"Are you my master?"

Ye Shenyue squinted her eyes slightly, looking at the girl holding a handsome long sword pointing at him wearing a white and purple bow on her head. The girl has long noble purple hair and looks free, easy and domineering, but this girl said What he said was definitely not the declaration of a certain knight called the King of Knights that he was familiar with.

It's just that, unlike the King of Knights, what she said was "Are you here to kill me too?"

Instead of "Are you my master?"

Her tone was flat and her eyes were indifferent, but Ye Shenyue understood that as long as she said one wrong word, the girl who had been chased and killed would fight back.

Just like it is now.

"It's here again! It's still persevering to hunt down even though it doesn't have any effect!"

The girl turned her head to look at a series of AST members who were rapidly attacking in the air, sneered across the corners of her mouth, and flew up to meet them.


Ye Shenyue saw that the girl who fired the cannon first was Origami. If it is normal people's eyesight, it is absolutely impossible to see the appearance of the characters in the sky, so Origami fired the cannon without pressure, it seems that Yagami will not find out .

But Ye Shenyue is not an ordinary person, his eyesight has long reached the realm that ordinary people can only worship.With just a glance, I saw San expressionless Origami with silver shoulder-length short hair.

Origami was holding a black rocket launcher, and it was shooting in the direction of Tohka!

However, no matter how you look at it, the first shot was completely shot in the middle of Tohka and his Yashinyuki, as if to cut off the connection between them.

Origami, it's really yours!

What a good shot!

We haven't even confirmed our relationship, and you have already started to set up to separate me and Tohka?

Yes, this girl who fell from the sky is indeed Tohka Yato, the lovely Tohka.

It's just that the current Tohka is still being hunted, and her expression is indifferent, which is completely opposite to the pure and natural character of Tohka who has no destiny to hunt down.

The coldness now is her weapon to protect herself!


The sound of various missiles launching and exploding came from the sky, and the whole sky was about to turn into a chaotic battlefield.

Things were still the same.

Ye Shenyue placed her left hand on her right hand. On the wrist of her bald right hand, on the wrist that was blocked by the sleeve of the black school uniform, a light that was invisible to the naked eye suddenly flashed, and the speed was so fast that people could notice it. to the point of not being able to.

That's the white style that Yagami got in the IS world!

And the elves of this world have the same equipment - angels.

Just like Tohka, the first elf to appear in front of him, as if she was a beautiful girl with long purple hair who came out of a drama, she was her.

The attacking weapon she possesses, that is, the angel, is the slayer.As powerful as Saber's long sword, he is a slaughterer.

And his is a white style, which is a high-tech product, so the power of the white style should not be bad.

However, just as Yagami was about to open her sleeves and activate IS to help Tohka, a suction force came from under his feet, as if it would be sucked away in an instant.

Depend on!

Qin Li actually appeared at this time!When it appeared, it was a terrible sight!

However, Ye Shenyue remembered that in the original book, the pig's feet were picked up by the commander's sister Shao S at this time.

Walk?Still not going?

Ye Shenyue was silent for a while, with the current strength of suction, he could completely resist with magic power and not be sucked away, but after thinking about it, Ye Shenyue decided to follow the original plot.

After all, knowing the original plot is his benefit, and the benefits of the original book are also full.

"You? Where is this place? Kotori? No... No, Kotori shouldn't be so handsome! You're not that Kotori at home!"

Because of the lack of resistance, Ye Shenyue was sucked away by Commander Kotori with the function of the airship, and it just came to the airship in the blink of an eye.He sat on the ground, and soon a group of people moved over.

They are Kannazuki Kyouhei with blond hair, who is suspected to be the deputy commander of Kotori who secretly loves Kotori, and the gentle-looking Amamura Suzune, who has long soft silver hair up and has the flavor of a royal sister, but pure and pure. There is a cute brown bear hanging in the pocket of the white military uniform, which adds a girlish feeling to the style of the royal sister.

But what attracts Ye Shenyue the most is her dark circles. Is it true that she hasn't slept for 30 years?

Of course, he is also watching his domineering younger sister Wuhe Kotori, who is now in full commander mode.

"Idiot brother, you still have an IQ and finally saw the difference in me, and said, why did you go to such a dangerous place?"

Kotori sat on the seat belonging to the commander, and crossed Erlang's legs domineeringly, while the other finger kept tapping on the armrest.The appearance of an impatient commander.

Sure enough, you have a shaky personality, you actually call your brother an idiot, and you dare to doubt your brother's IQ, Kotori, you really have a lot of courage.

However, Kotori seems to have become pretty.

The long pink hair seems to have also changed its color due to the change of personality, turning into a beautiful crimson, and the wine red eyes have also turned into an even more intoxicating red.Not only that, her attire has also changed, it's not the school uniform with a short skirt, oh no, the short skirt is still there, but the upper body has become a small pure white shirt with a long black tie, and crimson military long sleeves The uniform was casually draped over her shoulders, looking extremely free and easy.

How should I put it, I feel that Kotori has a more majestic feeling.Is it because he became a commander?

It's just that Ye Shenyue focused on the ribbons she tied to her twin ponytails. Sure enough, the color of the ribbons changed, and it became black. It wasn't all dark black, at least it had red trim.

"It's not because I made an appointment with you? I will definitely go to the family restaurant when I make an appointment."

Qin Li's question was not much different from the original, and Ye Shenyue was also happy to reply her with the original words. After all, he chose to come here to continue picking up girls through the plot.

Cough, wrong, it should be to obtain the ability to seal the spirit, that is, to steal the opponent's power by kissing.

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