Vlad is off.

"Found a weakness. I'm a bullet!"

Lei Ji has already actively set up the sniper position, just waiting to press the shutter.

It's so fast, it's really... so frustrating.

As expected of a bullet, it only hits the key points. I didn't know the key points so I didn't shoot it just now, but now... Vlad's heart is desolate. Sure enough, it's going to be destroyed here today?

Just as he hurriedly slid around, Vlad shouted as if he was being rescued, "Wait a minute... Look around, Mine Riko and that Yagami Moon are gone... They should be... going to a tryst. Bar!"

Vlad is not someone with a particularly high emotional intelligence, and of course there will be no such thing as a tryst.

He is not blind, it would be strange if these girls had no special relationship with Ye Shenyue!

"What?" The x3 girls really stopped and looked around, but they really didn't find Yagami and Riko.

Really missing the two of them!

Could it be that...you really went on a date?


Joan of Arc, who is a pure maid, expressed her calm.

"……It's ok."

Classmate Lei Ji, who is a pure wife and a descendant of Genghis Khan, expressed her calmness. She is already a wife, so what is there to be afraid of?As a man, you don't need to be too strict. Anyway, the most important person in the other party's heart is her.

"...that big bastard Ye Shenyue!"

This is the sad daughter. "But now we have to solve you first, eliminate all the crimes of mother, and then let mother come out of the police station!"

The grieving daughter has launched her first attack.Then there are Reggie and Jeanne.


Vlad's eyes widened, it seemed like he was in a hurry, more like he had put a terrible shackle on himself.Instead, it prompted these girls to kill him!

If you don't do it, you won't die!

There was a huge Vlad screaming in the yard, not only pain but also sadness and self-pity.

These Ye Shenyue didn't think about it, anyway, his business is done, and now it's time to... collect and receive rewards.

At this moment, Ye Shenyue was skipping one obstacle after another quickly, and of course was carrying a sack on her shoulders.

The sack was bulging and twisting constantly.

It was a sack called Riko.

Chapter 0053 Peak Riko

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu has gotta let me go uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..."

Riko-san, who was packed in a sack, was crying.

She considers herself to be one of the rare beautiful girls, and even if she is in a relationship, she is one of those who are spoiled and coaxed by boys.

Where is it like now... Where is it like now that someone was put into a sack and carried away?

She suddenly changed from a girlfriend to a kidnapped girl.

Although they were all kidnapped, if she should be picked up as a princess, then Riko-san is not so unacceptable.

Where would it be like now, she doesn't feel romantic at all.

She was not talking about the goods, and the other party was not talking about the Jiang Yang robber.

It's just that she is Robin, isn't Robin a thief?In other words, if you combine with the other party, the other party should also give birth to a bit of a robber's demeanor?

This kidnapping method... seems to be acceptable.

Riko-san couldn't help it when she thought about it, and she actually felt that the other party's behavior was understandable and praised.

Shaking her head again and again, Riko-chan almost thought that her head was completely broken.

Throwing the terrifying thought out of her head, Riko-san struggled.

She didn't want to stay in this cramped, uncomfortable sack.

"If you don't let me go, I will struggle... uu..."

Riko-san was about to use her superpowers to cut the sack with her hair, but when she was about to struggle, she found that the sack was so hard that it couldn't be cut at all!

"Struggle as you like... I specially put a magic barrier on this sack, unless your magic power is stronger than mine, it is impossible to destroy it!"

Ye Shenyue's lazy voice came in, almost making Riko want to bite him.

More magic than him?

Is that possible?

Riko was grief-stricken, this must be her most pitiful time.


It seemed that he had reached the destination, and then Ye Shenyue threw the sack on his shoulder directly.

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