Imaginatively pushing the non-existent eyes, Joan of Arc seemed to be transformed into a partner of justice in an instant.The slightly frowning brows and Sanwu's expression make people feel cute.

"That's what it meant..."

Yagami thought that Aria was going to see into his evil heart, but it turned out that it was just a misunderstanding, Aria is really a good boy.

Only now that Aria has promised the elf Joan of Arc, as a father, of course, he is responsible for what his daughter says. It seems that his plan can only be aborted.

It's just that the subconscious is still a little unwilling, and Ye Shenyue said firmly, "Aria is Aria, but the real coolie is me, your holy sword is very important, and other things are also very important, I paid so much No matter how hard you are, you can't do it in vain! You have to compensate me no matter what."

Ye Shenyue was purely arguing, he was already skilled at repairing something, and he didn't need any effort at all.

Absolutely as pictured.

But this is just a try. After all, Joan of Arc is not a fool, and they have agreed with Aria, so they don't need to pay attention to him.

After all, how can an idiot pay two cents for the same item?

However, he seemed to underestimate this girl named Jeanne.

"It seems so. The value of the holy sword is immeasurable. If that's the case, then I will grant you one more request. The book says that men like maids the most. It seems that maids must be very important, so... I will be your servant for the time being. How about it?"

Nodding very seriously, the girl named Jeanne said so, with a pure face, no suspicion of doing it at all.

It seems... really believe it! that all right?

There was a wonderful expression on Ye Shenyue's face, this Joan of Arc, who is this Joan of Arc... what was she thinking?

Men's favorite is a maid?Which book did she read this sentence from?The word "should" is obviously in a tone of doubt, but why can it be said so calmly as if it was all the truth?

And he somehow got a maid in just one minute?

A maid named Jeanne?

Ye Shenyue's eyes widened, and the expression on her face was still unbelievable.The current result is a hundred and eight thousand miles away from what he had imagined at the beginning.

It seems that the role of some evil person does not need him to play.

And the room.

"what happened?"

Riko and Aria had already gone from pinching each other to rolling on the ground, and then accidentally pressed the sleeping Miko-sama.

Bai Xue is the shrine maiden of Xingjia. Although there is no way to slowly exercise and restore spiritual power in the society now, the shrine maiden still has a way to recover.

This was invented only in modern times, and is the best and most suitable method for witches.

That is sleep!

Isomorphism allows the body's many cells and tissues to rest completely and rely on the body's potential to stimulate spiritual power.

That's why Bai Xue slept so deadly.

It's just that he was sobered up by being pressed, and the scene in front of him seemed to be a little wrong.

She seems to have forgotten something.

Touching his head, Mr. Bai Xue was a little puzzled.

ps: Thanks to 704596640 for the reminder ticket.

Chapter 036 Who Are You? (One More Collection)


Rubbing her sleepy eyes, Shiroyuki-san, who was awakened by Riko and Aria's confrontation, finally climbed out of the bed.The height of the bed was not very high, but the dazed Seika's shrine maiden fell unsightly.

"it hurts……"

Although she possesses powerful spiritual power, although she can sever Joan of Arc's holy sword with one blade, and although she can make the sword burst into a scorching flame, she is still a little confused in this ordinary situation.

Like now.

Covering her forehead with one hand, Xingjia's shrine maiden is completely awake now. She doesn't want to join in the fun of Riko and Aria. Now Baixue shouldn't be obsessed with nympho. This is Xiaoye's room, which was closed before. It's Xiao Ye's quilt and the like, and Bai Xue has more important things now.

That is to find the owner of this room.

Night Moon.

With her superb monitoring power, the witch detected the reality of this room within three seconds.

The person she was looking for is not in this room!

Bai Xue quickly got up from the ground and walked out of the room.

Because I already lived here, the route, the arrangement of the room, the white snow, etc. are still very clear.Even with eyes closed it won't hit the pillar.

Very easy, very easy, Bai Xue came to the living room, and the voice that should have been shouted was swallowed back by the priestess.

Because, now can not shout!

Pressing on the door frame with one hand, the bangs in front fell silently, casting a shadow on the entire snow-white face.

Because from her point of view, she could only see a man and a woman in the corner.

It seems to be doing something shady!

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