Chapter [-] Advance notice

"Uh, are you going to leave now?"

Seeing Ye Yueshen approaching, Song Heman's breathing became a little short, why?Why is this boy who has been with him for less than two months, so worried about his departure now, isn't he just going out to play with the daughter he just recognized?But why everyone's expressions are so serious, I feel like I may never see this boy again!

"Yes, we will go out for a walk when the dill is ready. I heard that the dill was accompanied by my family before, especially my father's company was very little. I'm going to take her out for a walk, so that I can feel better. !"

Ye Yueshen looked at Song Heman and said lightly, Tian Yin had already returned to her room sensible at this time, and Yumiko Sakaki, who was opposite, seemed to have rested and kept the door tightly closed, although Ye Yueshen was at the door. Talk to Song Heman, but the surroundings are surprisingly quiet, as if the girls have a tacit understanding, giving everyone a chance to say goodbye to Ye Yueshen alone, although this opportunity seems a bit strange!

"Aren't you in a bad mood here? Everyone likes you so much, you still... and me..."

Song Heman didn't know what he seemed to be thinking. Looking at Yeyueshen's eyes, he felt a little intoxicated, as if he had just drank the wine stored in the next door neighbor's wine house when he was a child!

"Yes, and you, I feel very happy when I have you!"

Ye Yueshen nodded and put his hand on the door frame beside Song Heman. If Song Heman was just outside the door frame at this time, Ye Yueshen had already made a wall-banging action inadvertently!

" that so? Just be happy!"

Song He's heart was full of anxiety, but he couldn't say anything. He really didn't know what was going on with him, and he was so uncomfortable. He obviously had a lot to say to the boy in front of him. Is it hard to express like eating bitter chrysanthemum?

"Yes, if there is a chance, I will take you out to play!"

Ye Yueshen smiled, looked at Song Heman's earlobes that were gradually turning red, and said lightly:

"It's like this, although I was afraid that speaking out would make you worried, but now that I think about it, I should have nothing to hide from you cute girls. This time I took Shi Cai out, not all to play, but to go Helping Shicai, frankly speaking, is dangerous!"


Song He was stunned for a moment, and quickly said:

"What's the matter? Does Shi Cai know? Does everyone know?"

"Everyone shouldn't know!"

Ye Yueshen recalled Yumiko's hesitant expression, and said uncertainly:

"But this danger is not a big problem for me. I don't want to say that I seem to be afraid of your worries, but think about it, you should all understand, right?"

"Uh...but you don't seem to have any specifics sometimes!"

Song He was embarrassed for a while, then smiled and said:

"Anyway, I already know that you are good to me, and I am still very happy. Since the Shicai thing is more difficult, you can deal with it, and I will appease everyone here!"


Ye Yueshen nodded, took out his hand from the door frame, and said to Song He with a full smile:

"Then please, when we go out later, don't go out to see us, we will go around through the back door!"

"Uh, it's really not an easy thing, you actually need to go through the back door!"

Song Heman shrugged and said with a little reluctance:

"In that case, let me use this as your farewell gift!"

Said, before Ye Yueshen could react, she kissed Ye Yueshen's lips, but because it was in the corridor, the little girl was still very shy and quickly released Ye Yueshen's lips and wiped it with her hand. His own lips said:

"This is my farewell gift!"

"I take it!"

Ye Yueshen nodded, stood up straight, and turned to leave.

"Uh, by the way, why are you the first to tell me these details? Am I special?"

Song Heman suddenly realized that everyone else was simply saying goodbye, and the reason was that they wanted to leave here with Shicai to play, but he could get the answer behind the scenes!

"Want to hear the truth?"

Ye Yueshen turned his head and looked at Song Heman meaningfully, the corners of his mouth grinned lightly, and a little smile hung between his lips.

"Of course, who doesn't like to hear the truth!"

Song He looked at Yeyueshen stupidly, but he didn't notice the meaning of the smile on the corner of Yeyueshen's mouth at all!


Ye Yueshen nodded, with a mysterious smile on his face, walked in front of Song Heman, leaned down gently, put his mouth to Song Heman's ear, sighed, and said:

"Because only you may not think of the reason behind this!"


He was stunned for three seconds, until Yeyueshen had already stood up straight, Song Heman only reacted from the shock in his heart, looked at Song Heman lightly, shrugged apologetically and said:

"Yumiko seems to know what happened to us from an instant, and Xiaoling Yukio also has this perception. Tianyin already knows the whole story, so only you..."

"Am I the only one who is slow?"

Song Heman suddenly looked at Yeyueshen with tears in his eyes, and a line of clear tears had already hung on Song Heman's cheeks at some point:

"Why? Could it be that I'm the least emotionally intelligent person here?"


Ye Yueshen looked at Song Heman tenderly, hugged her, and said:

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