They are British ladies.

"Ah... me... no problem."

Ye Shenyue's thoughts fell on Huo, and when she was suddenly asked, she hurriedly answered, but the dullness in her tone made a certain girl with a flag behind her even more upset.

Be sure to let him have a good taste of the bones... oh no, it's the pain, let him taste the pain!

Chapter 0004 Held together (one more flowers)

"Although you are Oriban-sensei's younger brother, I have confidence in my own strength and will definitely not lose to you!"

After class, Cecilia, who always had a flag flying behind her back, ran to Yagami Yue's side.She raised her head high and looked domineering, and she was quite proud that she had become a candidate for the British IS representative.Not only is she proud of who she is, but what makes her proud is the ability to drive the IS.

At this point, she didn't think she would lose to this fledgling man!


IS is a super powerful combat weapon, and it has also become the mainstream weapon in the world.Because IS can only be used by women, it is a world dominated by women and dominated by women.

In this world, men can't be stronger than women, and her thoughts have long been set since the advent of IS.

"Oh, I see……"

On the contrary, Ye Shenyue's reaction was very flat, but he had a different mindset, and it was impossible to lose in a duel with a girl.

Even if it is Orimara Chifuyu, as long as he has the full strength, he will not lose, so the little challenge of the girl who always flashes the Mizi flag behind her back, Yagami only regards it as a way to strengthen the fit between herself and Shiro Just a little training.


"Your reaction shouldn't be like this! It's rare for the great Cecilia-sama to speak to you so peacefully, but you answer with such a casual attitude... It's really annoying! I will definitely defeat you tomorrow. oral!"

The blond girl who was used to being proud all the time couldn't bear to be looked down upon by a man she regarded as weak.

"Okay... so how many tricks will it take?"

Therefore, Ye Shenyue's favorite is the soft girl. The soft girl will not make a fuss if she has love, but it seems that there is only one soft girl in this world, Charlotte, and I don't know why she will come here.

However, Cecilia, who puffed her cheeks in anger and clenched her fists with both hands, was still cute.

"Sure enough, you said it? Haha...I finally understand my own shortcomings...But I, Cecilia, are not a bully, let you do a hundred tricks!" Wei Wei raised his head, his right hand passed across his forehead, Cecilia said confidently.

"One hundred moves? It seems to be a little short... But forget it, the results are the same."

Ye Shenyue frowned slightly, and then let go, a fait accompli that could not be changed.

"You're still quite enlightened. You know that you can't win me no matter how much you give. For the sake of your knowledge, I'll show mercy tomorrow so that you won't lose too much."

The British Alternate Delegate, who was full of confidence and brilliance, seemed to be flashing a huge Union Jack again.

"Haha... It seems that you have misunderstood it. I didn't want you to let me, but I let you do a hundred tricks."

"You can't beat me."

Yupata Yashenyue calmly stated the fact that as early as this morning's training to defeat the instructor, he had already found a reason to be undefeated after just a small test.It is impossible for him to lose against Cecilia, who mainly focuses on missile attacks.

"How arrogant!"


"Don't cry tomorrow!"

"I will forgive you only if you run over crying and nose!"

Continuing to lose her eldest temper, Cecilia walked angrily while saying funny things, her cheeks puffed up are really cute.

For some arrogant girls, either make her angry or make her ashamed.

This is something that Yashenyue has already practiced on a certain arrogant double ponytail that is only 142 cm long.

After having a conversation with Cecilia, he said that he wanted to make Cecilia a hundred tricks in the eyes of the girls, maybe it was a joke, but Ye Shenyue smiled lightly, and they would know tomorrow.

Now he has to find Xiao Zhizhi. This childhood sweetheart has not fulfilled any obligations of his childhood sweetheart. Every time he sneaks away by himself, he has no idea of ​​being with him. It's really abominable!

It was just after school, and when he was surrounded by Cecilia, Shino-no-no also sneaked away.As if he had nothing to do with her.

Although the girls are a little more enthusiastic, there is one advantage that they like gossip very much, and only on the way of the two "kind" and "gentle" girls, Ye Shenyue has mastered the childhood friend Xiao Zhizhi who abandoned him and left. Huo's various hobbies and interests.

According to reliable sources, Shino no Kyo has just finished kendo training and is now taking a shower in his room.

Raising the speed to such a level that no one noticed, Yagami went directly into the pre-assigned room.This is the girls' dormitory. If the girls see it, there will definitely be a discussion. Although the results are the same, this time he has to let Huo find out.

Although IS Academy is a dormitory system, he is a boy, so he would never live with a girl!

Isn't this implying that something is about to happen?

This room must have been allocated by Sister Qiandong.Chito Orizawa was also present today, so he must have known that Hao seemed to have a conflict with him, so he let the two of them get along and handle the conflict well.And it's not more difficult than winning the lottery in the same dormitory with Huo, but it was not a deliberate arrangement for him to meet?

Is this not going to be a problem with this relationship?

Sister Qiandong must have indulged him too much, right?Not even the slightest bit of vinegar.Do you really think of him as a brother?

Obviously there is no blood relationship, and even if it is a taboo thing like blood relationship, he has already been exposed to it.

Sister Qiandong's strategy has not yet succeeded, and comrades still need to work hard.

Teacher's dormitory.


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