Aria's mouth opened wide, as if she was frightened.

"This... so... you committed bigamy! You bastard!"

The two-tailed Loli suddenly became uneasy, and grabbed Ye Shenyue's neck directly, but because she was not tall enough, she was more like a small kangaroo, shaking to and fro.

"It is indeed a bigamy crime."

Lei Ji, who didn't say a word, nodded in agreement, but continued to speak in the eyes of everyone's doubts, quite confident, "He already has this destined wife."

"Note... the doomed wife?"

Aria and everyone were stunned for a moment. Lei Ji did not say a word and was cold and indifferent. The double ponytail loli thought that Lei Ji was just making up the number among the few people. How could she think that the other party actually called herself as a wife. !

So isn't it her stepmother?

No stepmother, Aria!

Also not allowed!

"You are all bastards... I'm going to cut holes for you!"

The double ponytail Loli can no longer control herself, and the pistol has long appeared in her hand.

"Okay... Stop arguing, it's been 5 minutes now! Are we still stealing the cross!"

At this moment, Ye Shenyue can only cover her face, saying that a woman is 500 ducks, but now there are four loli beside him, and there are 2000 ducks!

Can he be bothered?

For the first time, he felt that having too many girls was also a sin.

"Well... it is indeed the cross left by my mother that is more important..."

As the client who wanted the cross most, Riko-san nodded and calmed down first.

It's just that she seems to have forgotten that she seems to be the one who started the conversation.

She was the villain at first, and now she's the one cleaning up!

Ye Shenyue has a feeling of being fooled again.

Just this time.

"Toyama-san? Aria-san, and Raiji-san... what are you doing here?"

Just as their voices reached a climax again, a slightly gloomy voice emerged from behind them.

That was the voice of Xiao Yeming who just walked out.

It was discovered!

"Since it's been discovered, there's nothing else I can do... Aria, Leiji and Jeanne, you resist him first, and Xiaoye and I will go get the cross immediately and come back to help you!"

Riko was also stunned and then decided immediately and decisively.Then he took the initiative to climb onto Yagami's body, and using his superpower, threw Aria from Yagami's neck.


Teacher Xiao Yeming pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose with a slightly mocking smile.

But Jeanne and the others had to stand up and prepare to face the enemy.Joan of Arc drew the holy sword from her waist, while Reiki was ready to snipe.

If you hum the sentence "I am a bullet" at this time, then it is really perfect.

" bastard!"

Aria could only attack in anger, why was she the one who was thrown down!

So unfair!

Double ponytails are really natural enemies!

The battle full of gunpowder has begun.

And Ye Shenyue was complaining, if they had known this would end like this, what effort would they have put in just now!

Ye Shenyue thought helplessly, but she hugged her according to Riko's instructions and ran towards the studio.

Now he still has a mission to help Riko get her cross back.

Chapter 0048 The outbreak of Hss (third more)


The sound of guns and guns came from behind. It was the sound of Aria and the others already fighting.It's just that Ye Shenyue didn't have time to look back, and he was running forward at this moment.He picked up Riko with one hand, and followed her lips to kiss the cherry lips that attracted him the most.


Riko, who was kissed, was quite cooperative, and took the initiative to tug at his neck.

Putting Riko down and picking a small branch from the ground, Yagami Yue had another unusual experience.

He turned on hss with a kiss. At this moment, when he put his finger on the lock, a strange feeling was transmitted from the finger to the brain. It seemed that... he knew all about the lock. The secret, it seems that with such a light poke...then the lock can be opened.


Gently poke.


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