Oriban-sensei secretly raised his fists, with an expression that looked like he was about to burst out of anger.

"Haha... Look... Xiao Qian, I'm jealous, jealous!"

Shino no Bundle stood up from Yashinyuki's body, slipped happily to Oriban-sensei's side, and said loudly.

She has been paying attention to Chito Orizawa's reaction, and what she is waiting for is the angry expression of the other party.

She was halfway to her goal.

"Who... who would be jealous for this kind of thing... you think too much... um..."

Oriza-sensei turned her head away, wanting to continue to maintain a serious attitude, but in a very light whisper from Shino nobu's ear, Oriban-sensei couldn't go on.

What Xiaozhizhi said was, "If Xiaoqian is not honest, Xiaoye will really be taken away by Xiaoluo and the others."

"Xiaoye's kiss just now shouldn't be the first kiss... but someone else's is the first kiss... I'll be responsible for others in the future..."

·The bundle of Xiaozhi returned to the rock, and immersed the white and tender feet in the cold sea water again, feeling the cool comfort and couldn't help but snorted lightly.

A comfortable look, nothing like the one who just said something entrusted to a lifetime.

It's hard to tell whether the "responsible" she just said was sincere or... just joking.


Oriban-sensei stared at Ye Shenyue.

It seems to be confirming that Yagami Yue took the words of Shino no Binding seriously.


"If Sister Shu is really tired and wants to come back, then there must be a place for you at home."

Being stared at by Oriban-sensei's scorching gaze, and then looking at Shino nobu's playful appearance, I don't know if it's real or fake, Ye Shenyue finally daring to say it.

Because if it's just a joke, Shino no Bundle can't make a tongue kiss, as long as the ordinary kiss on the face or the lips together will be fine...

Only lovers will constantly ask for each other without knowing the scale, and will they not be satisfied with kisses and kisses and ask for tongues and kisses.


Shino no Bundle turned his face with a surprised expression on his face.

"But... Xiaoshu doesn't think he can beat so many opponents... Those little girls are good kids, I'm really embarrassed to bully them... Especially Xiao Lu. How can a sister go to steal her sister? lover's..."

When it came to robbing "my sister's lover", Shino no Bundle deliberately accentuated his tone, as if he was implying something.Such as sister's brother, sister's brother or something.

"Are you right? Xiao Qian?"

Shino no Bundle threw the question to Orizame-sensei.

"do not know."

In a succinct and concise manner, Teacher Zhiban turned his head away and answered with a panacea.


Rabbit stretched his voice, and then, seemingly letting go of Oriban-sensei, he turned his head directly to Yagami.

facing him.

"According to my observation... Xiao Ye is actually a bad guy... He has already had a relationship with Xiao Lu... um... I guess... That blond girl is already very close to you..."

Playing with the mechanical bunny ears on his head with one hand, Shino no Bundle continued, "Is it possible... I want to start with that German girl next? They have already called each other husband and wife... However, in Germany, it is called a lover. The name is my wife? It's really a strange name..."


Now if Ye Shenyue didn't know that this rabbit was provoking relations, he would have eaten so many years of tofu in vain.

It's just that what Xiao Zhizhi said now is not wrong, it's all facts, and it's really hard to refute.

Sure enough, he is a big radish with a big heart, a promiscuous love, and he has N boats to make a conclusion?

Although he has this consciousness, it is still a little difficult to say such words.

"Ziban, come back with me!"

Oriza-sensei suddenly stood up and said in a tone that couldn't be denied.

"Huh... 3.6 Ha? Don't you want to be ready to play at any time?"

Ye Shenyue was astonished, Oriban-sensei seemed to be in an abnormal state.

Was it influenced by what the rabbit said?

Isn't this an obvious fact?

Could it be that... Teacher Zhiban is jealous again?

"That's fine. Anyway, it's still within the controllable range of the sea area. It's really not enough to catch up and defeat it when the time comes! Follow me!"

Oriban-sensei dragged Yagami's hand without any hesitation.

This is the first time Oriban-sensei has held his hand in public. Although the word "public" is very problematic, now there is only one person in the audience.

"Xiao Qian, try harder."

That's all I can do.

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