Millie also took the initiative to support, anyway, for her, it is a kind of happiness to be able to meet Ye Shenyue!

"be careful!"

Yiji touched Ye Shenyue's hand with a concerned look on her face. Although Ye Shenyue would suspend the time in this world, she couldn't feel his departure, but she still felt very sad when she thought about it...

"Okay, then it's settled!"

Ye Shenyue stood up, looked at the two cute babies beside her, and said thoughtfully:

"Perhaps, in that world, I will learn how to be a qualified father!"

Saying that, Ye Shenyue stretched out her hand and snapped her fingers. Everything around her stopped, even the fallen leaves on the tree stopped falling...

ps: Next, I will write that the problem children are from another world.

Problem children come from another world!

Chapter [-] Blank Envelope

The warm spring breeze brushed past her ears like a veil, Ye Shenyue lay calmly on the chair and looked at the scenery outside, Zhi Leng's ears suddenly felt a surge of energy, like a rock shattering, madly attacking her. !


Ye Shenyue stood up, turned over to avoid the energy coming from above her head, backhanded it, and a piece of white letter paper appeared in her hand!


Ye Shenyue opened the envelope and saw that there was nothing on the thick envelope. She was stunned for a moment. Suddenly, her whole body seemed to be out of control and suddenly flew up. The scene in front of her suddenly disappeared. Looking at Ye Shenyue, the self at this moment has been brought into a new world by some kind of power!

"Isn't Yuko discovering me?"

Ye Shenyue was stunned for a moment, she suddenly supported her body, absorbed the energy she had placed in space, and felt the rumbling shuttle door to another world, Ye Shenyue raised her arms and tore the time and space shuttle door open. The opening, a parallel time-space shuttle door next to it immediately attracted the attention of Ye Shenyue!


Looking at the blue hair that day, Ye Shenyue was startled, and was about to stretch out her hand to tear open the vacuum area around her, but suddenly saw a light coming, her whole body had entered a new one, Inside the world full of vegetation!

"Welcome to……"

A fluffy bunny ear appeared in front of Ye Shenyue's eyes, and was about to jump out of the grass next to her, when Ye Shenyue pressed her head with her hand and walked out!

"Hey hey hey! I... I'm the one who summoned you, why are you doing this to me? Let go of my ears! The black rabbit's ears can't be scratched casually!"

Being dragged out of the grass by Ye Shenyue's head, the black rabbit shook his body excitedly, struggling with his hands and feet, as if he was about to go to the execution ground, doing unnecessary struggles!

"You? Summon me?"

Ye Shenyue loosened the black rabbit's ears, looked at the black rabbit who was sitting on the ground, and said with a contemptuous smile:

"Just because you just came out and introduced yourself when I couldn't tell whether I was an enemy or a friend, you can still summon me with your power? It's ridiculous!"

"Of course it's true!"

Black Rabbit sorted out his ears that were almost torn off by Ye Shenyue, sorted the hair on the top of his head distressedly, and said unconvincingly:

"If you don't believe me, take a look at that letter. It was written by me and was specially used to send you troubled children from another world to enjoy the happy life in the small garden world!"

Saying that, Hei Rabbit looked at Ye Shenyue with a proud face, and his big red eyes were full of pride!

"Are all your texts here without words?"

Ye Shenyue took out the blank envelope in her hand, put it in front of the black rabbit and said:

"See for yourself, what does this mean? Why can't I understand a word?"

"can't read?"

Hei Rabbit took the envelope that Ye Shenyue handed over in his hand in confusion, opened his eyes and looked at the envelope in front of him earnestly. He looked reasonable and focused. If it weren't for the fine sweat left behind, Ye Shen Yue almost believed that the black rabbit could really read this letter without words!

"Why, why did the unwritten envelope fly out? Could it be that I made a mistake when I accidentally released it?"

Black Rabbit was sweating profusely looking at the envelope in his hand, Ye Shenyue looked at Black Rabbit's increasingly bizarre expression, and couldn't help opening his mouth and said:

"Did you write it? Talk? Does this thing take a long time to read?"

"When...of course I wrote it!"

Black Rabbit resolutely put the pot on himself, thinking:

"Who else in Hakoniwa will summon people from another world to come here at this time? Except for our 'noname'!"

"Okay! That's clear!"

Ye Shenyue nodded, suddenly stretched out her hand, and trapped the black rabbit in her wall, her indifferent eyes glowing coldly:

"Where is Yiji?"

"Huh? Nani?"

Hei Rabbit was stunned for a moment, his heart tightened, his blue ears on the top of his head shook slightly, and he looked at Ye Shenyue nervously:

"You mean, is there anyone else coming?"

"What do you mean? I'm the only one who was summoned by you?"

Ye Shenyue looked at the black rabbit silently, shook the envelope in her hand and said:

"This thing is similar to a summoning sacrificial device? How much did you send out? Don't you know it yourself?"

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