Xiao Zhizhi felt that he couldn't say anything.

At this time, Ye Shenyue's voice finally reached here.


Yagami caught up from behind, and saw Oriban-sensei who was with Hao.

His titular sister.Spotted Chifuyu.

Seeing him coming, Xiaozhizhi's face turned red unnaturally, and Qiandong-sensei's frowning brows loosened slightly, and then picked it up again.

"You guys have already started dating."

"This...not yet...yes...since last night."

Xiao Zhizhi was embarrassed to admit it at first, but now the aura of Qian Dongjie is too great, so she can only nod her head obediently.

Qiandong did not speak, and was silent for a minute.Then.

"Remember to bring condoms when doing it in the future! You are still in school, so it is not suitable to have children right away."

Orimara Chito, who held her chin with one hand, looked solemnly on Shinonokyo's body, and then on Ye Shenyue's body, and paused for a while before speaking.

Sister Qiandong is Sister Qiandong, she is very imposing at any time, just these words will shock Xiao Zhizhi.

"I... I'll go first!" After Teacher Qiandong said this, Xiao Zhizhi felt his face burning even more, and immediately ran forward regardless, Ye Shenyue remembered that the direction was not the direction to the classroom, Is the Shinobi no Kakuro already in chaos?


Now the three people's worrying situation has changed, and only Yashenyue and Qiandong Zhiban are left in the distance.

Somehow, Ye Shenyue actually had a terrifying feeling of being caught on the spot.

"Just do it yourself."

Qiandong didn't say anything extra, just patted Ye Shenyue on the shoulder, and then said this lightly, but Ye Shenyue still felt that Qian Dong's patted his shoulder was a little hard.

Sure enough... I still care!

Ye Shenyue wanted to see Qiandong, but Qiandong took a photo of Ye Shenyue and left quickly.

Not like leaving normally, but like... like running away!

Walking alone, I met girls on the road, but was surrounded by groups of girls.It seems that because of the overdoing yesterday, she smashed Cecilia's shield with her fist.

And Xiao Zhizhi seems to be so shy that he can't even save him when he is surrounded. He is really a bad boy, not only failed as a childhood sweetheart, but also failed as a girlfriend.

Always leave alone.

"Good morning, did you feel better seeing the ladylike Cecilia?"

However, when she came to the class, Cecilia, who had lost the power of the class representative who had lost the game, often had the British Union Jack flashing behind her, but she had no influence at all, and was still full of pride and self-confidence.

No, she was still affected, because now her eyes are not too correct, and there seems to be a terrible thing called fanaticism hidden in it.

In addition, the current words were said by Cecilia to Yagami Yue.

According to her arrogant temperament, what she should say at this time should be "Miss Ben lost last time, according to the promise, Miss Ben will no longer bother with class representation."

It should be with such a tone of admitting defeat instead of the ambiguous tone that some people can easily find out. There are some problems with Cecilia now.


Shinonokyo, who had deliberately kept a distance from Yagami, turned his head back.

Today's classmates are a little stressed, because they feel that not only Cecilia, the high-profile blonde girl, is a little strange, but also Shino no Kyo, there is always some turbulent momentum around her, but this The two of them can be completely ignored in front of Oriban-sensei.

As soon as Teacher Qiandong came out, his aura shook the field, and no one dared to desert during class.

They only felt that today's Oriban-sensei was too strong. It seemed that she was angry or something. If she was caught, it would be the fate of the cup.Although nymphos like to be brutally abused by Teacher Qiandong, they prefer that Teacher Qiandong can be gentle with them.

"Hu, let's eat this for you."

It was already time for lunch, and no matter how much Shino-no-no tried to dodge, Ye Shenyue grabbed her firmly.Ye Shenyue deliberately put the chicken soup in front of Shino no Shou.

"Although it has been repaired yesterday, in form, let's drink to nourish the body."

"Stupid...stupid...don't be so...intimate...then I'll drink it."

Xiao Zhizhi was not used to Ye Shenyue being so affectionate to her in front of everyone, so her face was very red, but when she saw that Cecilia was at the next table, she immediately put the chicken soup that Ye Shenyue handed over in her hand, Drink small sips.

"Excuse me, what is the relationship between classmate Xiaozhizhi and classmate Yashenyue?"

Cecilia, who was in ambush at another table, really couldn't stand Yagami Yue's concern for Shino-no-no, and finally came up and walked over.

asked bluntly.

Just yesterday, after that battle, she changed her mind about Yagami.Some men are weak and useless, but some men are different.

They can be powerful and protect people.

From the side, Ye Shenyue still met her requirements very well.

As a British lady, if you like it, you should take the initiative.

So she wouldn't let go and attacked directly.

"Of course it's a childhood sweetheart. Weren't you there when classmate Shenyue announced last night?"

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