"Well, if there is a sniper in this place, all the art buildings opposite are within range!"

Yeyueshen thought habitually, and couldn't help but fall into deep thinking, why did Xiaoling Xing suddenly appear musty?Could it be that this academy will break into something that shouldn't come?

"Forget it, let's eat first! If everyone is here, even if there is a problem, I can solve it in time!"

Ye Yueshen shrugged and walked down the side stairs next to him. He habitually glanced back, only to see that Xiao Lingxing's room had opened a crack at some point, and a pair of fearful eyes looked at him.

"What is this little girl thinking?"

Ye Yueshen shook his head curiously, then pretended not to see it, and walked downstairs directly, it was only three floors, Ye Yueshen quickly left the dormitory building, went to his room and changed his sports shirt. A lined suit, and then, while sorting, walked into the cafeteria.

It is said to be a canteen, but it is actually a tidy home room, but the activity room is next to it. When everyone is free, they like to exercise next door. After a long time, some people suggested that Tachibana Qianhe put the so-called canteen in the room. Here, after all, in a school with only a few people, if everyone is allowed to eat in the large canteen with hundreds of seats and benches, it will be somewhat uncomfortable!

"The Night Moon God is here!"

As soon as Tianyin saw Yeyueshen, she hurried over, not paying any attention to the strange look in Yeyueshen's eyes:

"Tell me, what did those two women find you for? Are you going to come to this school, and are they planning to let you go back?"

"What are you talking about?"

Ye Yueshen gently removed Tian Yin's hand that was holding his arm, and said a little boringly:

"Is this kind of thing said here?"


As if receiving a hint from Yeyueshen, Tianyin nodded quickly and said with a smile:

"Such a question should be asked at night, isn't it?"

"Let's eat……"

Ye Yueshen didn't seem to be in a good mood, so he ignored Tianyin's teasing, took two steps, sat by the window, and looked at the people in the room meaningfully, except for Yumiko, who was habitually late. The rest of the girls have arrived, Tian Yin is sitting beside him, not at all annoyed by his indifference just now, Shicai in the nest is still that kind of weak, sitting in his place and has been looking for himself. The candy in the pocket, as if to eat a fixed candy every time period...

After Songheman became normal, the biggest change was to put the sour juice aside, and he fell in love with the lychee-flavored drink. When drinking the drink, he no longer made strange noises on purpose, with a smile on his mouth and eyes. Full of firmness!

"Have you all had a good day today?"

Ye Yueshen picked up the knife and fork on the table and wiped it with the white towel at hand. Although the tableware was clean and shiny when it was placed, Ye Yueshen didn't seem satisfied.

"It was a happy day, but someone was taken away by a woman they didn't know. No one would be happy when they saw it, let alone in front of his girlfriend!"

Tianyin pouted and seemed very dissatisfied with Yeyueshen's words!

"I'll make up for it later!"

Ye Yueshen smiled and looked at Song Heman and said:

"When we met just now, you were fine, what happened after that? It looks like you're not in good shape!"

"Have it?"

Song He looked at Ye Yueshen curiously and said:

"After saying hello to you, I went straight to here and started watching TV! I didn't see anyone except Tianyin and Shicai in the room!"

"Yeah, didn't Tachibana Chizuru-sensei say that he came to eat with us today? Where did you go?"

Entering the nest, Dicai murmured in a milky voice, but did not notice that the corner of Ye Yueshen's eyes twitched!

Chapter [-] Yumiko's Tips

"Who told me?"

As soon as Shicai entered the nest, Tachibana Qianhe walked in with a big smile and a bottle of red wine in her hand!

"Look, I stole this bottle of Lafite from the cellar of my own house. This is my father's favorite. I will share it with you tonight!"

Tachibana Qianhe said, nodded to the few people present, and sat in the position of the chief!

"Really? It's actually Lafite from [-]! My dad drank the entire collection four years ago! I haven't tasted this flavor in four years!"

Tianyin excitedly looked at Lafite in Tachibana Qianhe's hands, revealing the true nature of the food connoisseur!

"Uh, I heard it's expensive!"

Songhe looked curiously at the red wine in Tachibana's hand and said:

"In [-], the vineyards in the south of France had a bumper harvest. The quality of the grapes was the best, and the wines produced were the best. It's just that more than [-] years have passed, and the price seems to be getting more and more expensive!"

"I still understand!"

Tachibana Qianhe nodded with satisfaction, and said with a smirk to Ninai Shicai who was looking at him eagerly:

"Don't worry, this time I'm drinking red wine, which is good for women! I won't let you drink it like last time!"

"Long live!"

Originally thought that I only had the opportunity to watch, but I didn't expect that I could drink the red wine myself. She opened her hands happily, turned her head, and said to Ye Yueshen:

"Then let big brother open this bottle of wine!"


Tachibana Qianhe smiled, then reached out and handed the wine in his hand to Ye Yueshen!

"I'd better go see Xiaoling Xing first, I won't come for so long!"

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