How could Ye Shenyue miss such a good opportunity?

"Didn't you say you're not ready yet? Then... just wait until you're ready before continuing."

"We've been living together since today."

There is a chance!

"Huh... ah?"

Xiao Zhizhi was completely stunned on the spot.

Ye Shenyue... is her roommate?

This is the girls' dormitory!

However, in the heart of Shino no Kyo, who finally "escaped", there was an unspoken feeling of loss in his heart.Especially when I feel like I'm naked now.

"Hey...this is..."

Ye Shenyue's back was tall and tall, with a rosy face and Xiao Zhizhi picked up the bath towel that had fallen on the ground, but she was stunned when she picked it up.

There is a neat incision on the pure white bath towel. If the bath towel is restored to the state where it was wrapped by Shinonoshino, this incision is between the European style.

If the towel was blown off by the wind generated during fencing, there would not be such a slit on the towel, and such a neat incision could only be created by sword energy!

According to legend, sword qi can only be exuded by practicing swords to the extreme.This kind of sword qi is difficult to practice successfully, and requires years of accumulation and talent to practice successfully.

Could it be that this guy... He hasn't forgotten the days when we practiced swords together, he has been practicing hard, and like her, he has integrated his extra thoughts into swordsmanship?

So he has reached the realm where he can emit sword energy now?

Xiao Zhizhi's heart was a little sweet in the panic.

However, the real fact is that the trick that Ye Shenyue attacked her was the one he only practiced all the time. Whether it was training with Silas or other training, he only practiced this trick and only this one. trick.

This move made Qiandong, who is known as a super expert, find it difficult to deal with.

But the girl's misunderstanding or something, Ye Shenyue likes it the most.Less difficulty of the strategy.

ps: Thanks to ★Ye, Assault-type Luo, qsxeszll2 for the flowers and evaluation.To reiterate once again, the way of thinking of Xiaozhi's shackles is Xiaozhi's shackles.

Chapter 0006 duel (three more for collection)

The arena has a field where the shield is specially used for battles.


Under Yamada-sensei's order, both Yagami and Cecilia activated the IS they were carrying from the standby state at the same time.

Cecilia's body is blue, which is indeed in line with the temperament of a lady, and her name is also very elegant, called blue tears.

And Yagami's is a white style that is called experimental development and is actually hand-made by Shino no Bundle.Both the gloss and the posture are very handsome.

IS is much better controllable than the Gundam of large robots. There is no need to recite the functions of various buttons at all, as long as you can move as usual.

As long as you are proficient in flying and have other special functions, the operation is simple.

For Ye Shenyue, who can sit and never stand, it is definitely a weapon that can be lazy.

Although this is the second time 06 has used the white style, and the contact time is not long, but Yagami feels the potential soul of the white style.

Just like a computer, when the technology develops to the extreme, artificial intelligence or something can appear, and like the current white style, its core can be completely comparable to that of a computer.

There should also be artificial intelligence lurking in it.

This is not a cold weapon, but a carrier for artificial intelligence.

"It's so beautiful... Ye Shenyue-san's body looks very beautiful! It seems to be exclusive!"

"That... 箮... Who do you think will win?"

The arena is very lively. After the news that Cecilia and Yagami Yue competed for class representation through a duel, the people who came to watch were not only the students in Yagami Yue's class, but also a lot of people who wanted to come to see the world's first class. Wonderful classmates who is a person who can manipulate IS.

Although there were a lot of people, the students in the class still occupied a good seat. As the name of the childhood sweetheart marked by the classmates in the class, Shino no Kou was in the best position.

The girls in the class chatted.

"That...I don't know..."

Suddenly being asked by the original voice of Bu Yu, Xiao Zhizhi's face had an unnatural blush, and he was hesitant to speak.

The puppet is wearing a puppet suit that is much larger than her body, and looks a lot like Pikachu from Pokémon.She is someone who likes to make friends with people.Xiao Zhizhi was alone in the class, and there were only a few friends here.

"Huh... How can you not know? Classmate Xiaozhi is the childhood sweetheart of classmate Yashenyue. Usually, childhood sweethearts are not betting on their boyfriends to win?"

"Or do you think Cecilia is too powerful? Have confidence in childhood sweethearts!"

The gossip-filled classmates chased and kept asking questions.

Indeed, as a childhood sweetheart, of course, you have to stand on the side of your childhood sweetheart when your childhood sweetheart fights with others, but now Xiaozhizhi has a difficult choice.

She wanted Ye Shenyue to win but she didn't want him to win.

This is a very contradictory thought, but it is a true portrayal of her.

"If you win Cecilia, then you will reward me! Do all the things you didn't do last night!"

This morning, Ye Shenyue said this to her implicitly.

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