

Ye Shenyue swung the long knife instead of blocking the laser with the blade, but aimed at the laser with the blade, and swung it violently when the four lasers shot at the same time.


There was actually a huge smoke and dust, and Ye Shenyue herself flew up.

"'s impossible..."

As the attacker, Cecilia herself knew best that her laser was not blocked but was cut like a watermelon!

It's like a missile being cut open!

Actually cut the laser too!

What kind of guy is this!

Cecilia really didn't know how she felt when she saw Yagami Yue who had already flew up and was standing on the same level as her.

"What a cool guy!"

Ye Shenyue flew into the air unharmed, and Sister Qian Dong smiled softly.

"Classmate Yeshenyue...that's amazing!"

The onlookers cheered.

"It's just luck!"

"Up to the sky is my stage!"

Seeing Yagami Yue holding the long knife in her hand, Cecilia felt the pressure, but she was still a little stubborn.

With a snap of his fingers, he aimed the laser at Ye Shenyue again, and the laser was scattered in the air like fragments of gorgeous fireworks.

It made people a little unbearable to destroy, but Ye Shenyue still waved the knife. Unlike waiting for the arrival of the laser on the ground, he took the initiative to attack. The speed of the four beams was very fast, although he could not do it at the same time. It was launched, but the speed of the launch was also very close. However, the guy Yagami actually increased the speed to every beam, and finally even slipped to the floating gun that emitted the beam. As long as he took the knife and slashed at the floating gun, Sisi Leah's laser attack failed.

"What's up with his speed?"

The four floating cannons were caught up, Cecilia hurriedly controlled to dodge, but no matter how she controlled and avoided Yagami Yue, Yagami Yue chased after her tightly, as long as she was attacked in general terms. It is difficult for the other party to even dodge the attack, let alone pursue it directly.

The speed of the other party is too fast!

"Damn... so what about the next move?"

Cecilia gritted her teeth, gave up the control of the floating cannon, and took out the floating cannon, the last weapon.

This is her most powerful laser gun with a length of two meters.

The power of the laser gun was more than 10 times stronger than that of the floating cannon, so she didn't believe that Yagami Yue could even do this, "Let's start then!"

Anyway, he just cut it.

Cecilia couldn't use other tricks when controlling the floating cannon. Now that she gave up the control and floating cannon, Yagami didn't intend to continue attacking.Now he just needs to cut it.

Ten years ago, Japan was attacked by more than 4000 missiles. At that time, the white knight appeared, the first IS, and the white knight destroyed all the missiles in a blink of an eye.

And now, he may not have reached such a state, but if he is only dealing with Cecilia, then it is still more than enough.

Yagami didn't dodge or dodge, let Cecilia aim at him and let the missile fly over.

He and Cecilia are very close, and the speed of the missile has increased a lot.

"This guy……"

Looking at Ye Shenyue's self-seeking death, Cecilia won't admit defeat!


The missile landed on Yagami's long knife, and Yagami wanted to use his best move to cut the missile, but the moment it came into contact with the missile, the knife broke.

But the sword was broken, and the sword energy that Ye Shenyue forged was still there!

The missile was cut in half with a loud roar.


The girls around xN were surprised.

"Want to... win? Or do you want to give up and admit defeat?"

Shinonokyo watched Yagami throw away the broken long sword, and moved towards Cecilia at a high speed, like a dead fish and a broken net.

"Miss Ben appreciates your courage, but now you can't stand my blue tears without a weapon!"

Cecilia nodded and snapped her fingers to summon the floating cannon again.Shoot at Yagami, who has no weapons.

"Really? But I don't rely on foreign weapons, but on my own fists!"

Ye Shenyue flashed past the attack of the floating cannon, and the speed reached a terrifying realm, and just came to the back of Cecilia while she was talking.


He thought that the terrifying speed he saw just now was his limit, but now Cecilia can't even feel the trajectory of Yagami's movement!

Just appearing behind her in the blink of an eye!

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