let's try it..."

Yumiko nodded and said:

"Have you thought of this idea since you helped me dodge that bullet?"

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