Because she had just moved Sister Oriban to the room and placed it on the prepared quilt, Oriban-sensei threw him to the ground without any hesitation.

His mature body completely restrained him.

Yashenyue's two hands were held down by Zhiban Qiandong with one hand, and they were pushed towards the top of her head. At the same time, Teacher Zhiban's flexibility was very good. Even with such an action, she could sit on Yashenyue's waist and completely put Yashin on her feet. Moon is under control.

Totally unable to move.

"Sister Qiandong... are you?"

No matter how you look at such a terrible scene, it looks like the weak male lead is tied to the bed by the female lead who has a hobby of shaking S, and then performs some kind of hot, hot, hot shame play.

Could it be that... Sister Zhiban also likes this kind of game?


Oriban Qiandong didn't speak at all, and his eyes were tightly closed, as if he was drunk.

Is it is difficult...

Sister Zhiban is using the drunk tyrant to force her bow!

His manners!

Ye Shenyue's shirt was torn by another hand that could move freely under Oriban-sister's closed eyes.

Ye Shenyue deeply... feels that chastity and virginity are dangerous!

Sister Qiandong is trying to push him back!

It was indeed stimulated!

This time, Ye Shenyue completely understood what the "play" the rabbit said was all about.

"That...Sister Qiandong...Actually, I can take the initiative to be...uh..."

Ye Shenyue struggled, but she didn't dare to use too much force. What would she do if she hurt Sister Qiandong, but it was because of his slow-moving nature that Teacher Zhiban took advantage of it, and he kissed her without any hesitation.

Forcibly, he kissed Ye Shenyue again.


Honesty or something...let's throw it away...

"Sister Shu, thank you very much. If it wasn't for your aggressive approach, I'm afraid Sister Qiandong would not have taken that step for a long, long time."

Ye Shenyue approached and said with a complicated tone.

Originally, he was still planning how to use his younger brother's identity to attack Oriban-sensei, but he didn't expect... This time, it became the initiative of Oriban-san.

Plans can never keep up with changes.

"What step did Xiaoqian take? I don't understand anything..."

The bunny ears on his head moved, and Shinoji Bundle turned his head, his eyes flickering with tenderness.

"It's like this again..."

Playing stupid again.If you pretend to be stupid too much, you will become really stupid.

Ye Shenyue pursed her lips, but she still didn't say the words that would definitely be beaten by the bundle of Xiaozhi.

"What I said here before is still valid. No matter which day Sister Shu is tired, she can come back. There must be a place for you at home."

Ye Shenyue said with a sigh.


Xiao Zhizhi turned her face, revealing slightly surprised eyes that Ye Shenyue had never seen before. Her eyes were very unique, and they always had a gentle brilliance, but this time, it was a real joy. inside.


He was not lying, nor was he comforting, but his words from the heart.

Science is Xiaozhi's life, and no one can replace or stop it, but life doesn't mean everything, she will eventually... be tired.

Need a place to stay.

"It's so cute... I'm telling the truth... Xiaoshu will send you another kiss!"

The bundle of Xiaozhi is definitely faster than words. Before he could finish his words, he jumped up, threw Ye Shenyue to the ground again, and kissed him.

Is it a kiss again?

Was he destined to be kissed only?Ye Shenyue sighed in her heart.

"The kiss I kissed you before was not the first kiss."

After the kiss, the bundle of Xiaozhi directly leaned against Ye Shenyue's shoulder, and said without any joking tone.

"Huh... ah?"

Ye Shenyue doesn't know what other man Xiao Zhizhi knows, and isn't science above everything else in her eyes?

"But the object of the first kiss was you... to be precise... the future you, and the kiss became the price. At that time, I was already working on developing IS, but somehow... I just couldn't find the thought, and then accidentally An opportunity to go to a shop, and then exchange for equal value, and finally pay the price of a kiss."

The bundle of Xiaozhi straightened up again, and his eyes flashed with waves, as if he was talking about a memory.


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