"Hey, this time we must succeed, and I will definitely save my face!"

Black Rabbit cheered him up silently, Ye Shenyue had already flown on the branch, looking at the Black Rabbit who foolishly exposed his ears, he muttered helplessly:

"There is no freedom anymore, what face do you need?"

"What the hell is this place?"

Kuyuan Asuka looked at the two blue ears that popped out from behind the grass, and looked at Kasugabe Yō meaningfully.

"I don't know, it seems that I have to ask that person over there!"

Kasugabe Yō shook his head, and the two of them locked their eyes on the black rabbit's beating and sweaty ears at the same time!

"Oops, lost the best time to show up!"

Black Rabbit froze for a moment, shook his eyes nervously, took a deep breath, and was about to turn around when he suddenly felt a person rushing towards him with a gust of wind. A big hole suddenly appeared in the dense grass!

"Birds, stop her!"

Jiuyuan Flying Bird looked at the black rabbit flying over the branches and shouted loudly. Suddenly, countless flying birds formed a dense flock of birds and directly stopped the black rabbit in the air!

"It's really stupid!"

Ye Shenyue shook her head helplessly, jumped, hugged the black rabbit by the waist in the air, and landed firmly on the ground, looked at the black rabbit in her arms, and said softly:

"Just be stupid, don't embarrass my master, okay?"

"Who is my master?"

Black Rabbit glanced at Ye Shenyue resentfully, hurriedly broke free from Ye Shenyue's arms, turned around beautifully, looked at Kasugabu Yō and Kuto Asuka in front of him, and said emotionally:

"Welcome to Hakoba World, I am the referee who called you here. My name is Black Rabbit. Please take care of me when we meet for the first time!"


Before the black rabbit could finish speaking, his ear was grabbed by Kasugabe Yao, and Yuyuan Asuka came to join in the fun. The two of them grabbed one ear each and said in surprise:

"It's actually true! It's amazing!"

"Let go of people, what's the matter with you? Are people's ears so strange?"

Hei Rabbit struggled, tears were about to flow down, Ye Shenyue waved helplessly and said:

"Let go of the black rabbit, don't you two really want to know where this place is? Let her introduce you to it!"

"who are you?"

Jiu Yuan Fei Niao did not let go of the black rabbit's ears, but looked at Ye Shenyue with a vigilant look,

"Yishenyue! People who came to this new world just like you, but different from you are that I am already the owner of this black rabbit, you'd better let go of our pets!"

"It's a maid, maid!"

Hei Rabbit struggled to correct quickly, Ye Shenyue nodded with satisfaction, and said with a light smile:

"Yes, it's the maid!"

"I was defeated by you..."

Black Rabbit stared at Yagami Moon speechlessly, Kasugabe Yō finally let go of Hei Rabbit's ears, while Jiuyuan Asuka continued to hold, looking at Yagami Moon with indifferent ears:

"Then make it clear, who are you? What are your plans for us, why are you hiding inside and not coming out?"

"I thought our Black Rabbit wanted to play a game with you!"

Ye Shenyue smiled, pointed at the black rabbit and said:

"Just ask her specific questions, but let her go now. In this world, only I can bully her, understand?"

Chapter [-] Foul?unimportant

"Are you still a very serious master!"

Jiuyuan Flying Bird loosened Hei Rabbit's ears, looked at Ye Shenyue calmly, and said indifferently:

"Now this pet girl, tell us how this letter came to my room, and let me come to this world!"

"I'm not a pet! I'm a maid!"

The black rabbit said angrily, and Kasugabe Yao couldn't help laughing next to him:

"Is this master doing a good job? Someone has taken the initiative to admit that he is a maid so soon, so cute!"


The little cat on top of Kasugabe Yao's head also smiled proudly, as if following the master to mock the black rabbit!

"Can you still have fun?"

With a dark face, Kuroya said roughly what he had introduced to Yashinyue, took out the playing cards from his pocket, put them on the card table that had been transformed, and said:

"In order to make your team's rules and gameplay of Hakoniwa World more clear, then I will show you a demonstration, this time there is no bet!"

"Personal freedom is someone else's, and it's not easy to have a bet!"

Jiuyuan Asuka couldn't help laughing:

"Looking at your master's appearance, he is not a person who will give you freedom back!"

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