Ye Yueshen looked at Yumiko in embarrassment and said with a smile:

"Why don't we go out and talk?"

"it is good……"

Just as Yumiko was about to agree, Tianyin suddenly rushed out, hugged Ye Yueshen's neck, stretched out her head, and said with a smile:

"Oh, isn't this Yumiko? Since it's late at night, don't leave..."

"What nonsense are you talking about..."

Ye Yueshen lightly tapped Tianyin's forehead with his hand, looked at Tianyin suspiciously and said:

"Didn't you just put on your pajamas? Why did you come out wearing a bikini?"

"It's not cold anyway, isn't it cool to wear a bikini, right, Yumiko, I've never seen you in a bikini before!"

With a meaningful smile hanging on the corner of Tianyin's mouth, she hugged Ye Yueshen and said with a smile.

Chapter [-] The Sky of the Night

"Uh, since you are here, let's talk about my business tomorrow!"

Yumiko looked at Yeyueshen and Tianyin with a blushing face. Before she could finish her words, Tianyin took the initiative to say:

"It's okay, day and night are the same. Anyway, Yeyueshen is my boyfriend. As long as I'm here, don't worry, I won't mind what you and Yeyueshen say!"


Yumiko looked at Tian Yin suspiciously, and said in surprise:

"God Lord Yeyue has only been here for a few days, so why did he suddenly become your boyfriend?"

"Of course it's impossible to win a good man like Yeyue Shenjun in a few days, but sister, I took action early. As early as when I was twelve years old, Yeyue Shenjun was my boyfriend! Isn't it?"

Saying that, Tianyin shook Yeyueshen's body to show intimacy!

"She's telling the truth..."

Ye Yueshen nodded and said with a smile:

"Yumiko, if you have something to say tomorrow, it's getting late, Tianyin and I are going to rest, you should go to sleep too!"


Silently glanced at Yeyueshen, Yumiko shrugged helplessly, and then left Yeyueshen's dormitory with complicated eyes!

"Did you want to be so explicit just now?"

Ye Yueshen looked at Tian Yin helplessly, tapped her shoulder with his hand, and said:

"Is not It Cold?"

"Cold, of course it's cold!"

When Tianyin was told this, she immediately hugged her arms and said:

"If you don't bring the blanket over, everyone will freeze to death. You really shouldn't be wearing this in front of Yumiko. You don't see any envy in her eyes at all!"

"Exciting you!"

Ye Yueshen smiled and quickly put the blanket over Tian Yin and said:

"Let's go in and rest, it's really late, you seem to be on duty tomorrow!"

"On duty?"

Tianyin was stunned for a moment, thought about it, and said with a smile:

"How come, our duty is all done by Xiaoling, I have never been on duty!"

"Then why did I see Yumiko on duty yesterday?"

Ye Yueshen was curious for a while, and waved his hand to close the door. There was no wind in the room, and Tianyin naturally took off the blanket from his body, revealing his pure white skin!

"Yumiko will never let others help, no matter if the other party is good or bad!"

Tianyin nodded, then looked at Ye Yueshen curiously, and said:

"You get up so early every day, you can't be watching who is on duty all the time!"

"This kind of thing is obviously known just by looking at it, how could it be deliberately observed?"

Ye Yueshen smiled, took the blanket off Tian Yin, looked at those clear and bright eyes, and said with a smile:

"You're wearing this sexy underwear, not just to show off your good figure to Yumiko, right?"

"of course not!"

Tianyin smiled stupidly and said:

"I still have to demonstrate to you, look at me, I have been a gourmet since I was a child, but I have never eaten fat, and I don't exercise much. You exercise so seriously every day, and you are nothing but eight pack abs!"

"Then you're the merman line you're going to show me?"

Ye Yueshen's tone was a little frivolous, he reached out and hooked Tian Yin's chin, and slowly, he kissed his lips, but Yumiko did not leave at this time, but hid in the corner alone, clearly Listen to the movements of Yeyueshen and Tianyin in the room!

"It's too much! I actually heard that I didn't sleep here and made out at night!"

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