Needless to say, those who said it loudly on purpose were the soy sauce trio, Ai and the others.

"Tohka-san, Origami-san, will you go back to your seats first? Class is about to begin now."

Teacher Zhuhui Gangfeng looked anxious, "Student Tohka, you can sit in that seat, and it's enough to be very close to Yue."

Teacher Xiaozhu really doesn't have the demeanor of a teacher, and Tohka just hugged Ye Shenyue, and the teacher immediately compromised and prepared to leave things alone.

Because she felt that it was too dangerous to insert it now. There seemed to be a huge aura between the two of them, and as soon as they entered, they would be blown away.

"This seat? Well, you can reach out and hold Yue's hand~~" Tohka was very obedient, she temporarily gave up the unconvinced staring at Origami, and sat on the seat, she could really grab Ye Shenyue with her hand stretched out. hand.

"I can't shake his hand! I have reserved both of his hands!"

Origami wanted to tear apart the hands they were holding tightly.

"No! This is my right. After all, I gave him my first time... Ling Yin said that this is a basic right. I have the right to hold his hand."

Tohka really dared to say anything, how did Lingyin teach her these strange things?

"The first...the first time!"

The eyes of the classmates who were listening to the surrounding were about to go out. Not all of them were dating Tobiichi Origami, the girl who ranked third in the school's most wanted girl, but she actually had an affair with the beautiful girl who appeared today. relationship!

It's even more impressive than one foot and two boats...4.9...envy

Chapter 0021 Please don't (one more subscription)

"Jingle Bell--"

The bell for lunch break finally rang.This is when it’s time to eat bento, Japanese girls bring their own lunch, and poor boys go to the small shop to solve it automatically, so having a bento made by a girlfriend at lunch is simply a life. enjoy.

The boys' eyes were about to turn red as they stared at a boy sitting in the last row.

The boy sat in his seat, and the two girls sitting on the left and right of him directly put their desks on the boy's desk, and immediately took out the lunch that had been prepared for a long time.

The movements of the two beautiful girls were exactly the same, they opened their lunch boxes, and then used chopsticks to hand the fried golden and tender octopus balls to Yagami.

Forget about origami, she is not a foodie, so it is normal for him to take the initiative to make a bento for him and let him taste it first, after all, she is a "girlfriend".

And Tohka...she's a snack foodie who will obediently prepare bento?If she was asked to cook by herself, not to mention the well-presented bento, she might have eaten it all while she was pretending.

"Tohka, why did you have a lunch box? And why did you suddenly transfer to another school today? It's not that the inspection has not been done because of the reason you came here."

Ye Shenyue asked curiously, but didn't accept any girl's "Hello" The hot eyes around her were too dazzling.He could only try to distract himself as much as possible.

"This is made by Miss Lingyin. She is amazing. Such beautiful food is made in this way. I want to learn it too."

Tohka encouraged her little hands to look energetic.The night's beautiful long hair fluttered in the wind and continued to say, "I'm still a little bit short on checking, but Reine asked me to come here first, this is the campus, everything is so new..."

Tohka is like an innocent child who is curious about everything, Yagami understands, Origami is still staring at him during class, while Tohka is staring at the textbook, and is also very interested in such boring knowledge , what a liar child.

She said that she also wanted to learn how to cook, but Ye Shenyue's forehead immediately sweated. If she was asked to go to the kitchen, wouldn't she eat more than cook?

is learning?Actually, let's eat!

For Tohka's appetite, Yashenyue has always been ashamed.But this foodie is still very cute, Ye Shenyue watched Tohka bite the takoyaki with joy in her heart, but Tohka was too informal when eating, and the corners of her mouth were stained again. Dab off the octopus offcuts.

You took out a tissue from your pocket and wiped it gently, while Tohka raised her face in coordination, Ye Shenyue's movements were very gentle, and Tohka was as comfortable as a kitten and closed her eyes slightly, as if at night Shenyue is not helping her to wipe off the stains, but is stroking her.


This move, no matter from which angle is an absolute couple, this time everyone's eyes are even more burning.

And Tobiichi Origami's titular girlfriend's pretty brows also frowned, looking at the takoyaki in her hand, without any hesitation.

"Uh...that...Origami, what are you doing!"

Ye Shenyue put down the tissue, and immediately saw that Origami's face was also stained with takoyaki marks. Could it be that it was accidentally stained?

No wonder!

From the corner of Ye Shenyue's eyes, he could see the whole process. Origami watched him and Tohka talking, and then burned the octopus and stamped it on her white and tender little face.

The white cheeks were stained with filth.

"Wipe it for me too, the corners of my mouth are also dirty."

Origami also raised his face.Towards Ye Shenyue.


Too fake!Master of origami!

I can't do it at all!

"Wipe it for me!"

Origami was still approaching, and he had already moved a chair towards Yagami Yue for some unknown time.That chair should be close to Ye Shenyue's chair.Not only did the chair lean over, but Origami's body also leaned over.

"This one……"

Ye Shenyue was still a little refusing.


Origami's face was already close to Yagami's face.She could even feel her breathing.

" can't get that close!"

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