Ye Shenyue followed, and she also got into the window, so she was bound to catch the bad wolf back.

It happened in a blink of an eye. When the girls' eyes flashed, only a large number of panicked girls were left in the entire changing room.

In horror, some people kept shouting, "Why are there wolves hiding in the storage room?"


"These idiots...don't anyone complain about why men suddenly appear in the women's locker room?"

The scene was still chaotic, Ye Shenyue had jumped out of the window after chasing the gray wolf, and Aria, who was shy and covered her body with clothes, expressed her anger.

It's just that the clothes she's wearing now are not the kind of clothes that you can go out casually.

Can only hate, yes, just watch Ye Shenyue disappear.

This kind of father who deliberately hid in the locker room to peek at his daughter changing clothes, as expected, kill him!

Aria seems to have misunderstood something.

Because Ye Shenyue's speed was very fast, everyone couldn't see what the figure looked like.So I thought it was just a gust of wind, and then the wolf escaped on his own.

Like now.

Riko walked slowly, she was one of the types who hid in the crowd and was not hurt by wolves, and said softly to the twin-tailed ponytail who fought the big bad wolf head-on and let the other side escape, "Aria, Did you see it? Fortunately, I pulled you to this side, otherwise you were facing the big bad wolf just now, and you wouldn't even have a chance to draw a pair of guns!"

Riko's expression of "I saved you, thank me quickly" seemed like she had really been a saint just now.

"You said... just pulled me away?"

Did you discover the big bad wolf in advance, and then wanted to help her?Riko didn't find Yagami in the storage room?

The good daughter is thinking, should she suppress this matter first, and then... go home, impose an eighteen punishment, and then slowly interrogate who the guy is here to see?

For a moment, Riko couldn't help but take a small step back, she just wanted to play Aria, it seems... she accidentally broke the other party.

Chapter 041 Recognize the wolf as a dog

Why do you feel palpitations?

Ye Shenyue, who pretended to be chasing the wolf, had already jumped into the grass. Although the gray wolf didn't know how to care for the girls, but if the gray wolf didn't appear just now, his situation would seem to be a hundred times worse than it is now.

He, who has already been sold as a "lolicon" by good engine oil, if this "underwear door" is exposed again, his reputation that is not very good will probably plummet.Even the girl who was grateful for being saved by him would stay away.

Riko is right, it means I remember you.

Ye Shenyue couldn't remember how many times he had said Riko's ill-tuned words. Now all he wants to do is to escape from this place first. As for the wolf or something, he won't go after him.

If there were no wolves, then he would become a perverted wolf.

Therefore, this wolf is a villain to others, but on his side he is the most astute helper.

Although I have seen a lot today, it can be regarded as a good appreciation.I can barely forgive my friend Muto for being tough.

Just two steps away, Ye Shenyue realized something was wrong.

"take me."

Ye Shenyue felt that the hem of her clothes was being pulled.

At the same time, there was a very familiar voice belonging to Lolita, but with a tone that had no emotion at all.

He lowered his head and saw a loli.

Holding a sniper gun in one hand, dark green short ear-length hair, bright orange-colored lazy eyes, and a cute little face.And the orange-colored earphones that play music belonging to my hometown that I never put down.

This Lolita is actually Lei Ji!

"Huh? Where to go?"

Although Ye Shenyue asked this, but now there is more important thing, that is to put her clothes on first!

God knows how Lei Ji came out just wearing underwear~pants. Fortunately, this is the women's locker room, and men are not allowed to enter, otherwise Lei Ji will be seen.

The jacket and so on have been taken away by Lei Ji last time, so this time I can only take off my shirt.

It's just that once he takes off his shirt, doesn't he become half naked?


Wouldn't that be called a pervert!

Ye Shenyue's eyes fell on Lei Ji's small body.

It's better to be perverted than Reggie naked.

Grit your teeth and take it off!

Unbuttoning the button, then taking it off, the shirt fell off his body in three seconds, and he handed the shirt over.

Lei Ji was also very cooperative. As soon as Ye Shenyue took off her clothes, she took the initiative to open her hands and let Ye Shenyue put them on for her.

This cooperative act made Ye Shenyue wonder if she came out without clothes on purpose, and asked him to undress on purpose!

Raiji put on clothes, and Yagami was naked.

everything's ready.

Only then did Reggie really explain her intentions.

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