"Well, now put on the swimming ring first, then I will grab your feet, my hands will sway regularly and rhythmically, then I will let go of your feet, and finally remove the swimming ring, and when everything is done, it will be Learn to swim."

Ye Shenyue patted Xiao Kuang San's small buttocks, grabbed her feet with Xiao Kuang San's exclamation, and made her start to splash into the water.

"Yue-kun really doesn't have any sentimental feelings~~ That's what the main body said."

Xiao Kuang pursed his lips, but stomped up obediently.

"Does the body say so?"

Don't shirk it to Kuangsan anymore, you are the same person, okay, your thinking patterns are the same!

Ye Shenyue poked at Xiao Kuang San's words.Just as she was about to continue to refute, at this moment, Ye Shenyue felt that she was being pressed tightly from her back.

"Fold... origami?"

It is said that smelling incense knows a woman, but Ye Shenyue has another trick, which is to know a girl.

There are not too many girls in this world who have a close relationship with him, but they are not too few. Tohka is one, Sister Wuhe is one, Murasame Reine is one, and Origami.

At such a time, the only one who can post it so boldly and directly is Tohka, the angry natural stun, the only one who takes the initiative to attack Tobiichi Origami.

Without any thought, Ye Shenyue called out the name directly.

Very familiar name.

ps: In the next chapter, the teaching of sour taste, ask for collection and ask for flowers.

Chapter 0062

Tobiichi Origami, Yagami Yue's classmate, AST fighting against the elites in the elf army, and also the self-proclaimed "girlfriend" of Yagami Yue's default. Today is his date with the elf Kuang San, what is she doing?

At this time, Tobiichi Origami should be tracking and peeping in his old line of work, so why did he appear on the stage?

Still appearing in this way.

He swam out of the water without a sound and stuck directly behind him.

The person behind him posted it even tighter after he called out the name, and the person behind him gave him the answer within a second.


Very light answer.

"I really have a good heart. I just wanted to come to swim and I didn't expect to meet you. It's a coincidence."

Without any uncomfortable expression, without any sign of telling a big lie and blushing, Cao Tobiichi said it in the most stable tone and voice.

"It was indeed a coincidence..."

The corners of Ye Shenyue's mouth couldn't help twitching. I happened to meet your sister by chance. You and Tohka have been following each other all the way. Where did the coincidence come from?

"It's just that now is not the time for you to appear! It's still in the plan to conquer Kuangsan."

Ye Shenyue lowered her voice.The little Kuangsan in front was still stomping on the water, rolling up pieces of water.

Little Kuangsan didn't find it!

"Tonight, take a bath together and I'll wait for you."

Origami didn't answer Yagami's question, but said something confusing to herself, let's take a shower together?

What is this... an invitation?

"Having a bath together is the beginning of liking."

As if he had insight into Yagami's mind, the origami master took the initiative to explain.

Sure enough, she overheard his whispers with Yoshino, and heard the meaning of "like" he explained to Yoshino.

"Uh... Let's talk about it that night. Now I still have a task to teach Xiao Kuangsan to swim. You go back first."

Ye Shenyue didn't even think about giving Origami an expulsion order. Generally speaking, he is obedient to him. Except for thinking about how to push him from time to time, Origami's classmate is still in line with his girlfriend's "submission". Since he has agreed Origami, who had low requirements for "bathing together at night", should have just left obediently.

It's just that he misestimated the complicated heart of Origami, especially when he said the words "teach" and "swimming", Origami's sensitive nerves were touched.

"I do not know."


"I can't swim either."

Ye Shenyue turned her head slightly, facing Origami Jun Wei's blue eyes without a trace of impurities.


"I want you to teach me."

"I want to learn to swim too."

No matter how much Yagami's heart denied her excuse that she "can't swim", the origami master still lied without changing his face.

"What happened to Moon-kun?"

Ye Shenyue couldn't answer for a long time, and Xiao Kuang San, who was still learning the beginner's thud with both hands, suddenly stopped and turned to look at Ye Shenyue with a puzzled expression on her little face.

Ye Shenyue's body is strong enough to block Origami's body behind him, and Xiao Kuangsan is in the same line as Yagami, so of course he can't see the Origami classmate behind him, so when Yagami is because of When Origami suddenly attacked and put down her feet, Kurumi turned around.

"It's nothing...let's keep going...trying to learn to swim."

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