After speaking, everyone nodded. Although they were fascinated by Yeyueshen's mysterious identity, the girls were unwilling to put too much effort into this aspect. After all, everyone wanted to be with a perfect boy like Yeyueshen. Together, as for the boring privacy hidden under the surface, who cares?

Seeing everyone nodding their heads, Yeyueshen was also moved. The one who can play to the fullest without caring about the identity and status behind others is this mysterious Mihama Academy. Although there are very few people, Yeyueshen feels this The place is the hope of this world. Maybe the dirty reality will make us do all kinds of abnormal but necessary things, but as long as there is still a corner in our heart, the beauty of our heart is hidden, we are not degenerate!

As a world, Luna considers himself lucky to have found this lovely and delightful place in this deceitful place, this place is the beauty that lurks in this world, it is the uncorrupted place on this planet Mirror!

"Then the welcome party, start!"

Xiaoling Xing excitedly brought everyone to the activity room that he had arranged by himself. At first glance, Ye Yueshen really felt that he had come to the wrong place. This place is obviously here to welcome girls, but when you look at it. When these women's-style decorations were filled with their names in Latin letters, Ye Yueshen's heart was also melted by this group of lovely girls. To be able to meet such a group of stories, but they were moved by their own love. Tormented girls, and helping them with all his heart, Ye Yueshen felt that his actions this time were also meaningful!

After starting the carnival with everyone soon, the boldness learned from Mazi has now become a male charm in himself. After the carnival, Ye Yueshen said goodbye to these lovely girls.

With the backpack I once had, I walked on the way to the cabin in the woods.

There, Mazi must have brewed delicious sweet potato wine;

There, JB must have prepared all kinds of eavesdropping devices, waiting for his use;

There, Kazuhime, who has opened up the world's last information transmission channel, can discuss anything with herself under the surveillance of the relaxed policy makers;

There, the idea that has been lurking in his heart for a long time can be put into practice. If it is said that the former self and Kazuhime were powerless against the huge organization because of their strength, then now, the ability and connections of Yeyueshen, Kazuhime's Control and execution, Mazi's decisiveness, and JB's meticulousness can all be transformed into an organic whole and become a force to subvert the world. Subversion is not just destruction, but sometimes a complete change!

There, Yeyueshen will make Mazi and Yiji feel a burst of excitement, because the former rival in love will also become a cooperative partner, and they will be intimate;

There, Yeyueshen can make JB feel that this world is not only full of impulsive companions and subordinates, but also a fiery heart beating, which brings changes in the whole world and bits and pieces of information No longer a tool that people use to exchange, but may be the key to building a whole new world!

There, Yeyueshen will make everyone who has had contact with him understand that he can participate in the activities that change the world in his lifetime, instead of using bullets and accumulating a little merit into his own hollowness And a meaningless life!

There, there is hope!

Chapter [-] Make up your mind

"Everyone is here?"

Ye Yueshen walked into the hut in the woods, the smell of coffee wafted from the house, Mazi and JB drank the coffee from the mugs, looking surprisingly comfortable!

"En! Are you messing around with those little girls again? You're here so late, and I was going to invite you to try my latest cheesecake at noon!"

Mazi put down the mug in his hand, stood up and looked at Yeyueshen, the little guy back then was already an excellent fighter, and his muscles and slender figure made Mazi more and more satisfied!

"It's fortunate that you didn't come. Otherwise, knowing that your master put catnip in it, you'll have to drink coffee with us now to refresh yourself!"

JB glanced at Mazi dissatisfied, then took out the computer at hand, opened the CD case, put in a small CD, and turned on the computer!

"What system is this?"

Ye Yueshen looked at the computer in JB's hand and asked curiously!

"Hey, hey, don't you care if the cheesecake your master makes is delicious or not?"

Mazi saw that Ye Yueshen didn't pay any attention to him at all, and immediately looked at Ye Yueshen with his arms on his hips angrily!

"Uh, it should be delicious, after all, the master has eaten it for so many years without any problems!"

Ye Yueshen looked at Mazi embarrassedly, who instantly became angry:

"You little bastard, you are getting more and more scolding around corners! You actually learned to chew your tongue and punch me!"

"Uh, forget it!"

Ye Yueshen looked at Mazi's excited look, knowing that his arrival made Mazi feel excited, he simply took a punch, walked to JB, looked at the system desktop on the computer, and asked curiously:

"What kind of system is this?"

"Of course it's a security system developed by your sister. Our Internet is being monitored, and your sister doesn't want our plan to die before it even begins. You sent me such a system last night, saying that it can Let her participate in this matter infinitely, and she said that she must find a computer with a camera, and we will find out by looking at it!"

JB said without looking up, looking at the system on the screen, frowning, and looking confused.

"Ding! Please confirm the normal use of the computer camera!"

Such subtitles suddenly appeared on the screen, Ye Yueshen and JB were stunned for a moment, and quickly clicked to confirm, and then the whole computer went black. Just when Ye Yueshen wondered if there was a problem with the computer, only The camera of the computer suddenly emits blue light, which hurts the eyes!

"Please make sure that there is a blank area within one meter in front, please make sure that there is a blank area within one meter in front!"

A line of words appeared on the computer. JB quickly picked up the computer and put it on the floor, clicked to confirm, and the three of them all looked at the computer in front of him. 's computer seems to have just been remodeled!

"Hello everyone!"

A familiar voice came, and when Yeyueshen heard it, it was Yiji's voice, and he said quickly:

"Ichiki, is that you? Are you alright there now?"

"Don't put it within one meter in front of the computer, I want a holographic projection!"

Yiji's voice was a little stiff, and Yeyueshen didn't care about this, and hurriedly took two steps back.

"Please make sure there is no direct sunlight coming in, please close the windows, okay?"

Ichiki's voice was obviously a lot more amicable, Yeyueshen and Mazi checked the surrounding situation and quickly confirmed that there was no direct sunlight in the entire room!

"Okay, I'll be right in front of you!"

Ichihi's voice carried a little pride, while JB frowned and said:

"Holographic projection? I heard that this is still a legend!"

"It has made me a reality!"

Yiji's voice was smug, and Ye Yueshen saw the computer's camera flashing suddenly, followed closely, and Yiji's figure appeared in front of him!

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