"No... No... Aikawa-senpai... No, no, Kyoko doesn't want to die..."

Jingzi didn't know what was wrong, but in the midst of extreme panic, unexpectedly, with the strength of both feet, he rushed up and wrapped his arms around Ye Shenyue's body.

She hugged Ye Shenyue tremblingly. At this moment, her heart collapsed. She really collapsed. She didn't know why she would do this. She only knew that she didn't want to, she didn't want to die!I really don't want to!

Death is such a painful thing, without it, everything in the world is gone!It will turn into nothingness in no time!nothingness!

She doesn't want to!She doesn't want it!

afraid!Yes, she is really scared!fear death!

Holding Ye Shenyue's body tightly, she was trembling, trembling with fear.

"You don't want to die? I don't want to either... I've died twice..."

Ye Shenyue closed her eyes, and at the same time, her fist that suddenly moved forward unexpectedly turned around and slammed it down towards Jingzi's iog.


Feeling the gust of wind brought about by the fist that could pierce her body behind her, the trickle of tears flowed down. Now, she who has no attack power must die!


She doesn't want to, she really doesn't want to die!

"Idiot step..."

Xu Shi didn't want to see the blood-soaked tragic situation, Sera and Haruna closed their eyes.

At this time, Yu, who had no expression, had a complicated look on his face.What is it that Bu said he died twice?

Could it have something to do with the magic that surprised her?

Chapter 0037 Teacher Ariel

"don't want……"

The smoke and dust flew up, and the huge power of Ye Shenyue's fist raised a cloud of smoke and dust, making it even more difficult to see what was happening inside.Ye Shenyue's figure gradually emerged, and at the same time, there was no bloody fog. Ye Shenyue's fist with infinite energy, when it was about to touch Jingzi's back, had to pass through the back and crushed his heart. At the moment, the fist turns into a touch in the air.Pressed directly on Kyoko's back.

"Idiot step! Started me a lot..."

The smoke dissipated, and the environment in the field appeared. Haruna secretly breathed a sigh of relief. She didn't know exactly why she was relieved.Maybe she just didn't want to see a brutal murder, and that murderer was Bu.Although she also hated that woman, but not to the point of killing her completely.

"Bugs who don't keep their chastity are considered qualified."

This is Sierra, and now Sierra can stand up.

"I...I...I'm not dead?"

The eyes of classmate Jingzi were still shedding tears, but they were still flowing. She found that she still had feelings, and Ye Shenyue pressed the palm of her back, which had magic power and could warm her heart.

"Yes, you are not dead, all I want is for you to experience the feeling of dying once, the fear of death!...and...not your life! You have done so many killings, you should make good atonement! La, Haruna, Kyoko bullied you just now, right? Then... let her make atonement for you first! Get revenge on her as much as you can!"

While speaking, in Kyoko's exclamation, Yashinyuki threw Kyoko's body directly beside Haruna and Sera.Kyoko's body landed directly on the ground and made a sound, and Haruna and Sailor also surrounded her.

"Idiot Bu... Oh no, Bu, this time today, you did a great job!"

Chunna looked at Chu Chu pitifully and smiled smugly at the weak Jingzi at the moment.

"Bugs who don't keep their chastity, your proposal is very good. This time, it is as you wish. Secret sword... Yan Hui!"

His eyes had turned blood red again, and Sera waved his hand, and countless green leaves flashed.

"Have fun."

Ye Shenyue also added fuel to the fire, sighing in her heart, Chunna-chan really only calls him to step when she is happy, and the rest of the time she uses idiot steps, erotic steps, erotic steps, or The perverted steps are called him by various nicknames that make people very uncomfortable, which means that this time, Haruna seems to be happy to be able to take revenge with her own hands.

And Sera is also very satisfied with her own revenge, but it may be better for her to replace the words "disobedience".It can be called step or something.

"No... no!"

In the face of the two red-eyed avengers, Jingzi, who had no ability to resist, shouted pitifully, but this was what she should have suffered. After all, the two girls who had just been beaten down by her suffered a lot.

Kyoko, you should make atonement from now on.

Ye Shenyue turned a deaf ear to Jingzi's cry, but felt that she had done a good deed.

"Are your hands okay?"

Just when Ye Shenyue was stunned, You didn't know when he had walked in front of him, picked up a small book, and it was written like this.

"Hand? Haha? It's okay."

Ye Shenyue hid her hand behind her so that Yuu couldn't see it.


The book was opened, and it was in a new font. At the same time, You had already taken off the elbow pad on his left hand, apparently to heal Ye Shenyue.

"No! I'm a zombie, I'll be fine later, and You, if you let You heal me, even You will feel the pain."

Ye Shenyue's heart suddenly felt warmer. Yes, he wanted to let Jingzi experience the fear of dying, but he didn't want her to die. His already strengthened hand suddenly stopped. In the recoil, it all moved to his hand, so the bones in Ye Shenyue's right hand have all been broken. Uncomfortable outside.

He didn't want Yuya to bear such a painful pain, absolutely not!Therefore, Ye Shenyue hid her powerless right hand behind her back.No matter what Yuxiang did, she couldn't let her touch her right hand.


You actually used two exclamation marks, it seemed that she was going to be angry.

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