Ye Shenyue looked at Jin Long lightly, and said silently:

"Don't you naively think that you are covered with mist on the sea area and I don't know what the sea below is actually like? Keeping the mystery is one way, but hoping this will scare me, you are so naive! "

After all, Ye Shenyue walked to Jin Long's eyebrows step by step, and said lightly:

"Follow Xiao Jiaolong to reunite under Jiuquan, I was wrong just now, I didn't expect you to be so cruel to your own people!"

Having said that, Ye Shenyue will make a move, and she is ready to launch it with a palm against Jin Long's eyebrows!


There was a sudden explosion in the water, and a red unicorn dragon emerged from the water mist, hovering in the air, looking at the miserable Yeshenyue on the mountain, and roared loudly:

"Please don't do it, Xiao Jiaolong is here!"

"Son, are you still alive?"

Jinlong, who had already closed his eyes, opened his eyes abruptly, looked at the red exclusive dragon hovering in the air, and roared with the last of his strength:

"Let's go! Take good care of this water area, it's not enough to be a father, you must not do anything with this guy, this person is extraordinary!"

"Then what are you doing?"

The red unicorn hovering in the air put his hand on the little Jiaolong that had passed out, flew over slowly, put the little Jiaolong at the feet of Ye Shenyue, and said in a condensed voice:

"My father is short-tempered and offended. Just now, your flying stone attack almost killed me. My father is very angry, and I hope you forgive me!"

"It's so easy to say, look at what your father has ruined here? Can I let you go if I beat the little Jiaolong to death?"

Ye Shenyue looked at the red exclusive dragon silently. Was the broken horn obviously injured by the flying stone she just hit? Thinking of this, the excitement of the golden dragon is understandable!

"This is a water sapling!"

Without saying a word, the red unicorn placed a sapling that looked full of soil in front of Yeshenyue and said respectfully:

"Little Jiaolong has already stated your conditions just now. This is the water sapling in this water area. Just take it! However, I have a request!"


Ye Shenyue smiled slightly, looking at the expression of the red unicorn with some admiration:

"I'm very happy to see you cooperate so much. To tell you the truth, you are the first person to obey unconditionally since I came to this world. I like smart people, and you are such a person!"

"I am a dragon..."

The red unicorn silently corrected Ye Shenyue, coughed dryly, and said:

"I hope you can direct the water to any tributary of our waters after the water saplings start to produce water, so that the waters where our family has lived for generations will not disappear due to drying up!"

"That's natural!"

Ye Shenyue nodded and smiled:

"You can do the physical work of repairing the water canal by yourself. I will take the little Jiaolong and let you know when the time comes. That's it, take your father out of here. In short, I hope you will give up your love for me. Provocative, otherwise, I will really go to the bottom of the water and turn this place into a dead sea, don't take chances and hide it with a veil of mystery, all are fragile facts!"

After Ye Shenyue finished speaking, without waiting for the red one-horned dragon to be stunned, she dragged the golden dragon up and placed it on top of the red exclusive dragon, and watched the father and son with different personalities leave!

"Water saplings?"

Black Rabbit came to Yeshenyue's side for the first time, looking at the delicate sapling in Yeshenyue's hand and the big rhizome tightly wrapped underneath, his eyes were full of surprises!

"Is this game so important?"

Kuyuan Asuka and Kasugabe Yō hurried over, looking at the appearance of the black rabbit almost crying, their eyes filled with distrust.

"Of course!"

The black rabbit picked up the water sapling and said excitedly:

"You don't know, look at this thing, it is the savior of our community. In the previous battle, our community lost its name and flag, and everyone has to go far and far every day to ask for a little water to come back. , life has been very difficult, now that we have water saplings, we have water sources, the originally barren fields can finally be cultivated, the originally dry rivers can finally be fished, and the originally embarrassing life can finally be slowly restored! Isn't that exciting?"

"Correction, it will be my community soon!"

After Ye Shenyue healed the wounds on Xiao Jiaolong's body, she stood up silently, turned her head to look at the black rabbit and said:

"Let's go, take my water saplings to my community, I will create miracles myself!"


Black Rabbit's excited expression suddenly dimmed, and Yuyuan Asuka and Kasugabe Yō didn't speak either. The three of them looked at Ye Shenyue silently, with complicated expressions in their eyes!

"What? Aren't the three maids going to leave?"

Ye Shenyue looked at the strange expressions of the three, and said indifferently:

"Remember, your personal freedom is in my hands, and you have no capital to resist!"


Kasugabe Yao silently looked at Ye Shenyue, raised his head to look at the little Flood Dragon that had been cured by Ye Shenyue, pointed his finger lightly at it and said:

"Didn't we have dragons? Wouldn't it be a good means of transportation?"

"...I'm a dragon, I don't carry people!"

The little Jiaolong, who had just recovered a little, was stunned for a moment, hovering in the air looking at Ye Shenyue, his eyes filled with sincerity!

"never mind!"

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