He saw that Xiaozhu, who was 2 years older than the captain, didn't have so many troubles except that he wanted to get married.


Just when Ye Shenyue quietly left this terrifying place in an unattractive direction, she heard a pleasant but yet unique voice of Sanwu girls.

The girl with silver shoulder-length hair, a small clip on the right hair, blue eyes and calm eyes, is equipped with high-tech armor, and she still holds a lightsaber in her hand, a heroic figure Exuberant look.

This girl is none other than the elite of AST.Also 06 is Ye Shenyue's "girlfriend" Tobiichi Origami, Tobiichi Jun Cao.At this moment, the military officer's face was slightly turbulent, as if he had seen the target he had been looking for.

You really have an antenna, Origami!I deliberately wanted to leave and took a small path, but you still found me!

"That...I'll be waiting for you at the Bliss Hot Spring...well...that's all, I still have a mission, so I'll go first."

After all, Ye Shenyue didn't wait for Origami-kun to reply at all, and immediately fled at her fastest speed, which was faster than Origami and the others using the speed propulsion device.It just disappeared from Origami's eyes in the blink of an eye, and even if he chased him, he couldn't catch up.

"You guys, hurry up and shoot me, shoot as hard as you can... If there are still bullets left, put them in the chrysanthemum!"

At this time, Captain Hibuka's resentment hadn't been vented, and it was still going on. Origami frowned and went back again.

"To ask Yue to complete the task, is it really the ghost of Yatoshen Tohka?"

Origami-kun "accidentally" added the crime to Tohka again, and she really hated her...

"I found Yoshina... I'll give it back to you, don't cry..."

Ye Shenyue did not disgrace her mission to find the rabbit hand puppet that flew away because of the residual wind, and returned to the original place and immediately returned the little rabbit to the blue-haired little loli.She rubbed the little loli's head, but the little loli showed a pitiful action as if she had done something wrong.

Train with your head down like a puppy.

"I'm sorry..."

The blue-haired loli is so pitiful.

"what happened?"

Seeing that Kotori and Tohka's expressions were not quite right, Ye Shenyue was a little surprised and asked Reine-sama, who always understood his heart the best.

"Because of Yoshina's loss, Yoshino cried just now...the surrounding land and houses were frozen, and even if Yoshina is found now, it will not be able to undo the freezing for a while. "

"So...the hot spring trip...it's over...that's probably what I mean...hey...Yoshino, I didn't mean to say you...don't cry..."

After Lingyin finished speaking, Kotori immediately picked it up, but she was telling the truth, but it made Yoshino, who was already full of guilt, even more uncomfortable, and the tears of disappointment fell again.

It was like a chain reaction, when the first tear fell, the other tears fell so quickly that it was about to become a river of tears.

At a speed visible to the naked eye, the ground that had been frozen into a piece of frost thickened and thickened again as if it had been hit by a blizzard.

The situation has intensified!

"In fact, it can still be restored immediately, and the hot spring can also be restored."

Murasame Reine looked at the height of the ground that froze one foot at the moment Yoshino cried, and then said in an academic tone, which stopped Yoshino's tears and made the ground freeze faster. stopped.

Everyone's eyes fell on her, and Ye Shenyue vaguely guessed it, but it made him feel a little embarrassed, so...let it be better for Lingyin.

"what way?"

Tohka looked excited, and Sister Wuhe was also looking forward to it.

"The current situation of Yoshino is unstable, and the spiritual power on his body has gathered again, so just seal it again. Just like on the spaceship before, as long as the power of Yoshino is sealed, the ice on the ship will be Rong Hua immediately, so according to the inference, as long as Yue kisses Shito once again, everything will be solved."


Little Loli blushed.

"Okay...let's get started, Tsuki-kun, Yoshino is waiting for you... Yoshino is ready."

Yoshina, who had already been put on by the little loli, cheered.

"Hey... It seems that this is the only way. If you don't kiss, you won't be able to continue playing in the hot springs. After walking for so long... it's cheap for you! However, Dasha Mo Ye Shenyue, now your move Every movement is being monitored, no tongue kisses, no forced kisses, no other movements!"

Commander Wuhe kicked the ground in frustration, but what she said still showed that she compromised.

"Well...it's actually a kiss...Yue, after kissing Yoshino, I have to kiss me...otherwise it's not fair...it's not fair at all!"

Tohka wanted to use her unique stunt to "kick" again.

It's just not a matter of fairness and injustice now!

For the time being, Ye Shenyue gave up complaining about Tohka, but squatted down and faced Little Loli again.

"Yes... I'm sorry... it's all... it's all my fault..."

Little Loli felt that Ye Shenyue had already held her small and tender shoulders, and the small shoulders kept shaking.

"It's okay, it'll be fine later..."

Little Lolita is so pitiful, how could Ye Shenyue tell her?

Preaching to a cute little loli is simply unbearable!

"Um... woo woo~~" To Ye Shenyue's surprise, the little loli nodded, but suddenly raised her little face and moved directly towards Ye Shenyue's face, actually turning into a passive gesture initiative.

Actively kissed Ye Shenyue!

Lip to lip contact!

The solid ice on the ground with a radius of ten miles began to melt, as if after the rain, a beautiful red color appeared in the sky.

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