"Can't see the light?"

JB was stunned when he heard this, and an excited expression quickly appeared on his face:

"Yes, this organization has always issued orders to us through various secret channels. Even its own people must use such a strict method to contact us. The fear of being exposed to the public is extremely serious!"

"That's right!"

Yiji also glanced at Mazi with admiration, and said lightly:

"To be exposed to the public eye and continue to be the focus of attention, this is what this organization is most worried about. They started this huge system plan, which is also to be able to completely conceal their shameless behavior in the new Internet age! "

"The analysis makes sense!"

Ye Yueshen nodded and concluded:

"Right now, what this organization is most worried about and most vigilant about is exposing its own existence. In this case, we can just prescribe the right medicine. Starting from this weakness, we will find a way to completely expose this organization. After that, the huge public opinion will also make this group of people suffer. Completely discouraged!"

"That's right!"

Mazi snapped his fingers happily.Speaking of which, this is the first time that I have proposed this method. If we face it head-on, in front of an organization with many masters and huge resources, these four people have no power to defend against security. Like paper lanterns, it looks prosperous, but it is actually completely vulnerable!

"Then how do we expose this organization? Wouldn't it be to put the news directly on the Internet?"

"Of course not!"

Yiji said:

"If it were put on the Internet, no matter how many people would believe that we would also be wanted by just tracing the sending node, and the organization could completely cover up this incident in extreme ways, such as power outages. No matter where, although the loss is huge, as long as you find something that threatens you, this situation will also be considered!"

"It's not enough to attack the headquarters directly!"

Mako said indifferently:

"After attacking that headquarters, it will naturally attract attention, and the information reported by professional reporters will definitely be more credible than those posted on the Internet! Isn't it?"

"Uh, this is the last resort..."

Ye Yueshen wiped the sweat from his forehead and said:

"Although we can achieve good results by attacking the headquarters, as long as the other party blocks the scene and threatens a few reporters, it shouldn't be a big problem, right?"

"So what should it be? How can this huge organization be exposed?"

Mazi shook his head in embarrassment and said:

"It's impossible to take a slanted sword... It's not possible to make a big news head-on, what do you think?"

"There is one thing that is also the soft underbelly of the organization!"

Yiji raised her head to look at the people in front of her, and said lightly:

"I just don't know if you guys are going to take advantage of this weakness?"

"Tell me about it! Since it is a weakness, it will definitely help our actions!"

JB said quickly.

"It's me!"

Yiji smiled and said:

"I still have my secret system, which itself is the core weakness of the organization. Otherwise, just imagine!"

"Uh, but the ghost knows where your system is..."

Mazi looked at Yiji, but he didn't need to think at all when he spoke, and said carelessly:

"It's a fantasy to attack your system and attract public attention! Moreover, our actions are likely to be exposed!"

"Who told you to attack?"

Yiji smiled slightly, raised her head, looked at Ye Yueshen and said indifferently:

"Do you remember Mr. Kirihara who went to our studio to buy paintings?"

Chapter [-]: Dead Daoist Friends Don't Die Poor Daoist

"Uh, is that the neuropathy?"

Yeyueshen searched his memory, and in the process of breaking his peaceful life, he did meet that guy named Mr. Kirihara. Naturally, after beating that guy in the alley, Kazuhime also suffered The car accident that was long confirmed to happen!

"Yeah, that's the neuropathy!"

Ichiki smiled and said:

"After I became a system, I searched for the original situation when I had nothing to do. The result was very natural. I found out that we had been injected. In fact, all of our classmates were sent to that military base. The place where the gun was, tested our minds...and then created that car accident and the accident scene and the accident that was separated by a large forest!"

"If nothing else, the original participants should have let you take care of it..."

Ye Yueshen looked at the smile on the corner of Yi Ji's mouth, and knew her style very well. Now that she found out, she naturally wanted to make them look good!

"Uh, that's not the point, is it?"

Yiji was slightly taken aback, and quickly said:

"Later, I also found out the information about Mr. Kirihara who went to the house to buy paintings. By the way, I also found that this person and Mazi seem to have an intersection!"

"Oh? What intersection? Mazi's boyfriend?"

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