That person is...

Ye Shenyue's head was a little dizzy, and he didn't wake up until Bai Xue's little hand was already in his palm, and then he started to lift the other hand and start to slide over his neckline.

It's just that this awakening seems to be a little slow. Bai Xue's little hand has slipped to his neckline, and he has begun to unbutton his clothes familiarly.

This feeling.

Why do you seem to be helping him undress?

This situation, this behavior...isn't it!

"Bai Xue... what are you doing?"

Ye Shenyue directly grabbed her small hand that had already unbuttoned his second coat.No matter how you look at it, Snow White seems to be doing a prelude to something!

On the other hand, the face of the former shrine maiden who was caught by her little hand showed a look of pure doubt.

Yes, she showed pure color.

"Could it be... I haven't seen each other for such a long time... Xiao Ye doesn't want it~~" At the end, it's really rare that the former witch of Xingjia actually showed such a... charming expression!

Ye Shenyue's heart is about to succumb, if it is Riko-chan to reveal such a style, he will not be surprised, but now it is Bai Xue, a student Bai Xue who has been separated for a week.

Could it be... that Snow White doesn't exist anymore?

Or is it... remodeled in just one week?

Ye Shenyue began to look for clues.

Then, Ye Shenyue found the culprit where Bai Xue was kneeling.

"The Bride Tutorial" is a book that is as simple as a blank sheet of paper, a book that can train innocent girls into perfect wives.

For example, when the husband comes home, a qualified wife will always take the initiative to walk up to her husband, half smiling and half shyly saying, "Do you want to eat first, take a shower first, or... eat me first?"

This is not a polite word, no matter which one the husband chooses, the result is the same.

Eating = banquet, bathing = wiping bubbles.

The end result is all one word "eat" ... capital "eat."

Just looking at the pure white cover of the book, Ye Shenyue has already realized something.

According to Bai Xue's character, if she was given a chance, she would definitely do it.

After all, this is a "wife" tutorial.

Ye Shenyue suddenly had the idea of ​​introducing Xiangmiao directly to Bai Xue, so that Bai Xue could learn from the book and really learn.

What is the so-called duty of a wife.

First, the husband and the daughter.

such as……

just now.

He likes to take off his clothes instead of being taken off, not even a girl.

I looked out the window, my ears were very useful, and there was no one to disturb for the time being.

Since Bai Xue had taken the initiative, he would be really sorry for her if he didn't respond.

Once again, the youthful body between immaturity and maturity that really resembles a snow-white girl appeared in front of him again.

Snow White, Xingjia Snow White.

She has a body of white snow but her heart is burning like fire.

Such an amazing girl.

"Dong dong dong..."

A frantic knock on the door.Then there was the sound of the door being pushed open, and then... the sound of the weapon falling to the ground.

The former priestess, who stretched out in Ye Shenyue's arms, opened her eyes, still a little confused.

At this time, the girl who pushed open the door spoke shyly. At the same time, behind her stood a group of witches with either ruddy or 5.6 livid faces.

It looks like they are all young witches, but some of them are in charge. "It's him... the man who molested me! A vulgar man!"

The first person standing in front of Ye Shenyue was a petite girl.

The girl's appearance is somewhat familiar... It seems, it looks a bit like the girl he got the key to.

"Hua Xue?"

Seeing the person coming, Bai Xue suddenly stood up.Then, Guang Lulu's body appeared in the air.What should be revealed and what should not be revealed is exposed.



A row of eyes looked over.

Shiroyuki-san, who never knew what the blush was for, squatted down.

Ye Shenyue quickly covered her with clothes.

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