Taking everyone down the subway overpass, Yumiko silently led everyone with a sun hat to the side of a canal pier in the city!

"Why is it a yacht!"

Looking at the stronghold in front of him, Song Heman suddenly felt puzzled. Is this the stronghold being taught?How does it look like an escape item?

"I think it's pretty good. Not only can I hide, but I can also transfer in time, right?"

Yumiko raised her hat and looked at the yacht in front of her. Although she bought it by secret means, she still had to move it away as soon as possible!

"He's as handsome as a small landing craft!"

Into the nest, Shicai looked at the yacht excitedly. Hearing that her father was training in the training camp of the Navy, the little girl was also very excited!

"Although the tastes disagree, how did you get this ship?"

Zhou Fangtianyin looked at Yumiko, and suddenly remembered that Ye Shenyue who could get a new play Ying'er back then!

"Bought it, online!"

Yumiko smiled slightly, and then brought everyone into the yacht. Mina looked at the environment inside and asked curiously:

"And if anything happens, who will steer this ship?"

"Classmate Zhou Fangtianyin!"

Yumiko explained while eating the delicious meal that Tianyin cooked for everyone:

"It's clearly written in Zhou Fang's enrollment materials that Tianyin has a first-class small boat driver's license!"

"Well, because my hometown also has a yacht!"

Zhou Fangtianyin nodded, and Yumiko said to the window:

"Fortunately, let's put the fishing rod down first, and let's discuss what happens next! Now we know that Kazami is in the underground of Kyoto City Valley! In other words, other than that, we don't know anything!"

"In other words, there is still insufficient information on what to do next, right?"

Entering the nest, Shicai took a bite of the fish, and said slightly unhappy, at this moment, a phone ringing suddenly came from Songhe's full pocket!

"Eh? This is not my phone!"

Song He was stunned for a moment, picked up the pure black mobile phone in his hand, looked at it, and exclaimed!

"This phone number is Dad's phone number!"

Shi Cai was stunned for a moment, and quickly exclaimed!

"Hey! Is it Ye Shenyue?"

Song Heman hurriedly pressed the phone and picked it up!

"I'm sorry, I'm not Ye Shenyue, but I have something you want to know!"

A strange woman's voice came from the other end of the phone...

"Well, please explain in detail!"

Shi Cai was wearing casual clothes, looked at everyone present, and asked on the phone with a fist!

"The time for Kazami Yagami to transfer to Akasaka is [-]:[-] on August [-]th!"

Kazuhime on the other end of the phone looked at the complicated data in front of her and said!

"Time is running out!"

Shi Cai quickly explained:

"When will the battle start?"

"Raise money first!"

Yiji smiled slightly and said lazily:

"As the saying goes, money can make a ghost run the mill, if you do things, hehe!"

"It's still so blatant!"

Zhou Fangtianyin held his head and looked at the phone silently, Yiji on the other end of the phone was too familiar to him!

"You have to earn hundreds of millions of funds in a short period of time!"

Ichiki said calmly.

"Hundreds of millions?"

Tianyin raised his brows, and immediately turned his eyes to Song Heman next to him, while Shi Cai nodded seriously and said:

"Hundreds of millions? Are you planning to sell it full? If it's not a last resort, don't do this!"

"Don't worry about me!"

Song He looked at Shi Cai speechlessly for a while, pointed to the phone and said:

"Let's hurry up and listen to what this weird woman has to say! Are you being too mean to me!"

"Speaking of which, hundreds of millions of dollars..."

Yumiko pondered and said:

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