"Strip her off!"

The girls began to act like claws.It's also nice to tease Cecilia once in a while.

"Huh... I'm finally alive..."

After 10 minutes of commotion, Cecilia finally got out of her clutches and stood with one hand against the wall.

These roommates are really scary.


8:30 pm.

It was 9 minutes before the 30 o'clock appointment.Generally speaking, in private meetings, boys have to arrive early to wait for girls, but now...

Cecilia quickened her pace and walked over directly.

It doesn't matter if she arrives first, and she is not late for appointments. This is the demeanor of a lady.

"Night God Moon..."

As soon as she reached the corner of the stairs, Cecilia couldn't help but scream softly, she just called out softly, until she really saw the door next to "Ziban Yeshenyue and Zhiban Qiandong". , Cecilia's mouth was immediately covered by the eavesdropping people.

"What... what's wrong?"

The first reaction in Cecilia's heart was that she accidentally told about the date at night, and then the other four girls waited and waited, but it seemed that this was not the case.


Charlotte closed her mouth at her.

And Huang Lingyin made a gesture of pointing her finger at the room.

Cecilia squatted down curiously, and the sound of the room immediately entered her ears.

Cecilia's face turned red all of a sudden.

"Sister Qiandong...this pose is very good...but...I think it would be better to change it..."

This is Ye Shenyue's voice, and there seems to be a faint impulse in Ye Shenyue's voice.

"It's really troublesome...I can't stand you...but..."

"Don't let me do that unbearable pose!"

Then, Oriban-sensei's voice came from inside. Oriban-sensei was a little helpless but compromised.


Chapter 0033 Queen Qiandong

"Ziban... Teacher Zhiban!"

Whether it was Raula, who was lying on the ground and was pressed at the bottom, or Cecilia, who was pressed at the top, their expressions... were not very good.

To be more precise, nervousness and apprehension.

Because it was indoors and the floor was covered with tatami, Mr. Zhiban didn't wear shoes, and just walked over barefoot, very casual, but it was this casual and flat pattern that made the girls tremble. .

His mouth opened, but none of the five said anything.

Because the teacher Zhiban at this time is not just bare shoes, the teacher Zhiban at this time is also naked, unlike them, the teacher Zhiban is not wearing a heavy dark bathrobe, the teacher Zhiban at this time is also naked. They are no strangers to dressing up. At this time, Oriban-sensei was wearing the black swimsuit that was on the beach during the day, and the heavy yukata was casually thrown on the ground.

At some point, swimsuits and underwear can seem to be confused.

So, girls can think that the current Oriza-sensei... is only wearing underwear.

Only wearing underwear.

Although there is only a younger brother in this room, Orizame-sensei must be too casual!

The girls were so full of thoughts that they were speechless.

"Don't say it? Since I don't say it...the old rules, just sit down."

Oriban-sensei took two steps back, picked up the clothes that had been thrown on the ground at random, and put them on at will.

And Ye Shenyue shrugged helplessly, of course he knew what was going on right now.

These little guys must have misunderstood.

Putting down the camera in her hand, Ye Shenyue sat aside, and it was time for Sister Qian Dong to appear.

Oriban-sensei stood and walked around in front of the girls who were sitting obediently in a row, "Say...what the hell is going on?"

While talking, Oriban-sensei had tied the yukata's straps, turned around in place, and sat on the chair that was less than one meter away from Yagami's seat, but it was facing the five girls at the same time.

Each dormitory has a special chair for sitting, and it is still backrest, but now, the girls feel very different. Yagami has already made it, put the camera on the table, and supported it with one hand on the armrest body, and Oriban-sensei sat up imposingly.

how to say……

Now the girls suddenly have a strange idea in their hearts.

It seems that he is not facing Teacher Oriban, but facing the Queen, full of aura and full of momentum.

To translate it in Raula's words is upright, majestic and fair.

Whether it was the moment Oriban-sensei sat down, or looked down at them kneeling and sat down, she was full of momentum.

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