"Are you going out?"

Seeing Yumiko and Amane, Ko Ling Yu said hello as usual!

"En! Let's walk around the neighborhood!"

Yumiko stopped and nodded silently in agreement.

"Can I go with you?"

Mina, who jumped out of nowhere, leaned against the doorpost and looked at Yumiko with a smile!

"As long as you don't get in the way!"

Yumiko has a smile on her lips. Since the two have been waiting here, they have already thought about what to do next!

"It depends on your order!"

Mina happily extended her finger to Yumiko, and Koling Yukio next to her also put down the broom in her hand, looked at Yumiko firmly and said:

"If Xiao Shicai goes, I'll go too!"


With a sigh, Yumiko turned around, looked at the former school building and said:

"This place was originally built for the purpose of a powerful school that values ​​academic ability! The students recruited are all stupid people!"

Saying that, Yumiko took out her phone, looked at the time, and said:

"There are ten minutes, wait until six o'clock to see!"

Just as the four of them were waiting for Yumiko's order at the door, on the playground, Song Heman looked at the fireworks burning in front of him and said lightly:

"Oh, I found this thing after packing my luggage!"

Looking at the fireworks in front of him, Song Heman said lightly:

"This is what everyone played at last year's fireworks show. Now that I think about it, I really miss that bland life!"

"It's about time, won't you be over soon?"

A voice in my heart continued to remind Songheman, as if it was the call of fate!

"Well, I know! I know!"

Song He nodded again and again and said silently:

"I just want to enjoy it for a while!"

"I don't like fireworks!"

Looking at the fireworks in front of him, Song Heman said in a sad tone:

"Why don't you like it?"

The voice in my heart asked!

"Only the moment of burning is beautiful, and after burning out, only black residue remains, just like an unsatisfactory life, which makes me feel inexplicably sad!"

Song Heman looked at the fireworks in front of him and said silently.

"That's because you feel sad when you set it off alone. Fireworks are set off with others!"

The voice in my heart responded with a little hope.

"I know!"

He nodded silently, without saying much.

"So now you shouldn't be playing here by yourself?"

The voice in my heart asked cautiously.

"I see!"

Song Heman responded sullenly. For some reason, when he was talking to his heart, he always felt that there was something repressed in it, and he couldn't get rid of it no matter what!

As he spoke, the fireworks in front of him had already burned out, leaving only black residue.

"time to go!"

Song Heman threw the fireworks pole in his hand, stood up, and said to himself:


Saying that, he gave himself a big mouthful of water...

"Time is up!"

Yumiko looked at the time on the phone and said silently.

"Don't blame her..."

Xiao Lingxing looked at everyone, although a little disappointed, but everyone will not be displeased because of it, everyone has the right to choose!

"No, that's full!"

Shi Cai quickly explained:

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