The Cerberus didn't say anything and jumped directly to the roof, apparently going to the scene where the murder was taking place.

Ps: That... You guys are too aggressive, and there should be a limit. For example, one person's urging votes can't be exceeded all at once. Also, the author can update at most a day, no matter how much, the author can't code— - Excuse me, if it can be put on the shelves, it will explode on the day it is put on the shelves, more... or more.

Chapter 0025 Clues of memory (please collect!

Sure enough, it is this atmosphere again, and it is indeed this state again!It was dark and gloomy, and the ground and walls were covered in human blood, still bright red.Just being there, there is a shuddering feeling.

When she came to the murder scene with the Cerberus, Ye Shenyue's body was half cold, and it really was a tormented feeling!The atmosphere of the murder scene was the same as the scene where he was killed.

There is no unnecessary sound around, only breathing can be heard.

"Boy, be careful!"

Cerberus also felt a dangerous breath, and reminded Ye Shenyue.

"It's you who should be careful!...Not good!"

Before Ye Shenyue finished speaking, her entire body was completely frozen, and in front of her body stood a hellhound!Is it... is it...

The image of the Cerberus helping him block the knife quickly appeared in Ye Shenyue's mind!lying in blood.


Isn't it an enchantment that people can't move?Although she can't know how to open the barrier like Haruna and then figure out how to break it, but Yagami knows that no matter how gorgeous things are, they must admit defeat in the face of absolute power!Only admit defeat!

Since the barrier cannot be lifted, then... just break it!He doesn't believe in a small barrier, even his % of power can't break it!


The Cerberus in front saw that the bright long sword was about to stab at the human being saved by Lord Hirsets, and he didn't care, so he immediately rushed out to block the sword for him, although he didn't know why he did it.Perhaps it was only because the other party was Lord Hirsets that he had worked so hard that he was resurrected.

I can't make Lord Halsides sad.As the existence of the entire underworld to kowtow, the Cerberus is very respectful.

However, just when the sword was about to stab him, and at the same time, he found that his body was stiff and could not dodge, and when he was about to be hit unwillingly, this kid suddenly pushed him away, and then, with one hand Grab the long sword.

The man with the long sword hid in the dark room and made a light "huh".At this time, Ye Shenyue let go of the long sword that she had finally grasped, and let the shadow disappear.

"Boy, why did you let her run away?'re injured."

Cerberus didn't know when it happened, and got up from the ground pushed aside by Ye Shenyue. Just as he was about to ask a few questions, he found that Ye Shenyue's hand had already drawn a bloodstain.And Ye Shenyue's hands were also oozing blood.

"It's okay, it's just a minor injury."

Come on, it hurts!This is Ye Shenyue's true thoughts. As a zombie, of course, you are not afraid of hanging, but you must feel the pain of hanging!So, even if he has the trump card of zombies, he can hang up countless times, but Ye Shenyue doesn't want to even once, why?Because it hurts so much!

"Forget it... I almost can't go back. I'll go back to the underworld to report this matter. It seems that I can't find a soul. The newly created soul was taken away by the knife just now."

Cerberus sighed, if this kid hadn't pushed him away just now, he wouldn't even be able to enter hell with his soul.


"Don't call me kid, just call me Ye Shenyue... um, let's call me Aikawa Ayumi."

Although it's cool to see this hellhound who almost sacrificed himself for him, Ye Shenyue still hates people calling him a kid.

"Ye Shenyue? This name is quite familiar. There seems to be a story about him circulating in the underworld... Well, Mr. Aikawa, just think I owe you my life, see you next time!"

Cerberus didn't pursue it either, his figure flashed and disappeared, probably returning to the underworld.

"Hey...hey, wait!"

What does it mean that there is a story about "Yishenyue" circulating, isn't he the one called Yeshenyue?Could it be that the memories that Gaia and Alaya said were in the underworld?

No, you have to go back and ask you.

Staying in this gloomy murder scene again, Ye Shenyue is also a little cold, and the pervert of Jingzi can stay and kill in such a place, but he can't stay.The little otaku's heart is still very small.

"Tsk tsk tsk... Aikawa Ayumi, you are really amazing! Then your vitality will definitely be more, more than these people who were killed, hihihi..."

Just when Ye Shenyue quickly escaped from this place, in the room that was supposed to be empty, a figure with a long sword that was still bleeding came out of the room, looking at Ye Shenyue's disappearance. , said darkly, and then, in the gloom, seemed to be smiling...

"Huh? You, why are you the only one left?"

After finally leaving the terrifying murder scene, Ye Shenyue returned home, only to find Yu in the hall drinking tea calmly.

"Ask Haruna and Sera?"

You picked up the small book and showed it to Ye Shenyue.

"Well, you weren't robbing bank cards just now, why did they all break up in the end?"

"In triplicate, the money is the same, three million per person, and now Sera and Haruna are in the room figuring out how to spend it."

It is rare that You can write so many words at one time, but the words written only make Yeshenyue Waterfall sweat extremely.

"What about the remaining one million?"

Was it left to him?Sure enough, these three girls still have a little conscience.

"Subsidize the family."

Like a downpour, it all poured down.Wet Ye Shenyue.The whole body is wet.

"So, what are you going to do with the three million dollars?"

"Is your hand hurt?"

Youben wanted to continue to show what she had written, but when her beautiful blue eyes moved to Ye Shenyue's hand, she saw a smear of blood. Although it wasn't very obvious, the tiny blood was still oozing out. .

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