Evil spirit.

Chapter 0059 Little Crazy Three Let's Kiss

"Yoshino, this swimsuit suits you very well!"

The good thing that should have been continued was disturbed, and it was really impossible to continue. Yagami returned Yoshina to Yoshino, and looked at Yoshina who had already been put on her hand and had recovered functions. The language praised, and after the praise, he quickly went to the changing room where Xiao Kuang San was.

"Thank you...thank you..."

A lovely pink color appeared on Yoshino's face.

"Yoshino, what happened just now?"

After watching Yagami leave, Yoshina opened her big red eyes.

"No... nothing happened..."

Yoshino shook his head, but his face was pink.

"Cut...it must be what happened to that lunatic, Yuejun...I don't know what step he has achieved in such a short time...uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..."

Yoshina sniped unconvincingly. She wanted to continue to say something more powerful~ but she was covered by Yoshino's mouth.

Outside the changing room.Next door is Xiao Kuang San's changing room.

"Meow~~Meow~~" The kitten on the edge of the changing room rubbed against his trousers. This is the "Little San" and Kuang San can take this name. This little white cat is also female, I hope it doesn't look like It's really going to be a junior like its name.

"Little Kuangsan, I'm in?"

The same is just a thin layer of canvas, but inside is the most evil spirit of Kurumi instead of the cute and deceitful Yoshino little loli.

Although the current Xiao Kuang San is also a little loli, but she will become the black and collapsed Jiao Kuang San.They were the same person, and Ye Shenyue didn't dare to care so much. It took every minute and every second to count every step of attacking a mad three.Even now, if you rush in rashly, maybe your favorability will drop.

For the sake of the tens of thousands of mad three, I have to endure this tone!

"Okay~~" Xiao Kuangsan's cute voice came from inside.Ye Shenyue stretched out her hand and directly pulled the corner of the canvas, just pulled a small corner, and immediately put it down without any hesitation.

"What's the matter? It's not that monsters need to be so scared?"

Xiao Kuangsan's voice continued to come out from inside, as if he had been misunderstood and extremely wronged.

"That...forget it...Fight!"

Ye Shenyue put her hand on the canvas again, pulled it away violently, and then quickly entered her body, and then quickly brought the canvas back on. The whole action reached the extreme in less than a second.The speed is so fast that it is like hiding something.

Hidden indeed.

Just a second ago, when Yashenyue opened Kuangsan's canvas for the first time, through the small field of vision she saw, it wasn't the little Kuangsan who was wearing a swimsuit, and what she saw was not yet. The little mad three who changed clothes, but the little mad three who wore nothing!

Could it be... Could this be Kurumi's counter-strategy?

Use Loli's body to seduce him~!

When he saw it for the first time, Ye Shenyue's heart jumped in disappointment, but now when he saw it for the second time, it gave him an even greater impact.

That's a visual shock.

But now, Xiao Kuangsan grabbed the black lace-trimmed Gothic Lolita she was wearing and put it on her chest, covering the important parts even for Lolita. The break-in scene makes people want to bleed their noses.

Covering it doesn't look good, and you can see everything without covering it, but half-covering creates a scene that you can see but can't see, which is more attractive.

It's the same as falling in love, getting married, and being ambiguous.

Passionate love has to consider marriage, marriage has to consider life, but ambiguous and ambiguous do not have to consider anything, it is the most enjoyable and infatuation.

"Could it be that Jun Yue is interested in other people's bodies?"

Xiao Kuang San's red eyes lit up, and seemed to be a little excited. "Or is this immature body already completely attacking you?"

"Want to see it? Look at it a little bit~~" Ye Shenyue nodded unnaturally.

"Want to continue? Want to watch again?"

Kuang San's hand continued to go down, but suddenly it got stuck "If you want to see... then please come by Yue-jun... People will blush if they continue on their own~~" I didn't see you blush at first. !

It's too fake for Xiao Kuangsan to make a shy gesture!

Ye Shenyue continued to complain in her heart, not so much the immature [-]-year-old Kuangsan little loli standing in front of him now, but the Kuangsan who took the initiative to stand on the stairs and reveal her underwear a little bit.

Now that Xiao Kuang San is so bold at such a young age, it is not surprising that the girl Kuang San can do such a thing.

It's true that they are in the same line... No, they are the same person!It is completely the relationship between the primary version and the upgraded version.

"I really want to see it, but..."

Ye Shenyue held down Kurumi's little hand and grabbed her gothic loli outfit that covered her body. Just a little further down could make loli's tenderness show in front of her eyes.

"But what? If you want to see it...then keep going...Huh?"

Did you follow the instructions to attack this Night God Moon?

When Ye Shenyue came to hold her little hand, Xiao Kuangsan felt that she had won, and she won by doing what her main body ordered.

Xiao Kuangsan was happy, but Ye Shenyue did not pull her clothes down but pulled up, covering her.

"I really want to see it, but I want you to show it to me sincerely. You don't do this kind of thing out of your own heart, Xiao Kuangsan, be your true self, you can attack me, as long as you use your true self. You, you who fit the age of eleven, instead of carrying so much of you now."

"Little Kuangsan, I like the real you."

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