"Just lemon candy?"

"It's just lemon candy, so it doesn't do anything!"

Ye Yueshen nodded, carrying Song Heman on his back on the road back:

"You came out because you really didn't want to die!"

"That... Night Moon God!"

Lying on the back of Yeyueshen, Song Heman didn't want to let go!


"what happened?"

Ye Yueshen turned his face curiously, Song Heman seemed to be a little hot as he pressed against his face!

"I... to Yeyue Divine Sovereign"


Ye Yueshen responded lightly, as if he didn't notice anything!

"No, it's nothing!"

Song He thought about it for a while, but still shook his head, turned his head to look at the sunset, with a look of longing:

"I'm finally back! This is the world I live in!"

The shadow of the sunset hits on the water surface of the waves, which is beautiful and splendid.

"I, I actually don't have any thoughts about you!"

Song Heman leaned his head beside Yeyueshen's face, arrogant and unpretentious.

"You said you don't have any ideas, but you're holding me pretty tight!"

Yeyueshen said calmly while carrying Song Heman into the campus!

"It's an illusion, it's just your own illusion!"

Song Heman shouted with no confidence!

"Hey, don't get your face close! It's too hot!"

Ye Yueshen complained with a smile!

"This is impossible, because you are behind my back!"

Song Heman said, burying his head deeper...

"This is a happy couple!"

Standing on the rooftop, Tianyin shook her head and looked at Songheman and Yeyueshen who came back, and looked at Yumiko who was silent next to her from time to time!

"This is all for Song Heman to survive, I have no opinion!"

Yumiko tossed her long hair like a waterfall and turned to leave. Tian Yin was taken aback for a moment, turned around and akimbo and said loudly:

"What do you mean? I don't have any opinions, okay, this is doing a good deed! We don't want Songheman to disappear like this!"


Not far away, a pink-haired little girl with a camera put away her camera and disappeared around the corner...

Chapter [-] The arrival of the masters

"I can't believe it! When did Yeyueshen begin to have such a good relationship with everyone!"

Walking in the sun, Tianyin looked at Yeyueshen helplessly, because there was a cute nesting sage between him and Yeyueshen!

"No way, it's so popular wherever you go!"

Ye Yueshen smiled and nodded with a look of pride!

"I thought Yumiko was a very closed person. I didn't expect that in this conflict with the locals, Yumiko was the first to participate in service activities! What a brilliant technique!"

Entering the nest, Dicai ate the round bread in his hand, and when he looked up, he found that his eyeballs were stabbed by a burst of light!

"Whose car is it?"

Tianyin looked at the yellow Ferrari outside the door curiously, and looked at the blonde beauty, and suddenly felt that something deep in her memory seemed to be awakened!

"Yeyueshen, you seem to know that person!"

Tian Yin pointed to the distance, and as soon as Ye Yueshen looked up, JB next to Ferrari waved his hand vigorously and said:

"Hey! Night Moon God!"

"Yes, of course I know..."

Ye Yueshen smiled a little embarrassedly, and said to Shicai, who had hurriedly hid his body behind Ye Yueshen:

"Shica, you go in with Sister Tianyin first, and I'll go back in a while, okay?"

"All right……"

With a face of reluctance, Shi Cai grabbed Ye Yueshen's hand and said:

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