Yumiko looked into Ye Yueshen's eyes, her initial smile was completely replaced by silent seriousness.

"Of course, I will never let such a thing happen. Once it happens, I will do my best to protect everyone. Fortunately!"

Ye Yueshen looked at Yumiko with a firm look like a wind stone:

"I don't want you to be injured, just like your case! So, I hope you can help me when the time comes! Please, Yumiko!"


Yumiko's face immediately turned red when she heard Yeyueshen's name. Although the room was a little dark, Yeyueshen's words still made Yumiko's heart pound for a while!

"what happened?"

Ye Yueshen looked at Yumiko curiously, and it was the first time she found out that Yumiko would still look at others so shyly!

"It's nothing, I know, let's hurry up to eat, everyone is in a hurry!"

Yumiko gathered up her clothes and turned her back with a flushed face.

"Sorry for making you blush!"

Yeyueshen looked at Yumiko sincerely, the latter was stunned, and immediately retorted:

"Who... Who's blushing, I just sat in the car for a long time, and I'm a little tired..."

"All right……"

Ye Yueshen nodded secretly, Yumiko was stunned, and shouted:

"What do you mean, I'm talking about the truth!"

Chapter [-]: The Tired Xiaoling fortunately

"Oops, where have you two gone, everyone can't wait, just opened Lafite, and you appeared!"

Seeing Yumiko and Yeyueshen coming in, Songheman immediately stood up with a strange cry, smiled at Yeyueshen, stretched out his hand and rented Yumiko's side, and said:

"How was the result of going shopping today?"

"This is a present for everyone!"

Yumiko nodded and took out a lot of stationary toys from her pocket. Although Ye Yueshen didn't quite understand the meaning of these card-issuing bracelets, she saw the little girls vying to choose. She nodded to Yumiko with a look of relief. Since she let go of the grudge in her heart, the relationship between Yumiko and everyone has increased day by day, and it has become more and more harmonious!

"Sit down and eat!"

Tachibana Chizuru took the pen Yumiko bought for him, pinned it to his collar with a smile, and then poured a glass of red wine for each member and raised it!

"Should the teacher say something before drinking?"

Song He stuck his tongue out and said!


Tachibana Qianhe smiled mysteriously, stood up, raised his glass and said:

"Then wish everyone good grades in the upcoming mid-term exams! I'm very optimistic about you!"

"Ah! It's another exam!"

Song Heman sat in his seat and grabbed his hair, muttering with a small mouth and reluctantly saying:

"It would be great if there were no exams. Is life tormented by exams again and again?"


Ye Yueshen smiled slightly, even though everyone had mold on them now.But the main body has been found, and I have also learned about the deep and secret thoughts of fortunate, Yeyueshen is relieved a lot at once, as long as we find the reason for everyone's mildew, Yeyueshen really has the confidence to eliminate possible dangers for everyone!

"Can't the exam be eliminated?"

Song He looked around with a sad face, and suddenly saw a small Ling Xing who kept a smile, and suddenly came to the spirit:

"Fortunately, will you just let this hateful exam disappear?"


Seeing everyone looking at him with curious eyes, Xiaoling was stunned for a moment. Just as he was about to say something, he found that someone had tapped him on the shoulder:

"What are you talking about, this is meal time, and the exam is just a means, otherwise how can you be a student?"

Ye Yueshen said with a straight face, and Tian Yin, who was next to him, did not show weakness, and patted Song Heman directly on the opposite side of the head, and said:

"What are you thinking, don't say such embarrassing words? Although fortunately is the squad leader, this kind of thing can't be done!"

Hearing Tianyin's words, Xiaoling Xing, who had already sat down, flashed a ray of light in his eyes, and found that Yumiko beside him had been looking at him, he quickly lowered his head and took a sip of the red wine in his mouth.

Everyone quickly forgot the joke Song Heman said, and raised their glasses to say blessings, and soon finished the meal, which was unusual for some people, in the midst of laughter and laughter!

"I'll clean it up, everyone please come back!"

After eating, Xiaoling Xing didn't wait for everyone to say anything, and quickly started to work wearing a maid outfit. Everyone saw Xiaoling Xing's enthusiasm, they smiled and nodded, and left as usual, leaving only the scraps of food. 's canteen!

"The sky outside is very beautiful, fortunately have to look at it often!"

Yeyueshen looked back at Xiaoling Xing and smiled, left here with Tianyin's company, and walked slowly back to his room!

"The sky outside?"

While cleaning, Xiaoling Xing recalled Yeyueshen's words, his eyes were full of doubts!

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