
Looking at the different expressions of the three girls after listening to the teacher's words, Ye Shenyue almost hit him with a piece of tofu.

Haruna, what do you mean by that?Just hit you?It seems that I never lose to you, okay?What do you mean by saying that, how do you want me to harass you!

And Sera, we're both husband and wife, even if it's only in name, it's not too much to harass once in a while!Where are the rules of your vampire ninja, the rules of the most qualified wife?

In the end, you have to be excellent, why did you get involved?I know it's impossible for me to harass you, how can I blush!Dear, what happened to you!

"Hohoho... It seems that everyone is very happy with Mr. Bu's harassment~~~" The culprit's big teacher continued to smile, as if he wanted to add a bit of flame to the complicated situation.

"Cough cough cough... Teacher, it's not the time to talk about harassment, ahem... Jingzi, we should discuss about Jingzi."

Black belly!Big black belly!

Ye Shenyue secretly gave a smile to her face, Ariel who was a harmless little girl no matter how she looked at it.

Right now, in order to avoid a bigger and more violent "danger", Yagami Yue immediately turned the topic to Kyoko-chan, who had been knocked out by Sera and Haruna.

"Ala... I almost forgot, there is Jingzi sauce, and I don't know when this child went down the wrong road..."

Without any warning, he teleported to Jingzi-chan's side, checked Jingzi, and found that there was no other danger. He seemed relieved.

Sure enough, there are more than one billion students who ignore students so much. If I hadn't mentioned her, you wouldn't even think about her, right?Jingzi, I suddenly feel that you are going the wrong way, and the big teacher seems to have a great responsibility attached.

First of all, jealousy, needless to say, maybe Jingzi is not very good among the many students, but her heart is a little narrower, and then she is jealous of the genius Haruna, maybe she took the initiative to say hello, but Haruna ignored her because Haruna didn't like it or not. She has no habit of remembering things at all, so naturally she ignored her, and then coupled with the teacher's partiality to ignore her, so because of a certain little Mo Zha, Jingzi finally went down an inevitable evil path.

Chapter 0039 Challenge the King of the Night

"Uh...that, big teacher, yes, this is for you!"

Ye Shenyue sighed deeply towards this powerful teacher, although the other party gave him a strange feeling, not only because of the other party's black belly, but also because of the other party's strength.

From the anime, I know that the big teacher is a strong and explosive master, although such a strong and explosive master will have a forehead... a weakness that makes people speechless.

For example, now, seeing the Kyoto tofu that Ye Shenyue took down from the tree branch, the teacher was still black-bellied just now, and now it has become joyful and joyful.

"Ala~~ Mr. Bu... If you can, please don't call him the big teacher, you can just call him by his name Ariel or Lier-chan~~~" Ariel is holding the Jingyue she took from Ye Shenyue in her hand. Tofu, smiled tenderly, "Thank you, Mr. Bu, I haven't had Jing tofu for a long time~~" "Uh..."

Ariel, the identification has been completed. Your attribute is black belly. Calling you Lier Jiang in front of the three girls is not provoking our conflict?

The guy who destroys the harmony of others!

" is it possible, can the big teacher let an idiot call her name?"

On the other hand, Haruna, who was watching the conversation between the two, opened her mouth wide. In her impression, the big teacher has always asked others to call her big teacher!How could I let the idiot who only met her once shout... er... call her name, and even use her nickname!

Haruna will be petrified.

"Could it be... Haruna's teacher, please don't have any thoughts about this chaste bug, he's just a useless and disgusting bug."

This is Sera, she respects the strong, but the meaning of this series of words said by the strong seems to be that she is very interested in Bu.

Sera, who was a little uncomfortable in her heart, persuaded respectfully.


This is excellent.

Especially Yu's eyes at this time, the slightly pink cheeks, coupled with the snow-white jade face, looks very cute.It seemed that he had thought of something that made his heart blush.

"You! I haven't had any other thoughts about her, okay! Don't jump to conclusions so quickly! And... um, um, can you give me a dress to wear?"

The current excellent evaluation of him is always "sexy" can you replace it with an adjective?Ye Shenyue felt that his stalwart and righteous image was all destroyed at once. Could it be that he could only become a scumbag in the end?In other words, he's not doing anything right now!To describe it like this, he must have the strength of a scumbag!

"That's right~~ Mr. Bu would actually say that~~ It's really uncomfortable~~ Could it be that Mr. Bu hates Li Erjiang so much~~~" The big teacher covered her cheeks with her hands, showing a look of grievance and loss. It was as if he had suffered some cruel and inhuman treatment, so pitiful, I felt pity.

Teacher, you can become an actor!Also, it should be eye drops!How can you cry when you cry?

Seeing that the sympathy of Haruna and the others seemed to overflow, Ye Shenyue kept complaining in her heart.

"Yo...I didn't expect such a wonderful entertainment program..."

Suddenly, a slightly low male voice sounded abruptly, and the place where the male voice sounded turned out to be in the mouth of Kyoko, who should have been knocked out by Haruna.

I saw Jingzi sit up slowly, her eyes have become dull, and the pink Yin Tao's small mouth is open, and that is what she said.

"Long time no see, Yokoliwood... ah, don't stare at me, I haven't done anything yet."

Jingzi slowly straightened up, glanced at Ye Shenyue and the others, and finally settled his gaze on Yu, who looked indifferent.

"So it's you... Night King, what do you want to do to my students? I advise you to return my students."

Holding Jing tofu in his hand, the big teacher is still smiling, and the question asked by the other party seems to be that it is not as simple as buying groceries today.

"Yukuriwood, I'm looking forward to seeing you again~~" The deep male voice continued, ignoring Ariel, and then his eyes swept across Yagami, "Is that you? Someone Yokolywood cares about."

"Don't move!"

Yuu, who wanted to remain silent, immediately wrote it in the notebook.

"Hehehe...he really is someone Yukuriwood cares about..."

The deep male voice smiled, as if he had already made up his mind when he laughed, which made people shudder.

"You're called the Night King, right? I'm going to duel with you!"

Why was the Night King only allowed to dominate?As soon as he controlled Jingzi's body and sent a message, all the situation on the field changed completely, and they all revolved around him, saying hello, ignoring, threatening, all three things were done.So it's his turn, Yashenyue, to lead, right?

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