Then he turned to Xiaoling Yu and said:

"Let's become a woman who can count to [-] in the bath! Women just have to learn to be patient!"

"You two want to take a bath?"

Tianyin glanced at Yeyueshen alertly, and said in a erratic tone!

"Of course! Do you want to come together?"

Shicai smiled, and without waiting for Tianyin to stop her, she took Shicai's hand and rushed towards the bathroom of Yeyueshen's room!

"Looks like you're not alone in knowing that my bathroom is perfect for a soak..."

Ye Yueshen looked at Tian Yin with blushing cheeks and said faintly...

"2404, 2405, 2406, 2407, oh, ah..."

He opened his arms soothingly, Xiao Lingxing looked tired in the steaming bathtub, and finally couldn't help but turn around and lie on the edge of the bathtub, his jade arms moved sideways, and the expression on his face seemed to be about to collapse.

"Xiao Xing, dinner is going to be cold!"

Tianyin's shouts came from outside the door, and she could count to more than [-] without interruption. For three hours, the little girl had been soaking in the bathtub, and the possibility of collapse was very high!

As Tianyin spoke, she opened the bathroom door and went in to see that Xiaoling Xing, who had already collapsed intolerably, had unknowingly put her head in the water!


With a loud roar, Tianyin quickly grabbed Xiaoling Xing's arm and shouted to the outside:

"Yeyueshen, hurry up! Hurry up! Xiao Lingxing seems to be collapsed!"


Ye Yueshen rushed in with a single stride. Seeing Xiao Ling Xing, who was exhausted and powerless, he grabbed her arm and dragged her whole body out without saying a word!

"Let the water go!"

Ye Yueshen hurriedly ordered:

"Now she's still naked, let her lie down in the bathtub first, and go to that big towel and blanket!"

"it is good!"

Tianyin nodded quickly and said suspiciously:

"Why is Shi Cai gone, and she is still lying here?"

"Maybe it's too stubborn!"

Ye Yueshen looked at the little girl's weak and weak appearance, shook his head slightly, and said:

"It's better to let her go back to rest first!"


Nodding her head, Tianyin immediately went to her room to bring the towels and blankets, and Ye Yueshen had already helped Xiaoling Xing to lie down in the bathtub that had been filled with water!

"It's so careless!"

Yeyueshen said while wiping Xiaoling Xing's body, blamed himself:

"I thought I was lucky enough to be fine!"

"Hurry up and carry her to the room. After a long weekend, the almighty monitor actually fell ill..."

Tianyin shook his head helplessly, Yeyueshen listened, and without hesitation, wrapped Xiaolingxing in a blanket, hugged him directly, and carried him from the bathroom to his bed!


After pouring a bowl of ice cubes, Tianyin hurriedly put a towel on Xiaoling Xing's forehead.

"It's my fault for saying that, sorry..."

Knowing that Xiaoling Xing was ill, Shi Cai hurried over, squatted beside the bed, and looked at Xiao Ling Xing with regret!

"You should also know Xiaoling's character!"

Tian Yin said dissatisfiedly:

"Be careful in the future!"

"Xiao Xing!"

Shicai cried out in regret, Tianyin looked at Yeyueshen and said:

"Got to get some new ice cubes!"

"I still have some in my fridge! Let's make do with it"

Yeyueshen nodded, turned around and went to get ice cubes, while Shicai was called by Tianyin to help. Yeyueshen, who brought the ice cubes, looked at Xiaoxing on the bed, sat thoughtfully, and said nothing. After a while, Xiaoling Xing, who was in a coma, turned his head and muttered to himself:

"God Lord Yeyue, make me a bamboo dragonfly..."

"Oh? Bamboo dragonfly?"

Yeyueshen was stunned for a moment, suddenly thought of something, looked at Xiaoling Xing curiously, but couldn't remember for a while...

Chapter [-] Yumiko's Thoughts

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