Riko-san is very regretful.


Just as she was about to use another excuse to prevaricate Riko, Yagami made a quiet movement.Riko's eyes widened, apparently not knowing why.

Ye Shenyue took out her mobile phone and was vibrating.

"Yishenyue... Not good, I just received news that Bai Xue was expelled from Xingjia Shrine! Bai Xue is not allowed to leave the shrine!"

This is Tsuzumeko-sensei's message.

Also very real information.

Ye Shenyue wrinkled, and then loosened.

Perhaps, this is the time for him to fulfill Snow White's wish.

Thinking of this, Ye Shenyue opened up again.

Chapter 054 Xingjia Witch

Who is a witch? In ancient times, she was definitely a woman who served God.The witch represents holiness, is born with divine power, and is full of divine breath.

Once you become a shrine maiden, you have a respectable power and a permanent estimate.

Traditional witches and witches with high status are not allowed to marry, they have to dedicate their whole lives to the Lord God.

Xingjia Baixue, also known as the Scarlet Witch.

She was raised as the next generation of the shrine's shrine heiress since she was a child, in other words, she could not return to the secular world.

So you can't get married.

Not to be lost!

When the current student Baixue returned to Xingjia, it was found that she had lost the purity of the girl, so she was currently incarcerated. As a punishment, she could not take half a step outside the shrine for life.

At the same time, her identity as a priestess was also deprived.

How pitiful.

On the way to adjust Riiko, Tsuruumeko-sensei hurriedly called and said this is the news. With her judgment-like eyes, she certainly knew why Baixue suddenly lost her life.

So I called Ye Shenyue directly to clean up this mess.

And Ye Shenyue also came without humiliation.

Now, Yagami is standing on the gate of the high Xingga Shrine, sitting on the pillars of the very noble gate of the shrine, and then looking at the witches below with two legs hanging.

Although there is only one shrine, there are many witches. This shrine has a wide range and occupies a large area, so it is okay to have more witches.

It's just surprising that these witches are young girls, whether they are cleaning the temple or training the girls are very young.

Ye Shenyue's gaze shifted and shifted, and finally landed on the witch.

This is a cute little girl in a witch costume.Both hands are holding breakfast, as if preparing to deliver food to someone.

Originally, he was still standing on the pillar of the shrine, but in the next second, Yashin Yue jumped down quickly. His speed was very fast, and in the blink of an eye, he was behind the shrine maiden who delivered the meal.

Follow the witch to a room.

From the outside, it was a house painted black.

Referred to as the little black house.

Here... it should be where Shirayuki was imprisoned.

Ye Shenyue did not continue to follow, but waited for the rabbit.


The witch opened the door and walked in, only to come out after a while.Then the door was put in place again, and the heavy chains were locked.

At this point, Ye Shenyue no longer needs to be sure, this little black room is where Bai Xue is being held.

Poor Bai Xue, obviously called Little Bai Xue, was locked in a small dark room.

"Thank you for taking care of Bai Xue."

Just as the shrine maiden turned around, Ye Shenyue appeared beside her and said softly.

"You are... um..."

Suddenly a person appeared from beside him, Miko-sama was startled, and hurriedly called out, only to be knocked over by Ye Shenyue with a knife.

Surprisingly, this shrine maiden seemed to be quite large, and she did not faint after being knocked by Ye Shenyue.

It made Ye Shenyue make up for it again, and then fainted.

Generally speaking, Yashenyue doesn't hit women, but now it's an emergency, so she can't take care of that much.

Drag the witch into the woods and sprinkle some leaves on her body to cover it up. This is not an act of destroying the corpse. It is just hiding the witch first, so that she will not go to Gaomi.

It was just when she was playing with the little witch's body, Ye Shenyue's flowery heart couldn't help but move. Loli or something was really good, and Qingyin's body was soft and easy to overturn.

This sorceress loli moved directly into the woods before he could exert much strength.

These witches are too weak, so they have to be stronger. If he was a little more evil, wouldn't he be able to really push this little loli?

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