Sarina, the sister who succeeded the head of the household in place of me who had a heart attack from the kidnapping incident!

When I was a child, although it was my sister, I didn't know her father, and no one told Shali Cai that I existed. I secretly visited my sister several times until the day I encountered the abduction incident!

Sha Licai's voice was still so sharp, it reminded me of the past when I heard it, but I couldn't raise my head, I could only pretend that I didn't hear anything and walked past Sha Licai!

Just as I walked behind Sha Licai, I felt her breath. Although many years have passed, I can still hear the breath. Yes, it is as strong as my mother!

I whispered behind her:

"Long time no see, I'm my sister!"

At that time, Sha Licai glanced at me. I didn't know if she recognized me, but I could clearly feel that she was stunned for a moment, and the words she reprimanded were swallowed in her stomach.

I continued to walk forward with the food bag in my arms. Sha Licai, who was behind me, seemed to have lost his temper. He waved his hand to let people get in the car. The moment the car started, an explosion occurred!I also lost consciousness all of a sudden!But I can feel that the explosion is coming from the location of Shali Cai!

The huge airflow threw me away, and the bag containing the pineapple buns broke, and two delicious buns were scattered on the ground!

I was so scared that I was brought back by my sister, but the violent explosion scene made me understand that Sha Licai would never see my sister again!

Holding Ye Shenyue, Shi Cai told her own story in pain, as if to vent, the little girl clung to Ye Shenyue's hand and refused to let go!

"All right!"

Ye Shenyue nodded, and while receiving the embrace of the recipient's nest, she looked at the sun in the sky. The mist in the morning had disappeared under the sunlight, leaving only the drier ground and Ye Shen. Yue's heart that was completely disappointed by human nature!

"Thank you big brother! Thank you!"

She finally regained her mood, and Shi Cai released Ye Shenyue's arm and pulled Ye Shenyue to sit on the stone by the pond, her head resting on Ye Shenyue's shoulder, with a sad face on her face.

"No thanks, I just want to know, did you contact your family after the bombing?"

Ye Shenyue said while slapping Shicai Niao on the shoulder.

"Of course there is!"

Into the nest, Shi Cai nodded, the body immediately stood upright, and said to Ye Shenyue:

"I suspected that it was my mother at the time, because it is impossible for our family to be attacked by outsiders. Only my own people can be so secretive. Those who dare to attack the nest's house in the downtown are simply courting death!"

"Oh? Why do you suspect that it was your mother?"

Ye Shenyue looked suspiciously at the nesting Shicai. From a more utilitarian point of view, the death of Shali Cai is theoretically more beneficial to the current nesting Shicai!

"Because I once threatened my mother!"

Chicai said directly:

"I once saw some bills in my father's study. On the bills, the numerous crimes of the nesting family were clearly written. I saw it, and I said to my mother, I hope she can let her sister go, she is so pitiful !"

"What's your mother's reaction?"

Ye Shenyue's heart tightened, and she felt more and more that this time things were very different from before!

"Mother smiled weirdly at the time, and then let me come here! Said it was for me or something!"

Entering the nest said, she closed her mouth a little dejected. After all, such a thing is very difficult to understand for a young Shicai!

"Then how did you prove that you saw those corrupt bills?"

Ye Shenyue looked at Shi Cai curiously. Could it be that just because of a few words from her daughter, the mother would send her daughter who had just been stimulated to this place?

"Isn't that easy?"

Shi Cai stood up, walked in front of Ye Shenyue, and said with her hands behind her back:

"In the thirteenth year of Heisei, the third phase of the Mitsui Youmu delivery project was planned. The internal transaction was discounted at [-] billion yuan, the quotation was [-] billion yuan, and the nest house was divided into [-] billion yuan; in the fourteenth year of Heisei, Goodan North delivers the Hokkaido airport project plan, inside..."

"All right!"

Ye Shenyue stood up, looked at Shi Cai and said:

"You have read all these things and remembered them until now? It's been thirty-five years since Heisei!"

"There are so many more, I even remember the revised marks above!"

Into the nest said calmly!

"I probably understand!"

Ye Shenyue nodded and looked at Shi Cai in front of her with some regret. She had such a good memory, but she recited the things she shouldn't know, and she remembered it until now.At the same time, Ye Shenyue also felt that Shi Cai was very pitiful, because of this god-like memory.Thinking about all the terrible events that happened in the past, it will linger in her mind!

"Big brother, what do you understand?"

Luniao Shicai looked at Ye Shenyue curiously, with a look of surprise on her face!

"Understood something you shouldn't have understood!"

Ye Shenyue shook her head helplessly, stretched out her hand, and said to Shi Cai:

"Would you like to believe me, big brother?"

"Of course I would!"

Natsumi nods very excitedly!

"Then let's go back to the dormitory first, big brother will help you to the end!"

After finishing speaking, she took Shi Cai's hand and went back to the dormitory, and told Xing and Song Heman to take care of Shi Cai who had just vented. connected!

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