Wuhe sister, who was originally walking in front, immediately turned her head when she heard Tohka's words "for the first time" and "pain", and even took Tohka away. When she turned her face away, her face was very complicated.

No matter how helpless, angry, embarrassed, or jealous, he finally reached his destination... "Yue-kun is so courageous... He has already attacked Tohka, I really can't see it. The one who called just now was the teacher, and he actually aimed at the teacher, he is indeed a formidable young generation... But the best is Yoshino, with a small body, white and tender skin, and a small size comparable to Kotori... ... uh uh..."

The disobedient puppet in Yoshino's hand wanted to continue talking, but as usual, Yoshino, who had a low face, covered his mouth and could only shake its head.

"Kotori, I booked the No. 3 hot spring, and I'll just go to the No. 3 door later."

Bliss Hot Spring is the largest of the famous thirteen hot springs. There are thirteen hot springs in total. If you come in a group, you can book hot springs with different numbers.It's not the kind of hot spring that anyone can come in. If it's that kind of hot spring, wouldn't it be uncertain whether it will be a big guy or an aunt who comes in the next second, so this reservation arrangement is still very reasonable.

Especially for a guy with ulterior motives like Ye Shenyue.

He invited different girls, of course, they won't all be in one place. What if they quarrel?

So I reserved No. 2 for Teacher Xiaozhu, No. 4 for Origami, No. 3 for Tohka and the others, and No. 1 for my sister. Separate them and defeat them one by one!

"I'm so happy... I feel the hot breath here, as if I'm taking a bath!"

Walking to the women's changing room, the lovely Tohka looked at the hot spring behind the thin curtain with excitement on her face.

"Just start changing clothes and just walk in naked?

Wuhe sister's eyes are going to be straight.Tohka didn't know or did it on purpose... was she showing off her figure?

"It doesn't matter, it's not that Yue hasn't seen it, and he also said that he looks better when he doesn't wear clothes."

Tohka half tilted her head suspiciously and looked at Sister Wuhe with a horrified face.

"That...that lecher, what did he teach you! I can't spare him!"

This time, the remaining sister mode completely disappeared, and the commander mode occupies an absolute dominant position.Lord Commander rushed directly to the men's locker room, and there was only one person in it anyway.

"Bastard! You bastard, you taught Tohka something,"

The men's and women's locker rooms are not very far away, just a few steps away. In addition, Sister Wuhe ran over, so she rushed in front of Yeshenyue and grabbed the clothes on Yeshenyue's chest. Ye Shenyue hasn't changed her clothes yet, so it's not yet a satyr's mode.

Originally, the commander wanted to grab Yeshenyue's collar to lift him up, but he was not tall enough, and he couldn't fly without regaining the power of the elf, so he could only grab the clothes on Yeshenyue's chest, just from the back angle. It doesn't seem like the commander who came to vent is like a coquettish sister, "What to teach her? I didn't teach her anything, she is still very smart, and she learns everything very quickly..."

Ye Shenyue was confused, could it be that Tohka said something amazing again?

There is nothing he can do about this, it is Tohka's natural instinct, as long as he is familiar with it.

"Forget it... Let's not talk about this, since you are here, then follow me!"

Ye Shenyue had already decided that Kotori was frightened by Tohka's natural slack, so she didn't care.

"Follow you?"

Commander Wuhe was a little stunned, and she couldn't keep up with this lecher's thinking.

"Stupid...stupid...suddenly...suddenly undressing!"

Commander Wuhe looked at Ye Shenyue and started undressing without any intention of covering it up. With a blushing face, he turned around, as if he had suddenly changed into a different person. Commander.

"Of course I'm going to the hot spring...My lovely sister, haven't you already changed your bath towel?"

Ye Shenyue shrugged, changed quickly, and grabbed the commander's arm.

"Then what you said followed..."

Commander Wuhe's voice suddenly became a little quieter.

"Of course we are together. Although the reservation is for the No. 3 hot spring, but for you, I still secretly reserved the No. 1 hot spring & don't forget, what I told you before coming here, I want to be alone with you!"

Ye Shenyue directly hugged her little sister's petite body in the form of a princess hug.

"One...together? Only...just the two of us?"

The menacing commander just now really disappeared, and at this moment, only the blushing little sister was left in Ye Shenyue's arms and held by the princess.

"Well. Cute little sister, you can act like a spoiled brat to me at any time!"

Ye Shenyue hugged Qin Li and walked towards the entrance, and without any hesitation, she hugged her sister and walked in directly.

"But...cute?...Sa... coquettish... coquettish..."

The younger sister's face turned red, "Who... who is going to spoil you... who do you think you are... who..."

"Brother, of course it's your brother!"

Eyes full of hot steam, Ye Shenyue walked directly into the wide hot spring and put her sister down.

"Euni sauce?"

The sister cried unconsciously.

On the other side, Tohka is there.

"Lingyin, I saw Yue... Yue is over there, he went there just now... woo... Why do we have to go through this door? He obviously went through that door."

"Tohka is a good boy. Let's go to the No. 3 hot spring first. Don't disturb them. There is a problem with their relationship recently, and they need a time to talk to each other."

However, Reine held Tohka's hand, who wanted to rush in towards the No. 1s, and shook her head at her.


Tohka glanced at Gate 1 angrily, but finally did not go in, she was still a good child.

"Yuejun finally attacked his sister too, she really is a beast... uh..."

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