"Ye Shenyue...why are there no towels in the bathroom?"

Orimara Chifuyu's emotionless voice came from the bathroom, and Yagami hurried over, "I took it to wash today..."

"Oh. Then you can bring it in."

Oriban Qiandong's voice still did not waver.

Take it directly?

Is it completely undefended or not needed at all?

Ye Shenyue shook her head. It was really a misstep. In front of Sister Qiandong, he was just a younger brother. Even if he was a younger brother with a vigorous adolescence, doesn't this older sister need to be guarded?

He took the bath towel, opened the door, and saw a slender and moving figure.

Qiandong's figure is very good, and the perfect division is like the golden ratio. He is tall, moves very flexible, and has long and strong legs.

It is looming in the water vapor, and when you get close, you can see the whole picture.

Qiandong was lying in the bathtub, holding the edge of the bathtub with both hands, his long black and shiny hair fell into the water, and some naughty fell on the smooth and delicate pink shoulders and pink back.

Qiandong's eyes were tightly closed as he fully enjoyed the warm water bath.

"Come and give me a massage...I'm so tired today..."

Zhiban closed his eyes comfortably because of the water bath, and only opened them a minute after Ye Shenyue came in, as if he had just discovered him.

It's just that the current weaving spots don't have the reaction that women should have. Generally speaking, they are seen by men naked.With the temperament of a cold girl, the reaction must be super strong, and it will directly kick the man away.

But Qiandong didn't have any abnormality. Instead, he took the initiative to ask Ye Shenyue to massage her.

Ye Shenyue's technique is very good, and this is the credit of a certain Xingjia witch with a sword in her hand. The witch-sama massages him every day, and the massage is still very good. It did a good job at once.

He has always been the object of being served by girls, and now he is actually serving another girl. It can be said that the only girl who makes him massage willingly is this one.

Spotted Chifuyu.A cold and arrogant lady.

It's really hard to navigate!

"It's so comfortable~~" Oriban finally made a voice that was different from the usual cold tone.As if humming.

"Sister Qiandong, are you really not shy? Generally speaking, it's a little unnatural for men to massage girls."

"What are you thinking...you are my younger brother! What do you care about your younger brother?"

Oriban-sama turned his head and glanced at Ye Shenyue and said in a flat tone.

Sure enough, it's just... little brother?

It would be a lie to say that he is not lost, but it is also beneficial to be a younger brother. For example, if you change to a normal man, you will never be able to touch Zhiban's body like this.

A younger brother has the advantage of being a younger brother.


At night, it was dark outside and there was a terrible thunder, a trend of heavy rain.

"good chance!"

Ye Shenyue, who was still wearing pajamas, immediately rushed to the next room with a cry of excitement.

There is only one owner of the room, Chifuyu Orimara.

"Boom boom boom!"

Ye Shenyue was knocking on the door.Then, without waiting for the other party to answer, he unscrewed the handle and entered actively.

"It's thundering weather again? I really can't help you... This is the last time... Boys, be strong!"

The tall and slender girl who was sleeping on her side felt a body quickly get into the bed and could not help but stroke her forehead and said.There were only two people in the house, and there was a roar of thunder outside, so who else but her brother climbed up?


Ye Shenyue, who got into the corner of the bed, continued to move forward. The quilt was filled with the fresh breath of 457 unique to girls.Qiandong's bed wasn't very big, but there was more than enough room for two people, but Ye Shenyue chose Zhiban Qiandong's body.His goal is to hit Oriza Chifuyu.

"That...Sister Qiandong...can you get a little closer. The thunder outside is scary!"

"Don't touch it!"

Orimara Chifuyu's voice was serious.

"But thunder is scary...I think that..."

"this is the last time!"

Very serious voice.

After speaking, Oriza Chifuyu pressed his head as if accepting her fate, "En... the last time."

Nodding like a baby.

However, the real thought is, when is the last time?It's been said N times and it's still the last time, obviously it's repeating.

The current Ye Shenyue is indeed very bad. He took advantage of his younger brother's identity and deliberately said that he was afraid of thunder. Every time there were thunderstorms, he always went to see Qian Dongjie. Over time, he successfully created a kind of fear for Qiandongjie. The illusion that someone needs someone to accompany a thunderstorm.

Although the means are very despicable, in order to defeat Chifutsu Orimara, any means must be used!

Sister Yu is not good at strategy.

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