"Even if you want to run away, it won't work!"

"This is a misunderstanding, how could I..."

Xiaoling was stunned for a moment, and quickly explained, with the palm of his hand, he inadvertently pressed the annunciator again, and the annunciator immediately started the acceleration program, and it was irreversible!


He opened his eyes wide in horror, and Xiao Li Ning's forehead suddenly showed cold sweat. At this time, everyone was in the teaching building. If the explosion happened earlier, no one would be able to escape!

"Speaking of which, the big brother who called us out is not here..."

Entering the nest, Shicai looked at Xiaoling Xing stupidly, and said with grim eyes:

"What the hell does this seem like?"


Xiao Lingxing turned around in horror and pressed the accelerator in his hand, but no matter how much he pressed, it couldn't stop the automatic explosive device that had entered the acceleration state!

"Big, everyone, can you always get out from here?"

Xiao Lingxing's tears were about to fall. He just wanted to eliminate the exam, but he didn't have the slightest malice towards everyone in the school!

"Uh, why?"

Song Heman stepped down from the podium, sat on the chair next to him, looked at Xiaoling Xing curiously and said:

"But Ye Yueshen hasn't come yet!"

"That, that, it's getting dark like this, it's going to be very dangerous!"

Xiaoling Xing supported the chair next to him and explained with all his might!


Song He looked at Xiaoling Xing with a funny face, stretched out his foot and kicked the table in front of him, hehe said with a smile:

"Where is there any danger? Is it just the few of us in this academy?"

Looking at the table that was kicked around by Songhe, Xiaoling Xing's face was about to go out of the water, especially the table that Songhe was kicking was where he was guarding TNT explosives!

"Please, please go out quickly!"

Xiaoling Xing shouted excitedly, the more time dragged on, the greater the chance of everyone being hurt!

"Xiao Xing, you feel a little strange."

Shicai in the nest looked at Xiaoling Xing strangely, and Tianyin next to her also looked at her suspiciously and said:

"Are you feeling unwell after what happened last time? It's so late, will you catch a cold?"

"not like this!"

Xiaoling Xing quickly denied it, but did not dare to say anything more.

"Do you have something to hide from us?"

Yumiko, who never said Ha, looked at Xiaoling Yuki coldly with suspicion in her eyes!


When Yumiko said this, Xiaoling Xing was stunned, and everyone began to look at Xiaoling Xing with strange eyes!

"Please don't say such stupid things, I'm still the same as usual!"

Xiao Lingxing shook his head nervously, his voice was a little erratic!

"It doesn't look like it!"

Yumiko looked at Xiaoling Xing lightly, Tianyin next to her walked down the podium with a gentle face, walked to Xiaoling Xing, stretched out her hand and said to Xiaoling Xing:

"It's so late, let's go back to the dormitory early!"

"Don't touch!"

Quickly reaching out to block Tianyin, Xiaoling Xing shouted and pushed Tianyin:

"Stop talking, hurry up and go outside!"

"Little, Xiaoxing..."

Unexpectedly, Xiaoling Xing's reaction was so intense, Tian Yin was being pushed out and looked at Xiao Ling Xing in general doubt.

"Hurry up, everyone too!"

Xiaoling Xing shouted, tears were about to come out, and Shi Cai still asked strangely:

"What's wrong? Fortunately!"

"Hurry up! Time to..."

Xiao Lingxing had already screamed and cried. As soon as he stretched out his hand and pushed Tianyin, Song Heman looked at it and turned around and said:

"What's the matter? Calm down!"

Saying that, he kicked the table in front of him to the ground!And the body lost its balance in an instant, overturning an entire row of tables to the ground!

Just as Song Heman was thrown out, a bundle of explosives also fell out of the table pocket!

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