
Ichiki asked quietly.

"Well, he still has weapons of mass destruction in his hands. Since we don't have them, we think it's a nuclear submarine. We need to go to the harbor!"

"Sure enough, no one trusts anyone!"

Kazuhime shrugged, looked back at the girls, and smiled lightly:

"Would you like to have a lively party at sea?"

Chapter [-]: A New Beginning

"Boy, you are finally here!"

Oslo had bandages on his shoulders, and stood on the submarine aggressively, looking at Ye Shenyue like a stinger!

"For such a short period of time, it can't be said that it's been a long time!"

Ye Shenyue stood in front of Oslo with bare hands, the surroundings were empty, and Oslo's feet seemed to be full of nuclear submarines with nuclear missiles!

"Come on, let's have a good duel. I've been looking forward to this opportunity since you defeated me in the alley!"

Oslo bent over and prepared to do it!

"Too late!"

Ye Shenyue smiled slightly, tapped the submarine under her feet, and looked at Oslo silently!

"What do you mean!"

Oslo looked at Ye Shenyue in surprise, and suddenly he punched, and it was a punch at Ye Shenyue!

"Because you are about to be judged!"

Ye Shenyue held Oslo's fist with a fist and kicked Oslo directly to the ground!

"I still have a nuclear submarine!"

Oslo shouted, opened the submarine door, and shouted to the following:

"Start the ultimate plan, I want to destroy the world!"


...A girl with purple hair gave Oslo a punch from under the hatch, then climbed out and smiled at Ye Shenyue!

"Report captain, we have successfully controlled the submarine, this guy has no bargaining chips!"

"who said it!"

Oslo got up from the ground, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, took out a signal device from his pocket, and said loudly:

"Unexpectedly, I have already placed explosives in the ammunition compartment of the nuclear submarine, and it has been sealed with welding rods. As long as I press this button, we will be finished together!"

"is it?"

Ye Shenyue's heart tightened, but on the surface she was calm and didn't believe it!

"Of course!"

Oslo laughed, raised his hand, and suddenly felt that the light on the cliff in the distance had never been seen before!

"I won't let you go this time!"

Mazi yelled, pulled the trigger without hesitation, and a silenced bullet flew out of the muzzle, hitting Oslo's eyebrows steadily!


A vague voice came out of his throat, Oslo looked at the sky engulfed by darkness in front of him, and fell down in a daze!


He kicked the signal device in Oslo's hand into the sea, and Ye Shenyue looked at the calm sea and said lightly:

"Oslo, it's over, it's over!"

"We really weren't too late!"

When Ichiji's voice came, Ye Shenyue looked back and saw that on a luxurious yacht, the girls all put on sexy bikinis and waved frantically at Ye Shenyue!

"I really can't stand you guys!"

Ye Shenyue had a smile on the corner of her mouth, looking at the girls she loved, her mood suddenly relaxed!

"Sexy, will stare at other girls!"

Millie stood on Ye Shenyue's hand, and suddenly gave Ye Shenyue a punch, but the fist was soft and weak, more like a massage!

"Who said that?"

Ye Shenyue smiled slightly, turned around, and suddenly hugged Millie in her arms, jumped from the submarine, and jumped into the sea!

"let me!"

Yiji Kan and the girls all planned to go into the water to meet Ye Shenyue, shouted and stopped everyone, then jumped into the sea and swam in front of Ye Shenyue!

"Sure enough, it's a boy with a woman's predestined relationship. With so many girls, don't they ignore my sister?"

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