Is this also a landing?

The hearts and minds of the people watching were terrified, and no one wanted to be attacked by Oriban-sensei with an iron claw.

"Xiaoluo...Xiaoqian is going too far, isn't it..."

The bundle of Shinobu, who was abruptly torn down, covered her pinched face and got up from the ground. Like a small loach, she slid to Yeshenyue's side, facing Xiao who had long pretended not to recognize Yeshenyue and was hiding behind Yeshenyue. Zhi Zhihu said coquettishly.

"Little Huo?"

The x4 girls are quite curious. According to the first situation, this strange rabbit should be an old acquaintance with Oriban-sensei. Why... Is it related to Shinonokyo again?

"Uh...I don't know..."

Shino no Kyo avoided her.However, Xiao Zhibu's skills are very flexible, and she slipped behind Ye Shenyue in an instant, "How can you be so biased? She is your sister... long time no see... I see... I seem to have grown up. , especially Mi... um... it hurts..."

When Shinobu was trying to touch Shinobu indiscreetly, Shinobu took out a wooden sword from nowhere, and then directly knocked on the head of Shinobu.

"Hit you!"

It wasn't until after the fight that Shino-no-no said it.

Ye Shenyue felt a little cold when she saw it, but fortunately he didn't provoke Xiao Zhizhi very much.Xiaozhi's Huo is not only a big arrogant, but also has a black belly.

"What's the's only after hitting..."

Shinobu's bundle covered his head with a pitiful look on his face.

"Okay, let me introduce that this is Xiaozhi's bundle, Xiaozhi's sister."

Oriban-sensei hoisted the Shino no Bundle with understanding, put her on the ground and said, "This idiot is not my sister!"

After being announced by Oriban-sensei like this, Shino-no-no really wanted to refute it like this.

ps: IS is coming to an end, thank you for your continued support.

Chapter 0037 Silver Gospel

"Xiao's Bundle is..."

"Hu's sister?"

"The genius scientist who developed IS, Shino no Bundle!"

Oriza-sensei's introduction isn't flashy, but the name Shino-nosou alone is enough to shock anyone.

IS, after the IS that only women can drive was developed, completely changed the proportion of power in the world. Although it is not very good to say that IS is the world, it is a true portrayal of this world where women are more important than men.

Driving IS can easily destroy tanks and shells. It can be said to be the most powerful military weapon. The strength struggle of various countries ultimately falls on IS's struggle.

As a person who changed the world, Shino no Bundle has attracted more attention.It's just that her whereabouts are unknown, almost a myth, and now the real Dr. Shinozhi appears in front of them.

Shino's Bundle!

It's the person in front of you!

Rabbit ears, maid outfit, plus... Silly!

In addition to being surprised and horrified, everyone didn't know what to say, and their eyes widened in surprise.

"How is it? Do you really want to worship me... It's okay, it's okay... I can accept... Hm... Xiao Qian, you are too bad..."

At a glance, everyone seemed to have stopped their movements. The pink rabbit held its head high, and said quite proudly like a victorious rooster. Claw attack.

The Bundle of Shino was pulled towards the people, and the people began to move unnaturally but seemed to be moving in a sympathetic manner.

Ye Shenyue took a small step back silently, and Cecilia and the others also took a small step back silently.

It seems that... if you take a small step with the Shino no Bundle, you will be infected with stupidity.

Shinonokyo, who was advancing and retreating together, breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, everyone did not have any prejudice against her because of Shinonokyo's relationship.

"Xiaoye, Xiaoluo, are you saying... um... why are you leaving people... they are not stupid, and stupid is not contagious..."

The bundle of Xiaozhi managed to break free from Oriban-sensei's iron claw attack, but when he turned his head, he saw the expressions of everyone who seemed to be avoiding the plague god, and he was immediately depressed and aggrieved.

It's just that she was talking, but she made everyone call her "idiot", "naturally dumb" and "idiot".

"Why is IS the development of such a person?"

xn Not only Raula and the others didn't believe it, but even Orioka-sensei was a little unbelievable.

When she was very young, she and Ye Shenyue lived next door to Xiaozhi's house. At that time, Xiaozhizhi was just an idiot, but this guy who was very focused on science and super talented was there. When she was still in junior high school, she told her directly in the third year of junior high school that she, a genius inventor, had invented something that could cover the world.

Then... IS came out, and the world began to change.

Even she, Chito Orimara was led by Shino no Bundle to another path, becoming the first IS manipulator, becoming the champion in IS competitions, and finally... becoming a specially hired teacher at IS Academy.

Become the head teacher of the younger brother.

Thinking about it like this, her life was completely changed by this genius who looked like a fool!

"Hmm... how are you all like this... how can you bully the genius Shinoji's bundle..."

The completely isolated pink rabbit started to sell cute.Showing teary eyes.

"Mr. Oriban, something is bad, I just received a notification from above... um... who is this?"

At this moment, Mr. Yamada hurried over and said out of breath.

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