Yumiko suddenly released Yeyueshen, snuggled into Yeyueshen's arms, and said:

"It's very different from me. My father and my mother got married to give birth to a boy who could inherit the family business, but it was me who was born. The frail mother couldn't have another child."

Saying that, Yumiko wiped the tears from her eyes and cried:

"Father, and the mother's family, who received the assistance of the Sakaki family, blamed the mother. The mother's heart and body were sick. The grandparents who were talking about the accident put the mother in the hospital. The mother was all cumin and was alone in the hospital. Inside. And I have completely cut off contact with the only family relationship."

Chapter [-] Open Your Heart

"In the sight of gossip and curiosity, I don't even have a friend! At home, my grandparents looked at me with disgust, and even so, I went to see my mother every day."

Yumiko wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, crawled in the arms of Yeyueshen, and said word by word:

"Because I thought that one day, she would show me that beautiful smile again, until that day, I went to see my mother as usual, and my mother was lying on the hospital bed, looking out the window thoughtfully, before I said goodbye. When I was at the time, I suddenly looked back at me and said, 'Yumiko, you, it would be great if you were a boy, why, why not?"

"Don't think about it..."

Ye Yueshen lightly patted Yumiko's shoulder and whispered comfortably:

"These are all in the past tense, now you have to start looking to the future!"

"I ran out of the hospital crying, and on the street, I fell..."

Yumiko didn't seem to hear Ye Yueshen's persuasion, and continued:

"At that time, I knelt on the ground and kept sobbing. This was not what I wanted, nor did I volunteer to be a girl. None of this was what I wanted, but it came to me mercilessly. My hair is cut short, and my mother's words are constantly recalled in my mind, I hate, I didn't cause all this, why? Why are they all accusing me? Is it hard to think that my birth was a mistake?"

"It's not your fault, it's their fault, it's the world's fault, and the world's fault is letting a group of people with their ignorance ascend to high places, formulate these shameless standards and laws, and then think arrogantly that these Anything goes anywhere!"

Ye Yueshen hugged Yumiko gently, nodded and said:

"Be strong, this world will not abandon anyone, and there is no capital to abandon anyone, only we can abandon the whole world!"


After sobbing, Yumiko reached out her hand to wipe away the tears from the corners of her eyes, revealing a sad smile:

"Afterwards, my father's lover gave birth to a boy, and my mother committed suicide after being provoked. In the end, she apologized and said, "I'm very sorry, I couldn't have a boy!" , raised me as an heir with a face of unwillingness. I felt at the time that for my father, whether it was my mother, me, or something else, they were all props to make the Dongbang Group grow!"

Yumiko shouted loudly, her ears wet, and when she looked up, she found that it was starting to rain in the sky, and Ye Yueshen had blocked the rain on her head with her arms!

"Let's talk under the bridge, where is quieter!"

Ye Yueshen stood up and looked into the distance, the sky was empty, and the surroundings were extremely quiet!


Nodding her head, Yumiko, who had been kneeling on the ground, stood up and went under the bridge with Yeyueshen to avoid the rain. She sat beside Yeyueshen, leaning against the huge pier, and Yumiko put her head on Yeyueshen's shoulders. , with memories written in his eyes:

"Because of my mother's suicide and my younger brother's death, I was under the curious gaze of others. Whether at home or at school, there was no one I could open my heart to! Soon after, I couldn't stand it anymore, and I would laugh at me with a utility knife. My classmate was slashed!"

"And then your father paid for the school?"

Ye Yueshen looked at Yumiko curiously, and when she said all this, the little girl's expression was so focused, as if it all happened yesterday!


Yumiko nodded and continued:

"My father built a school to hide me from the sight of the stone man, but now he can't help forcing me to go back to inherit the shameless family business that has killed so many lives and spirits!"

"But everything is fine now!"

Ye Yueshen nodded and said with a look of longing:

"You can continue to hide your identity in this world, and your father's biggest competitor has also been solved by us, and the old man may not worry about inheritance for a long time!"

"You can think about it!"

Yumiko gave Ye Yueshen a dissatisfied look:

"Really, if my father didn't say those words in front of my tomb, I might have continued to live with these obsessions, but I don't know why, since I heard my father's words, I suddenly felt that my father is not that jerk!"

"what about me?"

Ye Yueshen pointed at himself with a smile, and said:

"You have used the word jerk on me a lot, didn't I before, in your heart, I was a bad man like my father?"

"I want you to tell me!"

Yumiko gave Yeyueshen a dissatisfied look, stretched out her hand to wipe the rain on Yeyueshen's shoulders, and said:

"Can you be the one who shelters you from the wind and rain? You are still the first. Can I judge you like that?"

"Well, it seems that your attitude towards me has finally changed!"

Ye Yueshen stood up, wiped away the tears and sweat on his body, and said with a smile:

"Anyway, we should go back now, no matter what, no one will reveal the fact that you are still alive!"

"What about your mission?"

Yumiko suddenly said:

"Aren't you trying to persuade me to go back to inherit the family business? Now theoretically, I'm already dead, can you still stay in this school?"

"What do you take me for?"

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