Commander Kotori continued to fret, but now it's business affairs, let's put private matters aside first, Kotori continued, his tone was obviously much better, "It's really good to use this trick to seduce pRIncess, she's right. Your favorability has been rising, but..."

"But the current value is more than friends and less than lovers. She regards you as a close friend, so in order to raise the standard of lovers, something exciting is needed..."

Not only Kotori said that, but even Murasame Reine's analysis officer continued to speak. The tone was flat, but it made people's heart beating. She continued to say, "So you take her to the hotel on the left."

Chapter 0013 Simple and complex dating (one more flowers)

Where is the hotel?

Of course it's the place to H!

"One hour 2000 overnight 8000~~" Every hotel will put up such a slogan. The meaning is simple and easy to change. To be more straightforward, it is to say that if you want to stay overnight at 2000 per hour, then the price must be increased, so as not to affect an hour of someone else's.

"Hmm~ I've eaten a lot, and there are so many delicious things here. The earth is really a magical place~~" After Yagami returned, Tohka, who was already sitting on the chair, had bright eyes, There was no trace of that cold and indifferent Valkyrie in her eyes.

Now Tohka is like a satisfied child, very cute.

It's just that there is still a little trace of cake on the corner of her mouth, which makes it easy to see that she must have eaten the cake just now!

Just looking at the taiyaki piled up on the side and the plate of the Manchurian feast, it is really impossible to determine when the traces of these small cakes were stained.

Ye Shenyue took out the pocket of her jacket, and sure enough, she took out a pure white handkerchief.

Since the clothes were touched by Tobiichi Origami when they were brought back from the dry cleaners, she could put the photos in his pockets, and naturally put other things in his pockets.

At first he felt that the pockets of his jacket were bulging and there should be something in them.

It's all handkerchiefs anyway.

Ye Shenyue took out a handkerchief and put it on Tohka's face, rubbed it gently, and really pushed her face over. Only then did Yeshenyue realize that Tohka was indeed a great beauty, and she was far away at first. Only the beautiful face fell in his heart, but now, when he touched her face, the soft touch really wanted to pinch it.

Ye Shenyue really couldn't help pinching it.

"Uh...that Tohxiang..."

Ye Shenyue originally remembered that his current relationship with the 06s seemed to be incapable of doing such an intimate act, but Tohka's... eyes were sparkling.


Ye Shenyue suddenly became a little flustered.I didn't know where to put the handkerchief I was holding.Tohka was so pure that he didn't know how to defile her at all.

"Can you wipe it feels so comfortable~~" Tohka suddenly rushed towards Ye Shenyue, how strong was she as an elf?He almost knocked Ye Shenyue flying, but fortunately, Ye Shenyue grabbed the table and managed to settle down.

It's just that Tohka's entire body was pressed against Ye Shenyue's body, and she pressed her face to his hand like a kitten.


Ye Shenyue is downright speechless, Tohka, you really look like a kitten.Speaking of kittens, Ye Shenyue thought of his Fei Ju again.I wonder if Feiju in another world is thinking of him too?It's hard to live without someone to sleep with.


Origami watched the scene in the cake shop with the binoculars in her hand. She was depressed, and the hand holding the binoculars was shaking. Sure enough, she shouldn't have put the handkerchief in her jacket pocket when she went to the laundry in the morning to ambush.Should be in underwear.

If you see the underwear pRIncess will definitely hate her month.That was her purpose.

"Is the hotel fun?"

Tohka, who had already got up from Yagami, was once again attracted by the taiyaki brought up, but at this time Tohka proposed the "hotel" that shocked Yagami while eating taiyaki. word.

"Of course a hotel is a very important part of dating. You can do things that you like and others like..."

The longing on the face of a divorced man who was driven off by Kotori-sama and pretended to be a waiter in the unscrupulous airship.It makes people deeply doubt whether it is because of his frequent convulsions that his wife hates the divorce.

As for why Tohka would say the word hotel before he even mentioned it, it goes without saying that he must have told Tohka about the word hotel.

Qin Li, do you really want me to come this far?

Ye Shenyue half covered her forehead.

"What do you like? Yue, will you like it too?"

The simple Tohka showed a happy face and asked a question that Yagami didn't know how to answer.

Like it or not?

He's been bothered about not sleeping with him recently, but now Tohka has taken the initiative to bring it up... Does he like it or does he like it?

"This...of course I'll like...just now...that..."

Ye Shenyue felt a little unwilling when she refused, but she didn't refuse... There was Origami watching outside. If he really brought Tohka in, Origami, who has now recovered, would definitely fight Tohka.In the battle of two violent people, in the end, the one who suffers must be him.

"Like it? Just like it. It's obviously a happy thing like dating, but I'm the only one eating, and I haven't eaten for a month. I also want you to be happy."

Tohka tilted her face and took the initiative to take Ye Shenyue's hand, holding it tightly, which was to show her determination.

Want to be fair?

"Just promise! If someone said that back then, I would definitely marry her!"

The middle-aged uncle continued to scream with envy on his face, and Ye Shenyue was even more certain that his wife divorced him because of his temperament.

However, what happened next was immediately clear. On the one hand, Kotori-sama's approval and the urging of his subordinates were on the other hand, Tohka nodded in agreement.

Sure enough, let’s go with the flow, as for the surveillance of the Origami Master, for the time being… Ignore it.

Ye Shenyue's integrity was lost.

"Why is it raining? The weather forecast didn't say... But it's okay, they're almost at the hotel..."

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