"That's hard to say!"

Ye Shenyue gave a slight sigh, stretched out her left hand, and placed it on a rope in her own hand. A smile appeared at the corner of Jiuyuan Feiniao's mouth. Just as she was about to celebrate, her face suddenly stiffened:

"Uh, what do you mean?"

Kuyuan Asuka turned to look at the rope that Kasugabe Yō had disappeared, his eyes widened, and his dissatisfaction with Yagami Yue was even more obvious!

"It doesn't make any sense!"

Ye Shenyue smiled coldly, took the last rope in her hand tightly, and said with a chuckle:

"Don't forget, your freedom is in my hands. I can do whatever I want. For someone like you who didn't plan to cooperate with your new master well from the beginning, I think I still hold you in my hands. More appropriate, what do you think?"

"shameless bastard!"

Jiuyuan Asuka looked at Ye Shenyue angrily, and the black rabbit and Kasugabe Yō both close their mouths smartly, watching the master and servant face off silently in the middle of the road!

"Oh, it's hard to be a good person!"

Ye Shenyue lowered her head silently, stretched out her left hand, and lightly tapped on Jiuyuan Flying Bird's rope, Jiuyuan Flying Bird looked at Ye Shenyue in amazement, just a little smile appeared at the corner of her mouth, when she saw the horse that Ye Shenyue was holding in her hand slowly. It became... a leather rope!

"what do you mean?"

Looking at the dark leather rope in Ye Shenyue's hand, Jiuyuan Asuka's hair is about to explode:

"I have no grudges with you in the past and no grudges in the past, why do you treat me differently?"

"I'll tell you!"

Ye Shenyue hooked her fingers at Jiuyuan Fei Niao, the latter was stunned for a while, but still put her ear to Ye Shenyue's mouth, only to hear Ye Shenyue's lips flip up and down, and spit out five words:

"Because I'm happy!"

Chapter [-] The Lost Children

Holding the only leather rope in her hand, Ye Shenyue was also led by the black rabbit and entered the interior of Hakoniwa world, looking at the bustling streets on both sides, and all kinds of... animals walking on the streets, Ye Shenyue couldn't contain the curiosity in her heart, she stopped and walked, talked and looked at it, and didn't care about the aggrieved expression of the long-distance flying bird behind her, and the curiosity of the passers-by about the role of this leather rope.

After passing through the dimly lit long street of the night market, Yeshenyue finally came to a place that looked more like a country villa under the leadership of the black rabbit when the bright moon was in the sky, although it was known that the scenes in the sky were protected. The secondary sunlight that appeared under the cover of the film, but Yeshenyue was still attracted by the beautiful scenery here. If it weren't for the dilapidated manor that appeared in front of her eyes, the community that Yeshenyue had no name in the mouth of the black rabbit should still have a trace left. expect!

"Congratulations, everyone, you have entered the area of ​​our community, you are welcome, it's like returning to your own home!"

Hei Rabbit forced a smile, and loudly introduced everything around to Ye Shenyue and the others, but seeing the barren farm, dilapidated fields, and a house that seemed to be in disrepair, Ye Shenyue did not mention much. interest, directly interrupted the introduction of Black Rabbit:

"Tell me, how can I hold your community in my hands?"

"Uh, don't be so impatient..."

An embarrassed smile appeared on the face of the black rabbit, looked at the sky and said:

"The children who went to beg for water haven't come back yet. It's not too late to talk about this when they come back!"

"All right!"

Ye Shenyue shrugged, looked at the scenery in front of her, and said with a light smile:

"In other words, the main people you collectively represent are those children who are busy fetching water every day?"

"Uh...you're so smart!"

Black Rabbit nodded silently, turned around and looked at the land in front of him and said:

"Actually, our community was still very prosperous before, but after the war three years ago, the flag and name were plundered, and all the members of the great god level were plundered and became the subordinates of others, and now only those children are left. !"

As he spoke, the black rabbit's eyes suddenly jumped, and he pointed to a group of children who appeared in the distance and called out:

"Look, the children are back. Today is earlier than before. It seems that everyone is making great progress!"

"Well, it seems that the days before were even more bleak..."

Ye Shenyue nodded silently, looked at the crowd on the road in the distance, and shook her head silently. Although the black rabbit's ears are very sensitive, Ye Shenyue's eyes are surprisingly good, obviously, he has seen it, come back The children are not as elated as Black Rabbit described, and looking at the tools in their hands, they don't look like they are full of clean water at all, but they look exhausted and exhausted!

"You are back!"

Hei Rabbit stood in front of Ye Shenyue and cheered loudly to the children in the distance, but after the exchange, the lamenting from the children's team did not look excited at all!

"It seems that your companions are not happy to see you!"

There was still a collar around his neck, and Jiu Yuan Fei Niao, who was being held by Ye Shenyue's neck, also keenly felt a little strange. The barrels and the carts around them are empty, and there doesn't seem to be any harvest!

"what happened?"

The black rabbit looked at the leading girl with kitten ears and asked excitedly:

"What's the matter? Didn't you get any water today?"

"En! Sister Black Rabbit, we didn't hit anything. When the water reached us today, it suddenly stopped flowing. The Thomas family no longer allowed us to use their well to draw water, even if we took They don't agree to talk about the money, there is no way, we can't beat them at all, we can only come back helplessly, Sister Black Rabbit, hurry up and think of a way, otherwise, everyone will have no water tonight. drank, and..."

"Children, don't worry!"

Ye Shenyue interrupted the little girl's words, pushed the black rabbit in front of her away, looked at the group of lost children proudly, took out the water saplings she had taken from the black rabbit long ago, and said loudly:

"See what I have in my hand? This is the legendary soul of the water source of the sea dragon family - the water sapling, as long as I put this thing in a place where there is land, we can have a steady stream of water! Everyone is happy! unhappy?"

"is that true?"

When the children who were originally lost heard Ye Shenyue's words, they suddenly became agitated. Looking at the water saplings that Ye Shenyue held up high, they started chatting. After a lot of noise, a child finally asked the most crucial question:

"Who is this big brother? Why is there a black leather rope holding that big sister in his hand?"

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