Ye Yueshen glanced at Tian Yin and asked in surprise:

"Has the plan been completed ahead of schedule?"

"not yet……"

Kazuhime's tone was a little stiff, with a bit of sullen anger:

"Don't break the topic for me, I know that you have the same genes as me, you have a delicate appearance, you look thin but you are unexpectedly good at sports, and you are very gentle. You will be very popular and will be loved by girls. You're welcome, but that makes me uncomfortable, quite annoyed!"

"What should I do?"

Ye Yueshen responded slightly embarrassedly:

"Does being welcomed by a girl make my sister angry?"

Because Tianyin was next to him, Yeyueshen couldn't call Yiji's name directly, so he could only talk about it.

"That's not true, but if a person with different characteristics always wants to have a girlfriend, as a nominal sister, I'm really embarrassed!"

"Actually, you are more afraid of losing me, this brother?"

Ye Yueshen glanced at Tian Yin and said lightly:

"I'm also measured in this kind of thing, sister, don't worry!"

"Can you not worry?"

Kazuhime's voice was a little aggrieved, but after thinking about it, she said:

"I'll take a good look at her when I bring her home to see if she deserves to be your friend."

"Will do!"

Ye Yueshen smiled and said to Yi Ji on the other end of the phone:

"Maybe when my sister understands the mood of these children, you may want to help them more than I do!"


Yiji smiled and said a few words of deep affection to Yeyueshen, then hung up the phone. When Yeyueshen handed the phone back to Tianyin, he also said with a smile:

"Don't worry, I won't have an opinion on you, these are all natural things, don't have a psychological burden!"

"How can..."

Tianyin pouted and said:

"I'm the one who stays with you day and night. How can I envy those little girls who want to be hugged by big brother?"

"You look smaller than them now..."

Ye Yueshen smiled, walked under the setting sun, and squeezed his fingers gently.

Chapter [-]: The Grace of Saving Mother

"Is this the final conclusion?"

Holding the final diagnosis certificate in his hand, Ye Yueshen looked at the doctor in front of him speechlessly. He was wearing a neat white coat and a valuable pocket watch and told Ye Yueshen that the old doctor in front of him had very rich experience!

"There's nothing I can do, sorry!"

The old man glanced at Yeyueshen and the tearful Xiaoling Xing, and said apologetically:

"Because there are more patients, so..."

"Of course!"

Ye Yueshen nodded, glanced at the diagnosis certificate, and said nervously next to Xiaoling Xing:

"Is it true that mother can't wake up?"

"Will not!"

Night Moon God shook his head.Looking up at the doctor who was looking out the door, he shouted loudly:

"Since the hospital believes that it is no longer necessary to continue treatment, does that mean that we can take care of ourselves?"

"Of course, if you wish..."

The old doctor shrugged apologetically, shook his head and walked out of the ward.

"It's not true..."

Looking at his mother with tears in his eyes, Xiao Lingxing suddenly felt helpless. The woman in front of him was his dearest mother, but he couldn't do anything!

"It's okay, mother knows you're here and will wake up!"

Yeyueshen hugged Xiaoling Xing who was crying bitterly, looked at the woman who was always unconscious on the hospital bed, and nodded thoughtfully!

Time passed quickly, and noon came soon. Because Ye Yueshen proposed to take care of himself personally, there was no nurse in the ward!

"This bottle of drip is almost finished, I'm going to change the medicine!"

Yeyueshen stood up and instructed Xiaoling Xing:

"You give mother some water first, and I'll come when I go!"

"The nurse has already brought over a day's worth of medicine, we don't have to go to dispense medicine anymore!"

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