Charlotte was astonished. She raised her head as if she was enjoying the spring breeze, and said... Ye Shenyue wouldn't be so... I didn't understand the atmosphere and didn't make sense.

"Target found!"

"The target has held hands!"

Although she had already confessed and Ye Shenyue had accepted it, the girls still hated Charlotte's behavior of "running" and "stolen eating".

How can they go on a date right under their noses?

"By the way, why did you bring me too?"

"My wife is so disrespectful!"

Raula still looked a little awake. He chatted a lot with the vice-captain of the Black Rabbit team last night, and got a lot of common sense necessary for "snatching Yashenyue" from the other party.

"Nonsense, now that our special machine has been taken away, of course we can only come to you. Also, don't call Ye Shenyue "my wife" casually."

Huang Lingyin said angrily, but Cecilia felt that Huang Lingyin's attitude was inappropriate, and immediately added, "Maybe they will conduct some kind of behavior, that is a very bad behavior, such as doing it in a small private room. Some very unlady things, we can't tell them apart at all, so we can only rely on you, who has great power."

"Mighty power?"

"Then I'll come too."

Raula was really simple, and after being praised for a few words, she immediately regained her spirits and became excited.

She is the only survivor with IS equipment. Yesterday, she had a physical examination so she did not come to school, and naturally she was not taken away by Teacher Qiandong. "Black Rain" can be said that she is the only weapon owner now.

"Eh...what do you want to do?"

Seeing that Raula wanted to go out without saying a word, Huang Lingyin and Cecilia quickly grabbed her.

"Of course I'm joining them. How can I do damage if I don't join them."

Raula is really simple, and she actually said the word "destruction" directly. This must be her sincere words.

"and many more!"

All three hands fell on Raula and pulled her back.

"Now it's better to collect intelligence first, and know yourself and the enemy before destroying the enemy. Isn't this the principle of soldiers!"

The sound of the huang bell reminded him, but to put it bluntly, he felt that it was not the time for Raula to go.

"Is that so? So it is."

Raula only has strong combat power, but other aspects are very simple, and it is easiest to be misled.

"No! They got out of the car!"

Cecilia reminded, everyone's eyes were all focused, Charlotte pulled Ye Shenyue's arm directly and pressed her body sideways tightly, as if she wanted to integrate her body into the inside of Ye Shenyue.

"Don't get too close!"

At this moment, a hand appeared between Yagami and Charlotte's shoulders, which was a mechanical hand.It was covered with a white plastic film, as if to prevent people from recognizing her.

"Raula? Why are you here?"

Charlotte was a little surprised.

"I'm not Raula, I'm just a passerby."

Raula shook her head again and again.

It's just that she seems to have forgotten that she has just revealed her name.

What's with this stupid line?

People including Ye Shenyue would have a groove in their hearts without vomiting.

First ignore the most complaining self-exploding name, now how can people not recognize the cover up of Raula's arm like this?

"Uh... Then are passers-by interested in joining us?"

Charlotte was stunned on the spot, and Ye Shenyue hurried over to smooth things out.Needless to say, it can make Raula, who is simple and deceptive, become what she is now... Simple, it must be the stalker behind.

Ye Shenyue was sure that as long as she turned her head, she could see the owner of those three scorching gazes.

"Add... join..."

Raula hesitated.

"Just to play together, Raula didn't come out to play alone, let's do it together."

Ye Shenyue glanced at Charlotte, and Charlotte nodded knowingly. He and her held one hand each, placing Raula in the middle, each holding one of her small hands.

"No way... Since it's my wife's request, I can only agree."

Having said the title of "my wife", Raula has definitely exposed herself completely, but this time her exposure is irrelevant because she has already betrayed the stalkers.

"Raoula that traitor!"

x2 Seeing Raula walking happily, Cecilia and Huang Lingyin were indignant.

"How can there be a sense of sight as a family of three?"

x3 is not, Ye Shenyue and Charlotte look like young lovers, and Raula is a petite and half-sized loli from a distance, quite like a young parent taking their child out to play.

The three of Shinonokyo, who continued to follow with their poor tracking skills, were depressed.

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