Not letting Ye Shenyue be disappointed, Bai Xue was indeed silent for a while, and then she broke free.

" don't want to..."

The magic sword seemed a little puzzled.According to her investigation, Xingjia Baixue is such a seductive person.

"Xiaoye has already promised to marry me, and Xiaoye of the shrine has also said that he will deal with it. So... I won't go."

The shrine maiden of Xingjia raised her head all of a sudden, showing a radiance of confidence.

"And more importantly... I can't take care of Xiao Ye when I go to Yiyou."

Sure enough, his previous assurances still worked.

Ye Shenyue was relieved.The last sentence can be moved first, Bai Xuejiang is indeed a good wife.

"Magic Sword... Your plan has failed... Give me back Bai Xue!"

Ye Shenyue finally came out and said to the magic sword in front of her.

It's just that when his eyes fell on the magic sword... he was a little stunned.

Because where is the magic sword standing in front of him now, it is obviously two Bai Xuejiang.

The same witch costume, the same appearance, and the same sword.And the same surprised face.

This, this... what's going on?

Ps; Thank you for your subscription, q907590, saki408's full order, the most adorable ⑨ loli, qsxeszll2, the flowers and comments of the proud lion.The next chapter is true and false snow.

Chapter 027 True and False Snow White

A person with the same appearance, clothing, and even expression, appeared like this.

appear in front of him.

Which one is Sun Wukong?

Well, no, which one should be the real Snow White?

For some reason, Ye Shenyue always thinks of Sun Wukong's plot, the so-called true and false Monkey King is probably talking about the current appearance.

Does he still have to recite a tight spell like a master?

Let's not say that Bai Xue is not Sun Wukong, he has never seen that illusory tight-knit curse or something.To turn the nothingness into reality, he is not Emiya Shirou after all, and he does not have the ability to "project".

"That... Snow White..."

Ye Shenyue stood in shock and called out the name of the shrine maiden of Xingga softly.


x2 answered in unison.

"Why do you want to learn from me!"

x2 The two white snows stared at each other.

"Xiao Ye, this guy is a magic sword, she must be impersonating me! In fact, she must be a sullen guy with a stubborn foot."

Bai Xue on the left was talking nervously and excitedly, as if he was saying something like "The East is a pervert", but he managed to keep his face straight.

Could it be that Snow White has seen the true appearance of the Demon Sword?

And also deeply understand the true hobby of the magic sword?Big feet guy!

This Snow White can really speak!

This one... should be the real Xingga's shrine maiden.

After all, such words can only be said by the unscrupulous Xingjia Baixue who is about to collapse and has the potential to collapse.

The other Snow White seemed to be stunned all of a sudden, apparently frightened by that Snow White's mouth.

I was frightened, I was frightened, but I reacted quickly.

" devil sword, say it like me...say such terrible words! Obviously people don't even know how to scold people, what...what a big guy...such words... I haven't been in contact at all! Xiaoye, don't believe this person, she must have said it herself... No one has ever said such a thing!"

Another white snow actually stuck directly, like a little cat that was about to be abandoned, firmly entangling its owner.Don't forget to wag your tail, of course.

"This one……"

Although the heavy-handed words of the big-footed man are a bit like what Bai Xue said, but now it seems that it is not sure that the one just now is Bai Xue.

"Hey... the magic sword... how can you take the opportunity to lean on you, you stinking cat?"

What is shocking is that the other Bai Xue also leaned up at this time, and also hugged Ye Shenyue's arm.

Stealing cat?

Indeed... this is Bai Xue's favorite name, and it has been used more than once for a certain daughter.

Could it be that this one... is Snow White?

Ye Shenyue's gaze fell on the body of this white snow, it seemed... something was wrong.

Ye Shenyue seems to have understood which one is the real Snow White.

"Bang bang bang!"

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