"What kind of force majeure... Obviously you are... You just let Riko kneel on the ground... Then... Then... um... You want your daughter to say this kind of thing! You lust!"

Aria bit Yagami's neck in one bite.

It seems that she wants to destroy this lecher in an instant, but how could she have sucked all the blood of people all at once without the teeth of a vampire.

However, Ye Shenyue, who was afraid of her injury, was bitten by the bite, not to mention, it was really painful.

All bleeding.

In his heart, he silently wrote down the promise to make Aria bleed to compensate him in the future. At this moment, Yagami Yue's mind is more about the word "bite".

Today not only was bitten by Riko, but also bitten by Aria. Sure enough, he went out after seeing Huang Li?

And Lei Ji also walked over, and with Jeanne, it seemed that they had something to say.It's just that Aria didn't want to let them go and couldn't squeeze in.

Lolita is difficult for Lolita.

"I said that you guys... I'm too proud... I seem to have forgotten my existence..."

At this moment, a creepy voice came from behind everyone.

Chapter 050 Vlad

It was Vlad, who had turned into a normal wolf who was still lying in a pool of blood the last second. Everyone turned around and saw that the wound on his body was healing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The big hole in the middle of Vlad's heart, which was reflected by the Yagami moon and hit, was also healing quickly, and then the whole body stood up, only the blood still remained on the ground.

Perfect as ever!

Ordinary people don't deliberately look at a man's heart, but now the girls' eyes have all moved away, and their eyes are burning.

Of course they weren't female perverts, they were just surprised.

"This...it's just a bug!"

Aria showed a surprised expression, such a guy would still heal naturally!It seems that if you are shot, will you still be alive and kicking?How can such a person be killed!

Even more surprising.It's just that Vlad, who was half-wolf, ripped off his clothes and turned into a wolf.

Huge giant wolf.

He has evolved from a human to a big wolf, and he is still a huge, hideous-looking werewolf. He does not need sharp claws, but only needs a huge fist to knock over to knock people into a mass of flesh.

"Sure enough... it really is this Vlad!"

At the same time as Vlad was transformed, Joan of Arc took out the flat glasses from nowhere, and analyzed like a scholar, "It is said that Vlad was sealed before, and there are four sealed marks on his body. Four marks will do...the marks are the spider patterns on him!"

"He deliberately didn't fully transform just now, maybe just to hide this mark...now...you see...his mark...one, two...three...three...uh..."

Pushing the glasses, Joan of Arc seems to be unable to take her eyes back. Where is the fourth mark in the record?No matter how she looked, she only found three places on the other's two arms and chest.

Did it record an error?

"Four marks... so that's his weakness... um..."

Vlad now looks really scary, but fortunately there is a way to deal with it.Now that the weak point has been found, just attacking the weak point will be successful.

Just defeating Vlad will get Mom acquitted!

In an instant, the urge to exonerate her mother affected Aria, and even Yagami didn't continue to bite.

It's just that the double ponytail of the cup found that he had no bullets in his two guns. If there were no bullets, what kind of guns would he shoot!

For the first time, Aria felt lost.

"Riko...give me the pistol!"

Aria jumped off Yagami's body when Vlad was talking, and then ignored Riko-san, who had turned into a werewolf and looked at her with joy at the dark blue cross.

Of course, Aria first ignored the traces of the suspicious pure white liquid that remained at the corner of the opponent's mouth.

"Okay... I'll lend it to you because Aria is still flat-chested."

Satisfied, she hung up the cross. Riko cooperated with her and took out her pistol, which was also a pair of pistols. She didn't keep a pistol.

Anyway, her goal was to take back her cross, and she didn't have much interest in defeating Vlad or something.

"Ping...for the sake of a flat chest!"

It's just that the two ponytails that were stimulated were reluctant to pick up the two guns.A pair of fiery red eyes stared at Riko firmly.

"Ara... I'm sorry... I forgot... Aria doesn't have a flat chest, it should be without a chest!"

Riko showed a shocked expression as if she had suddenly remembered something important, but the smile and intention in her eyes were obvious to everyone.

Riko the bad guy.

But because of this, it seems... Aria and Riko are also out.

As for Reggie, she gave up. In her words, Vlad's fatal weakness could not be found with the sniper gun.

And, more importantly, Ye Shenyue has appeared.

The next battle is left to him.

By the way, Lei Ji can also consider him...

So the dark green short-haired girl stepped back calmly.

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